What’s Happening for the week of Oct. 12, 2014

What’s Happening – send dated church, school, social or non-profit event information (50 words or less) to the Owego Pennysaver, ATTN: Wendy Post, P.O. Box 149, Owego, N.Y. 13827, e-mail wpost@owegopennysaver.com or drop it off at our office, 181-183 Front St., Owego. Space available, your event will appear.
Living Healthy Workshops, Thursdays Oct. 16 to Nov. 20, 9 to 11:30 a.m., Tioga Opportunities, Inc., Department of Aging Conference Room, 9 Sheldon Guile Blvd., Owego. Free!
Free Dinner Every Thursday Night, 6 p.m., Owego United Methodist Church, Main Street, Owego. All are welcome, sponsored by Allied Christians of Tioga.
Wing Night, every Tues. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., VFW Post 1371, 207 Main St., Owego.
Story Time, Wednesdays 10 a.m., (starting Oct. 1), Cady Library, Nichols.
Candor Community Chorus Rehearsals for Christmas Concert, every Sun. 7 p.m., thru Nov. 30, Candor Elementary Choral Room.
American Legion Breakfast beginning Sept. 7, 8 to 11:30 a.m., 263 Front St., Owego. Weekly specials. All are welcome!
Story Hour, every Wednesday, 10:15 a.m., Coburn Free Library, 275 Main St., Owego.
Fiber Arts Club (knitting, crocheting, etc.), every Thursday 6:30 to 8 p.m., Coburn Free Library, 275 Main St., Owego.
Emerging Writers, 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30 to 8 p.m., Coburn Free Library, 275 Main St., Owego.
Mystery Book Club, 4th Thursday of the month, 6:30 to 8 p.m., Coburn Free Library, 275 Main St., Owego.
Monday Afternoon Book Club, 2nd Monday of the month, 1 to 2 p.m., Coburn Free Library, 275 Main St., Owego.
Fish Fry, 1st Friday of every month, 4:30 to 7 p.m., Caroline Center Church, 719 Buffalo Rd., Brooktondale – $10 eat-in or carry out.
Bluegrass Gospel Jam, 2nd Saturday of the Month, 7 to 9 p.m., Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 731 Hooper Rd., Endwell.
Newark Valley LEGO Building Club, meets 1st Wednesday of every month, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Municipal Building’s Noble Room, 9 Park St., Newark Valley. Ages from 5 and up, parents are welcome to stay and create. Free event.
Tioga Center Pancake Breakfast, 2nd Saturday of the month from May through October, 7 to 10 a.m., Ransom Park, Tioga Center. Good will donation.
Community Education Ceramics Classes, Tuesday and Thursday 5:15 to 8 p.m. Candor High School Room 219, Candor, $10/Students K-12, $20/adults, CHS employees/$15. For info call Jodi 768-4072 or email joellenriggsphotography@gmail.com.
Open Studio, 2nd and 4th Thursday, 4 to 7:30 p.m., Tappan Spaulding Library, Newark Valley. Bring your artwork crafts, knitting etc. to work on.
The Valley “Acoustic” Circle, every Monday, 6:30 to 8 p.m., Sayre Christian Church, 427 S. Keystone Ave., Sayre. For info call (570) 886-0006.
Endicott Toastmasters Club Meeting, 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, 6 to 7 p.m., basement of George F. Johnson Library, 1001 Park St., Endicott. For info call 953-9844.
Tioga County Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Directors Meeting, third Wednesday of the month at 9 a.m., Tioga County SWCD office, 183 Corporate Dr., Owego. For questions call 687-3553 or email tcswcd@co.tioga.ny.us.
Bingo every Thursday night except the first Thursday of the month and holidays, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. VFW Post 1371, 207 Main St., Owego.
Newark Valley Senior Citizens Club Dish to Pass Supper & Program, third Thursday of the month, 5 p.m., Newark Valley Fire Station, Route 38, Newark Valley. All men & women 50 or older are invited to join. For questions call Carol 642-5213.
GED (Adult Education) Classes, Tuesday and Thursday 5 to 8 p.m., Candor High School, Academy Street, Candor. For info call Sally 659-5968.
Food Addicts In Recovery Anonymous Weekly Meetings, for information on times and locations call (607) 595-7381, (607) 351-9504 or go to foodaddicts.org.
