Forever Eternally; World without beginning, world without end. Amen

Forever Eternally; World without beginning, world without end. AmenBrahma Kumaris Illustration.

By Sister Chirya —

Currently, with the increasing violence, aggression, and destruction of lives, property and environment, many people globally are dying. However, the word “death” is very limited, in fact should be removed from our vocabulary, as there is no death. 

How is this? Spiritual knowledge explains that three entities are eternal in the universe – God, Souls (You and Me), and Nature (Matter). All three have never been created and will never be destroyed. Embrace the belief that life is forever, or why would the words such as “eternal” and “forever” exist.  

“World without beginning; world without end. There is no ‘death.’” The soul gives life to the body. At the time of “death” the imperishable soul leaves the perishable body for a new body. Whether a soul leaves the body, or a soul is in the womb of the mother or if a person is in a coma, the soul still thinks and also receives our thoughts, but cannot express them in sound.

Many times our first reaction to a difficult situation or death of a loved one is negative, often one of sorrow. When a soul leaves the body the family left behind needs to create cheerful thoughts of love, not pain. Love removes fear and is stronger than death. 

Forever Eternally; World without beginning, world without end. Amen

Brahma Kumaris Illustration.

Eliminate sorrowful thoughts such as: “We cannot live without you, how could you leave us?” They will only cause pain to the departed soul. 

Thoughts such as: “Will it be a boy or girl? Do we have the resources to look after the baby?” These anxious thoughts will be felt by the soul. They are not welcoming energy and are of no use. When a soul is in the womb, create thoughts of love and happiness such as, “In your upcoming new birth you will be very loved, happy, healthy and safe.

When I am continuously being battered by the storms of life, and my very spirit is ebbing away, I need to hang onto that gift called “Faith” to weather these storms. Faith does not depend on a clever head, only belief in the inner strength of the soul and faith in God. This foundation of faith makes the impossible possible. 

The seed of victory is to affirm and believe, “There is benefit in whatever is happening in my life.” Realize the situations happening in my life, such as the death of a loved one, are not happening because God has decided that. 

God is NOT responsible; the long arm of karma is responsible. Whatever is happening is a result of my every thought, word, and actions of past and present births.

Over time, taking birth after birth, we souls have performed negative actions, which have depleted our spiritual power. God is responsible for helping me in my life when I learn the importance of communicating with Him. Take a step of determination and with courage God offers a thousand steps of help.  

Forever Eternally; World without beginning, world without end. Amen

Brahma Kumaris Illustration.

In times of sorrow we remember God, but in times of joy, many times, we forget Him. Even when we are in the worst phase of our life, with many negative events happening, God remembers His promise and helps us perform positive actions by energizing us with His pure love and power.   

When we really love God, we keep Him with us in times of both sorrow and joy. The more we do that, the more He will return love, and feeling He is with us always, we become fearless.

(Yvonne Risely, of Owego, can be reached via email to or, or by phone at (518) 416-3273. Sister Chirya is a student and teacher with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University for over 40 years. She is based at Peace Village Retreat Center in New York State and published in several international publications to include the Daily Guardian in Delhi.)

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