The Candor Fall Festival of Events, sponsored by the Candor Chamber of Commerce is scheduled for Oct. 10 through Oct. 12, and takes place at various locations around town. Brochures are currently available at a number of locations in Candor, including, Tioga State Bank, Iron Kettle Farm, Candor Market, Candor Town Hall, Candor Free Library, Power and Paddle, and will be available at the event locations during the Festival.
Mix in scarecrows, quilts, woodcarvings, baked goods, book sales, tours, yard sales, and a variety of other great experiences and you have the 2014 Candor Fall Festival.
The third annual scarecrow contest is already in progress. The contest is open to all Candor residents and organizations. For further information contact Hope VanScoy at (607) 659-5213, email to, or visit the Candor Chamber of Commerce website at or the Chamber’s Facebook page.
Businesses and organizations throughout Candor will sponsor open houses, bake sales, a community sing, antiques, yard sales, dinners, special sales and more.
The 19th annual quilt show will be at the EMS Building on Main Street and the popular woodcarvers show will be at the Candor Fire Station on Owego Road. Other popular events include the Iron Kettle Farm Spooktacular Display, goat farm tours and goat cheese at Side Hill Acres Goat Farm, wine tasting, antiques, crafts, an atlatl contest, open houses and much more.
Businesses and organizations participating include Tioga State Bank, Millpond Antiques, Route 96 Power & Paddle, Two Hoots Flowers and Gifts, the American Legion Post, the Candor Chamber of Commerce, the Candor Free Library, Pucky Huddle Delight, Side Hill Acres Goat Farm, Warner’s Stoker Stoves, Iron Kettle Farm, Thunderbird Atlatl, Punk’s Place, the Candor Congregational Church, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, the Candor Free Library, Candor Youth Association, New Quilters on the Block, Catatonk Valley Woodcarvers, Candor Market, Main Street Spirits, and the Candor Valley Riders Snowmobile Club.
In addition, Fay’s Fitness is having an Open House with free ‘start now’ Tour and Fitness Consultations on Saturday, Oct. 11. Stop in anytime from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fay’s Fitness is located at 41 Owego Rd. (Route 96B) on the corner of Simcoe Road. For more information, contact Barb Fay by calling (607) 659-4818, email to, or visit www.facebook/faysfitness.
The Candor Historical Society is holding their Annual Bake Sale and Flea Market on Saturday, Oct. 11, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Candor Masonic Lodge on Route 96B. Donations of items (no clothes) are welcome and can be dropped off on Friday, Oct. 10 starting at 1 p.m., or contact Milt Dougherty to make other arrangements. Donations of Baked Goods are encouraged and should be dropped off on Saturday morning, starting at 8 a.m. For more information, contact Milt Dougherty by email to, or by calling (607) 659-7357.
Also browse through Carol Henry’s Books – a blend of Candor History Books, American Historic Novel, and Contemporary Romantic Suspense books. Carol Henry will hold a book signing at the Candor Masonic Lodge in conjunction with the Candor Historical Society’s event on Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Her book, Ribbons of Steel, is based on the 1877 Rail Road Strike, and depicts Candor in the early years. There will also be a door prize drawing.
Enjoy Wine and Romance at Main Street Spirits (must be over 21 to participate). This event will offer a blend of special discounted wines and a selection of Candor History Books, American Historic Novel (depicts Candor in the early years), and Romantic Suspense Novels. Carol Henry will be on hand Friday evening, Oct. 10, from 6 to 9 p.m. to autograph books. Her latest novel, Juelle’s Legacy, was chosen by The Wild Rose Press to jump-start a new series called Lobster Cove – set in Maine. The book was released in August and has already made a great impact in the Lobster Cove Series. But don’t miss the adventure, Rio Connection, part of her ‘Connection’ Romantic Suspense series, was also released in August – another 5-Star review on Amazon. Come in and check them out, and pick up some wine while you’re at it. Chocolates and door prizes will be up for grabs. For more information, email to, call (607) 659-7661), or email Teresa at
The Bread of Life Food Pantry will be hosting “How far can you kick a can?” The Candor Bread of Life Food Pantry is holding a Kick the Can competition behind the Candor Fire Station during the Candor Fall Festival on Oct. 11 and 12. The nominal fee of 25 cents for ages four and under, $1.00 for age five to 12, and $2.00 for adults goes to support the Food Pantry. The competition takes place starting at 10 a.m. There will be a 50/50 drawing as well. Winners will be announced on Oct. 12 at 1 p.m. Participants do not need to be present to win. For more information, contact Linda Wintermute by email to
The Village Chapel will offer that caffeine push to help guests through Candor’s Fall Festival of Events. Stop by the Village Chapel on Lower Main Street in Candor between 9 a.m. and noon on Saturday, Oct. 11 and get in the up-lifting spirit for the day. The congregation is providing coffee and homemade donuts, so stop in, refresh, visit, and gear up for the day. For more information contact Butch and Brenda Quick by email to
Love art? Attend this special one time event not to be missed! Local artist Kay Stash will be holding an Art Show at her home on Kinney Street on Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Kay not only paints the walls in her entire house, she draws entire scenes on the walls and changes the scenery often.
Purple Lightning, a new drum line band based in Candor, under the direction of Wendee Buchmann Peake, will be making “Lightning Strike” performances at many of the various Candor Fall Festival locations between noon and 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 11. Locations include the fire hall, the Village gazebo, the American Legion, and at the ball field. Contact Wendee Peake at (607) 659-4640 for more information.
And don’t forget to stop by the Catatonk Valley Woodcarvers Show, the weekend’s main event on Saturday and Sunday. Enter to win one of their hand-carved prizes, including their major drawing – a compilation of hand-carved, etched drawings by various woodcarvers of historic locations in the area, mounted into a frame, similar to a quilted wall hanging. Other door prizes, raffles and plenty of food options abound around the Candor Community Oct. 10 through Oct. 12, including the finale – an Ice Cream Social at the Congregational Church on Sunday afternoon.
Check out the event brochures which are available throughout Candor or check out the Chamber website at
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