Owego Dog Owners Group (ODOG) Meeting, 2nd Tuesday of each month, 10:30 a.m., basement at River Row Bookshop, Corner of Lake and Front Street, Owego. Open to everyone!
Owego Rotary Club Luncheon or Breakfast Meeting, noon on Tuesday, Breakfast Meeting 7:30 a.m. Thursday, Treadway Inn, Route 17C, Owego. For more information call President Jack at 687-3937.

Quilting Classes, Mondays at 1 p.m., FCF Church, 27 Beach Rd., Apalachin. $7/session, for information call (570) 623-4402.
Sweet Adelines Carousel Harmony Chorus Rehearsal, Tuesdays, 7 p.m., Calvary United Methodist Church, 3505 Vestal Pkwy. East, Vestal. For info call Linda 669-4233 or go to carouselharmony.org.
Be Creative at Van Etten Library, every other Wednesday, 1 to 3 p.m., Van Etten Library, 83 Main St., Van Etten. For info call 589-4755 ext. 3.
American Red Cross Blood Drives, Call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit redcrossblood.org for dates, times and locations.
Write Now Writers Group, 1st Wednesday of the Month, 7 to 9 p.m., Candor Free Library, corner of Bank Street & Main Street, Candor. For more information call Carol 659-7661 or email carolhenry@frontiernet.net.
Library Story Hour, Tuesdays 10:15 a.m., Candor Free Library, Bank Street, Candor.
Candor Town Board Meeting, 2nd Tuesday of the month, review and sign vouchers 6:30 p.m., meeting begins at 7 p.m., Candor Town Hall, Route 96B, Candor.
Open Hearts Dinner, every Wednesday 5 to 6:30 p.m., McKendree UMC, 224 Owego St., Candor.
Candor Fire District Regular Meetings, 2nd and Last Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., Candor Fire Station, 74 Owego Rd., Candor. For more info call Tim 659-3341.
Village of Candor Board Meeting, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6:30 p.m., Candor Village Hall, Main Street, Candor.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly “TOPS” Meeting, every Thursday, 6 p.m., Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church, 17 Main St., Candor.
TOPS Chapter 418, every Friday 10 a.m., Calvary United Methodist Church, 3505 Vestal Parkway West, Vestal. For questions call Barbara 748-3443.
TOPS Chapter 306 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), every Thursday, Weigh-in starts 5:45 p.m., Meeting 6:30 p.m., Union Presbyterian Church, 200 East Main St., Endicott. For information call 754-6913.
TOPS-Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Saturdays 7 a.m., Van Etten Town Hall, Van Etten. For info call Ruth 589-4515 or Judy 972-1092.
Friends of the Library Meeting, last Thursday of the month, downstairs meeting room. Candor Free Library, Bank Street, Candor.
Candor Free Library Board of Trustees Meeting, 1st Wednesday of the month (except for July & August), 6 p.m., Candor Free Library, Corner of Bank & Main Street, Candor. For more info call Sue 659-3022 or email candorwriter@yahoo.com.
Newark Valley Food Pantry, Tuesdays or Thursdays 3 to 4 p.m., Senior Pantry every 2nd Wednesday 10 to 11 a.m., Methodist Church Ministry Center, Newark Valley. For information call 642-8287 or 642-3414. Open to people in the 13811 area.
The Clothing Center, Tuesday 10 a.m. to Noon, Wednesday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Central United Methodist Church, 17 Nanticoke Ave., Endicott. Free clothing and various items, they also accept donations. For questions call MaryAnn 786-9040.
Candor MOPS (for moms of infants through kindergarten age), 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month, Candor Congregational Church parsonage, Main Street, Candor. For info call Maryalice 659-5191.
Constitution Chat, 2nd Thursday of every month, 7 p.m., Candor Congregational Church, Main Street, Candor. For questions call Melvin 659-4785.
Candor Valley Riders Snowmobile Club Meeting, 7 p.m., 1st Wednesday of the month from April through Aug., 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month from Sept. to March, Candor Ambulance Garage, 58 Main St., Candor. No meeting month of July.
Candor Valley Riders Snowmobile Club Pancake Breakfast, 2nd Sat. of the month from Oct through March, 8 to 10 a.m., Beebe Sap House, Route 96, Candor. Good will donation appreciated.
OCTOBER 10 to 18
Lounsberry Food Pantry Sign ups for Thanksgiving Food Boxes. To sign up call (607) 687-0442. Please leave name and phone number.
