You may call The Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.
Those who donate only the items requested to the St. Pauly Textile shed at St. Margaret Mary Church are very much appreciated. However, those who drop off unwanted items are, in effect, stealing from the organization who must then bear the expense of disposing of them, and they benefit no one. These items could have been taken to several places, e.g. a library, the Salvation Army, or Open Door Mission where they could have benefitted many. Please refer to the list of requested items and donate ONLY those items. THANK YOU!
Can we get more police patrolling Willseyville in the morning? The way that some drivers are passing on double lines, tailgating and speeding is ridiculous. It’s making it very unsafe for other drivers and school buses.
65MPH on Pennsylvania Avenue in Apalachin is a great idea, 55 is way too slow.
Regarding stray cats, please don’t feed stray cats. People who leave food out, including leftover table food, are attracting predators, and then will shoot the predators. Bad for everyone. Stray cats can live on a diet they can find in the wild to include mice and birds. Cats are obligate carnivores. If you’re leaving out bowls of milk you are wasting milk and wasting money. Cats do not need dairy. Cheap bagged cat food is also terrible for cats as it is mostly corn, which is another food cats don’t need. If you must feed them, canned cat food is best, but not at the expense of local wildlife. If you feel responsible for strays, the best thing to do is trap, spay/neuter, then release, or talk to a vet.
Found. Commemorative service type “coin”. Found at Owego Little League fields under a tree. Text and describe to get it back! Text only please to (607) 972-5594.
Ah ha! At last we arrive at the heart of the code enforcement issue! If you are a normal, decent human being who likes clean, safe, sanitary conditions to live in and has a modicum of pride in themselves, their belongings and their accomplishments in life, your property taxes are higher! Did you vote for the people who enacted and perpetrated the admittedly ridiculous taxes around here? Are you doing anything to change the situation besides huff in this column? I suggest YOU be the one to move to a state with lower property tax rates. Good luck! I have been in over half of the 50 states, none of which look kindly on slovenly, unsafe conditions, no matter what the tax structure is. Newsflash – no decent person wants to live next to a garbage dump; if YOU do decide to move, I doubt, from the sounds of it, you’d have an easy time finding someone that is willing to pay you $300,000 to live near an eyesore.
I just want to say that between the Village of Newark Valley, Town of Newark Valley, Tioga County, and the Newark Valley Central School, QUIT RAISING OUR TAXES AND GET YOUR SPENDING UNDER CONTROL! Out of my income you’re taking about 10%. You all need to spend more time on reducing our burden of taxing us! Spend more time on coming up with ways to spend less instead of taxing more!
I am a lifelong cat lover and I would like to make a plea to other cat owners out there. Please, please keep your cats safe by keeping them indoors. It’s the only safe place for them. Several times while driving on Route 38 I have seen two beautiful calicos playing and crossing the road. So scary. I’m so afraid they will be hit by a car. If they are kept indoors they also will not be annoying their neighbors by using flowers for their litter bed. There have been many calls about that.
Last week’s reader opinion concerning the Ladder factory demolition funding is not factual. Nowhere near factual. The government will respond to citizen misunderstandings at their village meetings on the second Tuesday of every month. Let me see if some person will attend and ask questions, and then they will get an answer in a professional and respectful way.
This is to the person that has the $300,000 house. I’m glad you do, and I hope you get taxed for that very well. I wouldn’t care if my neighbor had tractors and cars in their yard only, but it’s the other garbage that brings in rats, rodents, and maybe bears and things like that. That’s the problem. Junk tractors, hey they can be decorated, painted a little bit, and it’s an ornament for the yard. It’s the junk and garbage that could attract things that you don’t want in your yard and home. So I hope your $300,000 house is doing you well and also paying your taxes. I’m sure whatever town you’re in they could always use the taxes. So have a good day.
I was wondering when they are going to pave Route 34 East from Chemung Street in Waverly. You could lose your teeth driving through there.
