You may call The Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.
Has anyone else been receiving what I assume are scam calls lately, before 9 a.m.? No name, but using numbers with our local area code? No voicemail left, of course. I realize this is a minor annoyance in view of everything else that is happening in the world, but this is the precise time when my child may have been in a school bus accident, when I’m trying to get off to work, etc. I do not need this extra layer of stress added to my morning. The “do not call registry” is a joke and has been for years. Another government do-nothing entity sucking up taxpayer dollars while employees twiddle their thumbs waiting to be eligible for their juicy retirement package. And they’re worried about TikTok, which is voluntary and not forced on anyone. Sigh.
I have concerns as a taxpayer regarding the OA Teachers Association Executive Committee and the potential influence of NYSUT on our local school board elections. Last year three candidates supported by OATA and NYSUT ran a campaign on unconfirmed information. It is also concerning that they are now endorsing two additional candidates. As a taxpayer in the community, it appears that we are at risk of losing control to the Owego Apalachin Teachers Executive Committee and NYSUT, which will not be beneficial for our wallets or our children. Additionally, the Executive Committee has not sought input from its members regarding candidate support for the past two years. It is time to support candidates who prioritize the best interests of our students as well as taxpayers.
Brown Road residents seem to have a problem with road maintenance. Readers seem to hear about it weekly. The question is this, have residents contacted the Town Road Supervisor? It appears your road may be, in part, in both the Townships of Berkshire and Newark Valley. The township in which you pay your town taxes can determine where you live. Start there and call them weekly rather than posting something they’re not reading. They might very well have your road in their budget this year to fix. If not, then you should make it a point to find out why.
“We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to.” — Terry Swearingen
Last week a Reader was asking about helping an elderly person with some lawn care. Do a Google search for “For The Love of Guitar” in Barton, N.Y. and you will get all of my contact information. When you call, text, or email me please state that you are inquiring about lawn care. I’ll see what I can do to help out.
To the reader questioning whether you can catch a buzz from second hand pot smoke; the short answer is yes, but having the odor come into your home from the neighbor smoking it is highly unlikely to have any effect on you except offending your olfactory senses. If you were in the room with them and it’s full of smoke, all hazy and whatnot, then you are apt to catch a “contact buzz”. As for the odor, only pot smells like pot. Some like the smell; you obviously don’t care for it. See if you can’t reach your neighbors on even ground. Introduce yourself and kindly ask them if they wouldn’t mind getting’ blazed outside on their porch or in a different location of their home so as not to have the odor intrude upon your attempt at a smoke free existence. I can almost guarantee that if you approach them with kindness and respect it will be returned to you in abundance.
The Village of Owego Clerk’s office, located at 22 Elm St. in Owego, will be accepting donations on behalf of the Tioga County Rural Ministry during their Soap for Hope Campaign for the month of May. Needed items are laundry soap, shampoo, toothpaste, disposable razors, facial tissue, feminine pads and tampons, dish soap, toilet paper, mouthwash, body wash, and paper towels. Donations can be dropped off between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Would you like to spend eternity in heaven with the creator of the universe? You are invited. He has provided the way for you. He desires you to accept His invitation. If your choice is to accept His invitation, Believe in his Son. The one who came and died on the cross and rose from the grave, paying the price of admission for you. Your Belief in His Son, Jesus of Nazareth, is all that is required of you to receive his Gift and become adopted into His forever family.
To the person who wrote that men should have no involvement in the abortion issue because it doesn’t affect them, they shouldn’t be able to vote on it and that only women should have a say, I just wonder if this person realizes that men are affected because nobody’s going to get pregnant without a man. Men are fathers; they are affected greatly! And I also want to thank the woman who wrote in to the editor, Deborah Lawton. Great letter! I’m so glad to see the truth for a change. I’ve seen nothing but trash on this global climate change business. It’s good to have facts and to know the truth. Thank you so much for your letter.
I found a woman’s wedding band at the Dollar General in Apalachin on May 2, at 2 p.m. My number is (607) 347-9785. Thank you.
Now they’re in Binghamton protesting. It’s insane! Who can you write to? Who can you call? Is there someone? It’s really getting out of hand and it’s not right. The Jewish people should not feel afraid. No one should be afraid, especially in college. For God’s sake, stop this! What can we do? It’s crazy. God Bless America! God Help America!
I need a telephone number for Martin’s Plumbing and Heating. I had dealt with them several years ago here at my house and the man that did the work was an older man. He was wonderful. He took care of my needs and was very, very good, so I do want to get a hold of them if I can. My phone number is (607) 659-7654.
Today is Mother’s Day and I would like to say Happy Mother’s Day in heaven, Mom. I know if you were alive today you would be so disgusted at all the immorality and the political corruption that’s going on. I miss you, but I’m glad that you’re not around to see all this nonsense.
To the person calling about when they are going to change this speed limit sign. They are going to do it next week.
Is there anyone in the area that makes bridal veils? If they do, please call (607) 625-3564.
I’d rather smell cow poop any day than the marijuana that’s around our village here. At least that is doing something good for the soil.
I don’t believe that tire pressure thing, $520 for low tire pressure. Makes no sense. That doesn’t seem to be a code enforcement issue. Someone has many piles of junk and garbage everywhere, and you have to see it every day and nothing is being done. I wish the code officer would check on this in my area. Maybe these code officers should drive around and look at the village or other areas they cover to see what can be done to improve this to make it look better. The value of my home is down because of this. We’re here forever because nobody wants to live next to what we’re next to. It’s wrong. So what can we do?