OCTOBER 10, 11 & 12
Candor Fall Festival, Businesses throughout Candor will sponsor open houses, bake sales, dinners, yard sales and more! For info call Hope 659-5213 or email hvanscoy@frontier.net or go to candornychamber.org.
Genealogy Clinic “Getting Started”, 11:30 a.m., TCHS Museum, 110 Front St., Owego. $10 per clinic, $7 TCHS members, $35 for all 4 clinics. To register call 687-2460.
OCTOBER 11 & 12
Apples & Pumpkins Harvest Celebration, Sat. 12 to 8 p.m., Sun. 1 to 8 p.m., The FarmHouse Brewery LLC, 2 Whig St., Newark Valley. For info go to thefarmhousebrewery.com or call 227-0638.
Nichols UMC Service, 10 a.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Volunteer Recognition Dish to Pass, 11:30 a.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Gospel Chapel Evening Service, 6:30 p.m., 203 North Ave., Owego. For info call 687-4954.
New England Style Contradance, 4 to 7 pm., Tioga Trails Café, corner of Lake & Main Streets, Owego. $7/person, $5/students & seniors (55+), $15/family maximum. For info call Stu 687-4034, April 687-7195 or go to dance.clarityconnect.com/owegocontra.html.
Quilting Group, 10 a.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Just for Men Support Group, 7 p.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Columbus Day Fun Day, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Owego Gymnastics & Activity Center, 748 St. Rte. 38, Owego. $30 per child (must be 5 or older), for info call 687-2458 or go to OwegoGymnastics.com.
Columbus Day Munchkin Day for 3 and 4 year olds, 9 a.m. to Noon, Owego Gymnastics & Activity Center, 748 St. Rte. 38, Owego. $15 per child, children should bring a snack and drinks. For info call 687-2458 or go to OwegoGymnastics.com.
Tioga County Finance/Legal Safety Meeting, 10 a.m., County Office Building, 56 Main St., Owego.
Tioga County Legislature Tenth Regular Meeting of 2014, 12 p.m., Edward D. Hubbard Auditorium, 56 Main St., Owego.
Solutions for Fitness in a Busy World by Kevin Webb, 7 p.m., Apalachin Library, Main Street, Apalachin.
Nichols UMC Choir Rehearsal, 6:45 p.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Free Energy Saving Workshop, noon to 2 p.m., Tioga CCE Office, 56 Main St., Owego. To register or for more info call 687-4020.
Free Citizen Preparedness Training, 8 a.m., Genegantslet Golf Club, 686 Rte.12, Greene.
Book of Mark Bible Study, 1 p.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Free Will Supper Among Friends, begins at 4:30 p.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Friends of ACS, Bradford County, 6 to 8 p.m., Hampton Inn, 3080 N. Elmira St., Sayre, Pa. RSVP by Oct. 9 by calling (570) 596-2200 or by email to jsmithreese@animalcaresanctuary.org.
Clothes Clubhouse for Kids for children in the Tioga Central School District, 3 to 5 p.m., Tioga Center United Methodist Church, 3022 Ste. Rt. 17C, Tioga Center. For info call Carol 687-4793 or Kathy 687-3745.
Candor Central School Board of Education Regular Meeting, 7 p.m., High School Library Media Center, Candor.
Free Energy Saving Workshop, 4 to 6 p.m., Family Resource Center, 374 Broad St., Waverly. To register or for more info call 687-4020.
Paying for College/Financial Aid Seminar, 6:30 to 8 p.m., Visions Federal Credit Union Center, 3301 Country Club Rd., Endwell. For reservations call 800-242-2120 ext. 10809
OCTOBER 16 & 18
Auditions for A Christmas Story, Oct. 16 at beginning at 6:30 p.m., Oct. 18 beginning at 10 a.m., Ti-Ahwaga Community Players, Delphine Street, Owego. Prepare a short monologue, call 687-2130 to schedule an appointment.
Dress for Hope Event to Benefit A New Hope Center, 6 to 10 p.m., Tioga Downs Casino, Nichols. Wear your little black dress or purple tie for Domestic Violence. Tickets are $35 (for ages 21 & over only), includes buffet dinner, non-alcoholic beverage & $10 free play, live music by Messy Truth. Deadline to purchase tickets is Oct. 10. Go to DemocraticWomenofTiogaCounty.com or call 321-4925.