Is there anyone out there I can hire to weed flower gardens? Call (607) 642-3403.
This has got to be a real eye-opener for all those people who are part of the dream green machine electricity generated by solar, there’s only 3%, and wind, there’s 1%. Hate to tell you folks, but you’re not going to make it.
We have had a motocross race for the last couple of years, which is noisy, I’ve never complained about that. It was fairly well run. This year it had outgrown itself. I could not get past some of the cars going in and out. Brown Road turned into a one lane muddy road. Kids were riding their bikes everywhere, which I love seeing kids on bikes but when they’re riding in and out of cars, I don’t want to hit them, I’m terrified of that. No helmets on their heads. The whole thing was just out of control and I do not understand how Berkshire allows that. People could not get down the road and the road has been left a mess.
Is it illegal to throw grass clippings into the road? They should be fined or given a notice not to do this. They could blow them back into their yard. This is very hazardous to the cars and motorcycles going on the road.
Our great neighbors have so-called free-range chickens that roam all over their lawn, as well as all of the neighbors’ lawns. Please keep them in your own yard. They have dug up our mulch and flowers and pooped all over my newly done driveway. Our money was not well spent.
I’d like to thank Tioga Cemetery In Owego for trying to improve the condition of the roads throughout the cemetery. Unfortunately, with the recent rains, it’s kind of back to a muddy mess, but it was a good attempt.
The dead do not know anything. Christians do not go to heaven until Jesus comes again.
The homeless need to move on. Too much has been stolen from our residential properties and our merchants. They’re leaving their trash, even after being provided dumpsters. If the officials aren’t willing to help the taxpayers, they need to step down. Something needs to be done.
Free air conditioner. Looks rough. Works great. Please respond to this column.
To the person speeding down Brown Road, you killed my Mama Cat. You did it deliberately, and you better knock it off! You don’t live on this road. Stay off this road! You’re hitting all the animals because you don’t like animals. Well, let me tell you something, I don’t like people that kill animals either.
I’m looking for somebody who will trim my hedges in the Candor area. Please leave your number in this column. I appreciate it.
Since the Owego village board is going to steamroll ahead with a new skate park, I would challenge them to let us know how much the final bill is going to be for it. I bet you they won’t let anyone know how much that is going to be.
National Political Viewpoints
“Well, speaking of the former president; according to a new report, Trump’s attorneys found classified documents in his bedroom four months after the F.B.I. searched Mar-a-Lago. The lawyers knew Trump was hiding something when they saw a box labeled ‘books.’” — Jimmy Fallon
Thanks for destroying the planet Biden. Consider this when you vote. Food inflation since Biden took office is 30% when not fudged by the Biden Administration. Food packaging material pollution has increased roughly 240%, depending on the shape of the container or how low the filling. You pay for more packaging, rather than for food. Thanks Biden. Let’s buy EVs and tax carbon to save the planet. Stupid, Stupid, Stupider, and Stupidest.
People need to understand the difference between being pro-Palestinian and being anti-Semitic before laying judgment on people who have the right to peacefully protest. The stupidity of the average person on this issue is astounding.
President Joe Biden vowed to make homes more affordable when he said, “My administration is also eliminating title insurance on federally backed mortgages.” As a throwaway line, it’s easy to applaud. But even a small look at the details reveals a dangerous plan that will leave New York homebuyers in a much more vulnerable position. The facts are clear: Home buyer Title Insurance is essential to protecting homeowners and their most important investment both during the initial purchase of a home and refinancing. It exists for a reason. Without a title insurance policy, homeowners can find themselves fighting for their property over issues they never knew existed.
Democrats have to get a reality check on voting for Biden. As it stands, his next term will cover his age from 82 – 86. Biden’s ability to be coherent is failing now. Biden’s work day in the White House now averages 30 hours per week; 46% of the time he is at one of his homes in Maryland. If one can justify that, you then need to consider that the odds of his ability to serve four years are slim to none. Can you honestly say Kamala Harris would be capable of making decisions on our economy and more importantly our military in the chaos of what is going on around the world without jeopardizing our country to be in a war on our soil? And that’s the reality. If you vote for Biden for president, you will be getting a BOGO president.
