Dear Editor,
I cannot sit back and just let injustices happen as the government takes more and more control of us. I am one of thousands in the U.S. that are working on informing people of what’s going on with Sustainable Development (a U.N. Directive). With New York high on the list of things happening quickly on this Directive, we must stay on top of things.
Regionalism was one of the first steps to control our counties and the way they spend or get monies back from the State. State planning commissions are a major piece to sustainable plans to change our government and implement “their” policies – purely socialistic and a start of tyranny.
Per Mr. John Anthony of Sustainable Freedom Lab, since many of us own our land and can produce property deeds, we feel our rights are safe. When Regionalism is involved, this fatal misunderstanding sets us up to lose property rights, home values, and our way of life by controlling the zoning of our land. It turns zoning decisions over to unelected boards that must comply with requirements of the Federal Grants that paid for the regional plans implementation.
Have you noticed all the activity on promoting bicycle routes? It is all part of it, along with walking trails. More of the monies that were due to Tioga County have gone elsewhere or we have to spend more to receive it. Luckily our County Legislators and some Town Supervisors are right on top of it – my hats off to them.
The EPA will be coming out with new regulations for us to “follow” due to global warming caused by “carbon footprints”. The U.S. contributes 1 percent of a carbon footprint – so don’t punish us for high emissions like China has. Earth is just going through its natural cycle.
We taxpayers are paying the tab for junk science and then getting stuck with regulations, soaring energy bills, lost jobs and reduced living standards based on bogus science. If you have a smart meter on your house, they will start controlling our electrical use.
It surprised me to learn that there are paid lobbyists and fear monikers that have “programmed” many people to believe that fracking will harm all water. With the regulations that have been established for New York it can be done safely and bring a boost to our economy and bring jobs. I challenge anyone to go visit Williamsport, Pa. and see how that area is booming. Do many of you use natural gas to heat your home? Guess where it comes from!
If our current Governor is re-elected, we will all be “herded” towards the city, as we won’t be able to afford rural living. Is this what you want for Tioga County?
Sandy Gumble
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