Chicken & Biscuits, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., VFW Post 1371, 207 Main St., Owego. Regular menu also available.
Concert with the Beddoe’s (Sacred & Secular Tunes), 7 p.m., Memorial Park Baptist Church, 1013 Front St., Vestal. For more info call 785-3757.
Mason Warrington Dance, 8 to 11 p.m., Knights of Columbus, 136 Park Ave., Binghamton. $11/USA Dance members, $13/non-members. For info call 724-5306.
Edward Lee Arrington Memorial Park Project Dinner, 4 to 8 p.m., First Baptist Church, 228 Main St., Owego. $10/person, Indian, Caribbean & Pan-African dishes. For tickets or info call 687-4457 or email KathyeEA@stny.rr.com.
Soup & Salad Supper, begins at 4:30 p.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Marionette Show, 2 p.m., Van Etten Library, 83 Main St., Van Etten.
Craft Fair, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Endwell Fire Station, 3508 Country Club Rd., Endwell.
“Tapping for the Tower”, 5 to 9 p.m., 191 McMaster St., Owego. Cost is donation but $20 is recommended. Food and live entertainment. For tickets go to owegofire.org/tappingtower.html.
Genealogy Clinic “Local Resources”, 10 to 11:30 a.m., Tioga County Historical Museum, 110 Front St., Owego. $10/clinic, $7/TCHS Members, $35 for all 4 Clinics, $25/TCHS Members. Reservations required, call 687-2460.
Fall Rabies Clinic, 10 a.m. to Noon, Athens Township Building, corner of Elmira & Herrick Avenue, Athens, $6 for vaccination.
Marionette Show, 2 p.m., Van Etten Library, 83 Main St., Van Etten.
FREE Lego Movie, 7 p.m., Fellowship Hall of the Apalachin United Methodist Church, 303 Pennsylvania Ave., Apalachin. There will also be a coat and/or book give-away.
Wacky Science at the Coburn Library, 2 to 3:30 p.m., 275 Main St., Owego. To register call 687-3520, best for children in 3rd to 5th grades.
Garden Tractor Pull, Weigh in 11 a.m., Pulls start at noon, North Barton Grange, 1363 Ellis Creek Rd., Waverly. Free admission.
Wilawana Dish to Pass Dinner, 5:30 p.m., Wilawana Community Hall, 1192 Wilawana Rd., Sayre, Pa.
Zion Lutheran School Open House and Chicken & Biscuit Dinner, Open House 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Dinner 4:40 to 7 p.m., 17C West, Owego. Free will offering.
Hal Holbrook in Mark Twain Tonight, 7 p.m., Clemens Center, Downtown Elmira. Tickets: $45/$35/$25, call (607) 734-8191, 800-724-0159 or go to clemenscenter.com.
Polish Dinner, noon to 1:30 p.m., St. John the Evangelist Church, Rock Street, Newark Valley. Donation: $7.50 advance tickets, $8 at the door. For tickets call 687-1068.
Laity Sunday, 10 a.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Halloween Antiques / Collectibles Market, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Owego Elks Emporium, 223 Front St., Owego. Fall dealers contact Barb 372-2478. Free admission & parking!
The Madrigal Choir of Binghamton presents “How Can I Keep From Singing?” Concert, 3 p.m., United Presbyterian Church, 42 Chenango St., Binghamton. $18/adults, $13/seniors, $5/students, for info go to madrigalchoir.com or call 217-4110.
Pancake Breakfast, 8 to 11:30 a.m., Campville Fire Station, 6153 Rte. 17C, Campville. Freewill offering.
The Finger Lakes Finns Dish to Pass Dinner, Program & Business Meeting, 1 p.m., Newfield Fire Hall, 77 Main St. Newfield. All are welcome.
Broome County Federation of Sportsman’s Clubs Inc., 7 p.m., American Legion Post 1305, 820 Lower Stella Ireland Rd., Binghamton. For info call Daryall 775-2146 after 4 p.m. or Bill 797-6670.
Quilting Group, 10 a.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Just for Men Support Group, 7 p.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Broome County Federation of Sportsman’s Clubs Inc. Meeting, 7 p.m., American Legion Post 1305, Lower Stella Ireland Rd., Binghamton. For info call Daryall 775-2146 after 4 p.m., or Bill 797-6670.