I wonder if they’re going to drug test Biden before the debates, because it’s obvious he was on something before the State of the Union address. Maybe it was only four or five Red Bulls. I don’t know, just for fun, drug test him. The guy can’t speak normally.
Isn’t this something people? Chris Cuomo has revealed he is suffering from a health condition due to the COVID vaccine and they’re still firing people for not having it. I say that’s their mission, to kill as many as they can. A lot of people sit there thinking the government is not like that. Keep thinking that. I wouldn’t trust anyone in that government, from the top to the bottom. They’re all corrupt. All they care about is money and power. That’s it.
So under Democratic leadership, undocumented criminals are allowed to attack police officers and then get released on bail. This is the Democrat’s law and order. It needs to end right now.
Just to clarify a little bit, protests that have been going on are not anti-Jewish; they are against the Israeli government and its horrible magnets, including starvation. If you back this government, you are the problem. I don’t necessarily back Palestine either, but no population needs to be starved out of existence, and forced to move. It’s a big world; learn to live together.
It blows my mind, all these people who are so enamored with Trump. Put on your listening ears. Listen to what he says and how he says it. It’s a circus watching him on TV. It really is! He’s not loyal to anybody. He will turn against everybody. I just don’t understand it. I can’t understand how people can actually like this person when they see how he is and how he talks. It just blows my mind!
You MAGA Trumpsters really are something else. I’m hearing Biden and Trump’s debate will be rigged. They haven’t even had their debate yet! Yeah, but you people are so brainwashed and already a lot of you Republican Trumpsters are out there saying the election is stolen. Well, here’s a newsflash, you haven’t even had the election yet! Not only that but you people can’t even accept the loss from the last election!
Why did Biden say he was VP during the pandemic? That never happened. Oh, I guess that’s just another lie.
So the crooked judge in charge of the Stormy Daniels witch-hunt now is refusing to let witnesses testify. They have evidence that Trump did absolutely nothing wrong. We are already a third world country, and the Democrats already are a threat to democracy. Nobody has ever seen anything like this BS trial that’s going on now, and if you Democrats out there don’t see this, then you’re not looking very hard. Unbelievable!
Trump once said, “I love the ignorant.” Apparently, the ignorant love him too.
So the dictator, Joe Biden, is forgiving more student loans this week in order to try to divide votes amongst the youths in which he’s trailing big time behind Donald Trump. How is this allowed in this country? The Supreme Court said no, but he doesn’t care. He’s just allowed to do it? And besides normal working people paying the debt of college students, it also adds to the inflation. This guy is such a jerk and a threat to our democracy and you Democrats still don’t get it, do you?
Biden’s done it again, paying off student loan debt after the Supreme Court said it was unlawful. How can he overrule the Supreme Court and get away with it? How does he sleep at night? He just wants votes any way he can get them.
To Make America Great Again Trump should be imprisoned, Clarence Thomas, probably the same. Samuel Alito should resign and fly his insurrection flags at his multiple homes. Florida Judge Eileen Cannon should be removed from the bench, as she is incapable of having timely court hearings without any rulings from her, showing she’s incompetent of executing her judicial duties impartially, as is expected of all judges.
I’m no Republican, but I’ve got a lot of respect for the three of you, Chris Christie, Liz Chaney, and Mitt Romney. They all stood up to Trump. Guess what, they didn’t buckle and change their mind and do a 180, like Nikki Haley did. She’s not going to amount to squat, and her supporters are not going to vote for Trump, so good try. You’re never going to become Vice President either, Miss Haley, so good luck to you. The crybaby party continues.
Nikki Haley has finally come and announced that she will vote for President Trump, and Biden has planned to visit Africa next February after his win. Well, newsflash, that trip will never happen.
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