Gail’s Tails

Gail’s TailsPictured is Jupiter. Photo provided.

Happy Holidays, everyone! My name is Jupiter, like the planet. There were five of us to start back when Gail rescued us in the spring of 2022. Josie and Jessibel were adopted by the same family, and now there are three of us left.

My brothers are Jinx and Java. We have been waiting a long time to find a home. Gail has tried her best by taking us to Tractor Supply so people could meet us. They say what a pretty kitty I am, but no one wants to take me home.

Do you want a new kitty for Christmas? I like other cats. I don’t know about dogs. I just had my shots updated, so I am ready to come to your house.

Please call Gail at (607) 689-3033 to adopt me, and perhaps Jinx as well? You can help us by donating your cans to the Redemption Center in Owego.

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