OCTOBER 20 & 21
AARP Driver Safety Class, 1 to 4 p.m., Waverly United Methodist Church, Waverly. $20/AARP members, $25/non-members.
Speaker Rick Marsi at Susquehanna Valley Audubon Society’s Meeting & Dish to Pass Dinner, 6 p.m. Dinner, Program begins 7:30 p.m., Page Manor Community Room, 502 Church St., Athens. For more info call Inga 731-4396 or go to susquehannavalleyaudubon.org.
Top Ten Tips for Excellent Health by Aaron Lambert, 7 p.m., Apalachin Library, Main Street, Apalachin.
Nichols UMC Choir Rehearsal, 6:45 p.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Book of Mark Bible Study, 1 p.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Tioga County 2nd Legislative Workshop, 10 a.m., County Office Building, 56 Main St., Owego.
Candor Seniors Meeting & Dish to Pass Lunch, noon, United Methodist Church, Route 96, Candor. Special Speaker Neil Zimmer.
Meatloaf Dinner, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., VFW Post 1371, 207 Main St., Owego. $10/person, regular menu also available.
Stuffed Pork Loin & Sliced Turkey Breast Harvest & Harmony Dinner & Auction, 6:30 p.m., Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, 701 West Main St., Endicott. $30/person, advance tickets only. Make Reservations by Oct. 17, call 754-2660.
OCTOBER 24 & 25
New York State African Violet Convention & Show, Commercial Room Open to Public Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Show Room Open to Public Friday 12 to 5 p.m, Owego Treadway Inn, Route 17C, Owego. Free admission.
Blue Velvet Dance, 7 to 10:30 p.m., Brother’s Two, Watson Blvd., Endwell. $8 USA Dance members, $10 non-members. For info call 775-5654.
Zombie Fest, downtown Owego, 2 to 8 p.m. Free event with entertainment by Wreckless Marci, Recycled Zombies, and guest Highline. Get your Zombie on, games hosted by Tioga United Way, dance performance by TADA, and zombie walk led by Owego Gymnastics. Tioga Theater will also be projecting original Night of the Living Dead movie off building, and much more. For more information, Like Owego Zombie Fest on Facebook.
Brazieres for Hope, 1 to 6:30 p.m., Silent Auction 1 to 4 p.m., Vestal Elks Lodge, 2071 Vestal Pkwy. W., Vestal. For info call Teri 625-2558 or email teribower@hotmail.com.
Fall Cleanup of Buildings & Grounds, 8 a.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
11th Annual Drumbeats, 1 p.m., Susquehanna River Archaeological Center, 345 Broad St., Waverly. Event is free, everyone welcome!
Owego Elks Halloween Party, 7 to 11 p.m., 223 Front St., Owego. Tickets are $10, call 687-1039, or Dan 687-7865. No one under 21 will be allowed for this event.
Genealogy Clinic “Getting Organized”, 10 to 11:30 a.m., Tioga County Historical Museum, 110 Front St., Owego. $10/clinic, $7/TCHS Members, $35 for all 4 Clinics/$25/TCHS Members. Reservations required, call 687-2460.
Turkey Dinner, 5 p.m., East Berkshire United Methodist Church, Berkshire. Freewill offering.
Harvest Dinner, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall of Apalachin United Methodist Church, 303 Pennsylvania Ave., Apalachin. For ticket prices call 625-2733, take-outs available.
Foxtrot & Waltz Workshop, 12 to 2 p.m., Broome West Senior Center, 2801 Wayne St., Endwell. USA Dance members $20, $25 at the door. Non-members $25, $30 at the door, Students $18. For info call 729-4346.
Order of St. Luke Healing Mission with Rev. Dr. William DeArteaga, Registration 8:30 a.m., 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., St. Andrew’s Church, 400 W. Wendell St., Endicott. Free lunch, 2:30 Healing Worship, for info go to standrewsendicott.org.
OCTOBER 25 & 26
Dennis Gwizdala Concert, Oct 25 at 6 p.m. Pre-concert Spaghetti Dinner, Concert on Saturday at 7 p.m., Sunday at 6 p.m., St. John’s United Methodist Church, 207 Broad St., Waverly. For more info call 570-673-5860 or 607-565-4522 or visit dennisgwizdala.com.
Pancake Breakfast, 8 to 11 a.m., Van Etten Fire Station, 2 Hixon St., Van Etten.