In this column last week someone talked about the million-dollar skate park the village of Owego is getting at the fairgrounds while the rest of the village infrastructure seems to be crumbling. But we haven’t heard a word from the village itself. Why is the skate park being worked on so quietly; and if it’s not going to be done, how come we still don’t hear that either?
There will be a work crew day at the Owego Evergreen Cemetery on Saturday, May 18, from 9 a.m. until noon. Anyone that would like to volunteer to help trim shrubs and assist in the cleanup should meet at 9 a.m. at the cemetery Chapel, located on East Avenue. The next scheduled work crew day is Saturday, June 22. Any help would be appreciated.
National Political Viewpoints
So, Biden is desperate. They just had two actors come out and endorse him. One of them was Jeff Daniels, the actor who starred in Dumb and Dumber. You can’t make this up. You would have to be dumber than dumb to vote for Biden in this year’s presidential election.
I’m getting to the point where I am sick and tired of hearing all this crap about Trump losing the 2020 election and about how the Democrats are going to steal the election. Well, Trump couldn’t win an election legitimately if he wanted to. He’s already lost legitimately, and you people are dumb enough to believe all the lies that he’s telling you. Well, I’m sorry that you believe that but boy, are you a bunch of fools.
Remember when Trump said that he would testify at his court hearing? Oh, surprise, surprise, surprise! You wouldn’t believe this, you Republican Trumpsters, he lied. Yes, he did. He told a big fat fib, what a whopper! Well, all I can say is I told you people so. He can’t be taken for his word until he starts saying stupid things, like he wants to be a dictator.
How do you Democrats feel about your party funding the anti-Semitic riots and marches on college campuses? You must be so proud
I never thought I’d live in a country where anti-Semitism is so blatant, and the Democratic Party does nothing about it. In fact, they seem to support it.
So marijuana is seven to eight times more potent than it was back in the day, yet the Biden administration wants to declassify it and ease restrictions on it. Just another way to keep the people stoned and stupid. Part of the game plan. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.
Your Republican Party is so messed up you can’t even accept the results of an election. That’s one thing I can at least say about Democrats. Hey, we win, we win. When we lose, we step aside and let our opponent takeover. That’s the American way, you know, something you Republican Trumpsters just don’t understand. It all hinges on this, you people think this election was stolen because you are the stupid party. So keep crying when you lose your election. Well, even Hillary Clinton took it like a man.
Forty percent of the rioters in Colombia are not associated with Colombia. They’re outside agitators funded by Democrats like George Soros. All these people do not deserve to be negotiated with. Once they break the rules, they should go to jail and should be kept in jail. That’s the problem with our country. None of the thugs or criminals are kept in jail, they’re just released. What’s become of our country?
What’s it going to take to shut this loudmouth Trump up? He is a criminal. Everybody knows that. I mean everybody, even his wife. He’s got so many people testifying against him in court, saying he’s just as dirty or worse, that worked for him. They used to be close friends and he worked with them. They’re saying the same thing. He should be in jail. What is wrong with our legal system? Why is he getting preference? He is a piece of garbage.
President Trump shows up at the Miami Grand Prix race and the crowd goes crazy. They absolutely love him! The scene is incredible and encouraging. What does this tell us? That they absolutely love him. Come on November.
Kristi Noem is the governor of South Dakota that disciplined her puppy by killing it. Keep that woman away from children.
So crooked Joe handlers have now made a statement that he will be giving shorter speeches because it’s quality over quantity. Huh, maybe because he can’t say two sentences in a row without screwing up. How stupid do you think people are?
Now I know why they always show Joe Biden eating ice cream cones. It’s because he’s incapable of eating with a fork. Oh my God, how pathetic!
I really don’t understand these people who support Trump. They can’t see how volatile he is, how he lies, and he can’t keep his mouth shut. He can’t even control himself. I just don’t see what they see in him. Do they really think he’s going to change if he’s president? He’s going to get worse! He wants to be a Putin. That’s what he wants to be.
Donald Trump is a deeply disgusting, very flawed man, who belittles women while thinking he’s vastly superior in every way to all women. I find it unimaginable that any self-respecting woman would ever vote for this serial adulterer.
I see where Trump’s classified documents trial was delayed, indefinitely, by a female judge that Trump appointed. So there’s a big surprise, huh? Welcome to the American judicial system, if you want to call it that. I got another name for it.
Do you really want four more years of that clown Trump? Come on, people. MAGA, Make America Great Again, more like Make America Gag Again.
When I see some of these polls that are close, I’m wondering what kind of moron would vote for somebody that can barely walk, barely talk, and he doesn’t even know what room he’s in? My God, what is wrong with you people? And when he is alert, he’s an evil liberal.
I can’t believe the ladies on The View talking about Trump’s affair with Stormy every day, about everything in detail. Does anybody feel bad for Melania and her son? We have to stop this nonsense. The court doesn’t care about his affair. All they’re trying to do is destroy this man completely to keep him from running, which to me is election interference at its height.
This is in response to the comment in last week’s column that starts out saying, “This message is for all of you. If you live in New York, you know all the freedoms you have already lost and will lose in the future under a Democrat governor.” Now you want a Democrat president?
I have a question. Why would anybody want to vote for a person that doesn’t know whether to turn left or right? There needs to be a reason, and I don’t think it’s a good one.
I just heard Biden lie on TV with my own ears. He said that inflation was 9% when he took office. Actually, it was 1.4%. He’s such a liar. You can’t believe him at all.
Slow Joe Biden is now withholding money from Israel that was okay’s by Congress. Again, something that a dictator would do and a threat to democracy. If people can’t see the irony of your accusing Republicans of being a threat to democracy, when that’s what you do every day, then you’re dumber than I thought.
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