Worship Service, 10 a.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Cantata Rehearsal, 2 p.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Pork Chop BBQ with Salt Potatoes, 11 a.m., VFW Post 1371, 207 Main St., Owego. $9/person, presale tickets available at the VFW.
Halloween Party, 2 to 4 p.m., Community Fire & Rescue, 321 St. Rte. 224, Van Etten. Costume Contest (all ages) Witch Hat Toss and more!
Quilting Group, 10 a.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Just for Men Support Group, 7 p.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Free Energy Saving Workshop, 4 to 6 p.m., Tioga CCE Office, 56 Main St., Owego. To register or for more info call 687-4020.
Massage Therapy: The Power of Touch by Lynne Schopf, LMT & Heidi Eckerson, LMT, 7 p.m., Apalachin Library, Main Street, Apalachin.
Nichols UMC Choir Rehearsal, 6:45 p.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
Mobile Food Pantry Food Distribution, 1 p.m., St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church parking lot, 110 Pennsylvania Ave., Apalachin. Bring own bags or boxes. For questions call 796-6061.
51st Annual Apalachin Resident’s Senior Citizen Dinner, 5:50 to 8:30 p.m., Donoli’s Restaurant Banquet Room, Route 434, Apalachin. Traditional Thanksgiving meal and entertainment. For info call Dick 748-0857 or Donald 687-0965.
Tioga County Health Department Emergency Preparedness Practice, 5 to 7 p.m., Owego Free Academy High School, 1 Sheldon Guile Blvd., Owego. For more info call 687-8618.
Van Etten Library Halloween Party, 5:30 p.m., 83 Main St., Van Etten. Recommended for ages 4 to 10.
Book of Mark Bible Study, 1 p.m., Nichols United Methodist Church, 59 Main St., Nichols.
2nd Annual Trunk R Treat, 5:30 to 8 p.m., Allen Memorial Baptist Church, Candor. Free candy, food, drinks & Fun!
Genealogy Clinic “Using the Internet”, 10 to 11:30 a.m., Tioga County Historical Museum, 110 Front St., Owego. $10/clinic, $7/TCHS Members, $35 for all 4 Clinics, $25/TCHS Members. Reservations required, call 687-2460.
12th Annual Holiday Fair Expo & Chicken BBQ, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., BBQ Noon till gone, Newark Valley Fire Department Hall, 7151 Route 38, Newark Valley. For more info call Kat 237-9477.
Union-Endicott Office Personnel Association Craft Show, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Jennie F. Snapp Middle School, 101 Loder Ave., Endicott.
Paddle Party, Preview starts at 12 p.m., Bidding starts at 1 p.m., Nichols American Legion Post 1624, 1 Dean St., Nichols.
Bone Health: It’s Much More Than Calcium & Vitamin D by Aaron Lambert, 7 p.m., Apalachin Library, Main Street, Apalachin.
Chicken & Biscuit Dinner, 5 p.m. until gone, Berkshire Fire Department, 12515 St. Rte. 38, Berkshire. $8/adults, $7/seniors(55+), $5 ages 6-11, carry outs available.
Samba Classes, 7 to 8:30 p.m., Broome West Senior Center, 2801 Wayne Ave., Endwell. Pre-registration required for 3 week series Nov. 6, 13 and 20, $30/USA Dance members, $35/non-members. Walk in $12/class. For info call 729-4346.
Men’s Conference “Passing on the Faith”, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 731 Hooper Rd., Endwell. $15 (lunch included) Students are free.
“The Future of Susquehanna Valley Railroads” presentation by John Goodnough, 1 to 2 p.m., Vestal Museum, 328 Vestal Pkwy., East, Vestal.
Holiday Pie/Bake Sale, Soup Luncheon, White Elephants, Bazaar, Holiday Ornament Give-Away, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Luncheon 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church, 17 Main St., Candor.
Toast to Tioga, 5 to 9 p.m., Tioga Arts council, 179 Front St., Owego. For more info go to tiogartscouncil.org or call 687-0785.
Pilgrim’s Celebration, Saturday 12 to 8 p.m., Sun. 1 to 8 p.m., The Farm House Brewery, LLC, 2 Whig St., Newark Valley. For info go to thefarmhousebrewery.com or call 227-0638.
Rootin-Tootin Benefit for Dale (Corbin) & Ron Wheeland, 1 to 5 p.m., Owego Elks Club, Front Street, Owego. Grub, music & raffles!

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