Create A Positive Environment Of Love Wherever You Are; Love is the unifying force that holds everything together

Create A Positive Environment Of Love Wherever You Are; Love is the unifying force that holds everything togetherBrahma Kumaris Illustration.

By Sister Chirya —

Love dwells in the soul and is a powerful force. Love is the energy of the Universe. It is the divine, unseen, unifying force that holds everything together. Love belongs to everyone and everything. When you choose to put love into what you do, the universe will let you do what you love.

Even if you don’t particularly like your job or the atmosphere around you, you can think in a new way and change it when you remember to stay in the present moment, loving and enjoying what you are doing. Create an environment of love and closeness, and share love and joy with each other. Only absorb others’ qualities, never their weaknesses. 

Create A Positive Environment Of Love Wherever You Are; Love is the unifying force that holds everything together

Brahma Kumaris Illustration.

To spiritually love, to encourage, gain trust, and empower one another, always start with acceptance. First fall in love with yourself: Be exactly who you are and the people meant to be in your life will show up. Trying to be someone else will never work out well for you.  

Remember, “To thine own self be true.” 

There is a voice within which occasionally gets our attention and tries to remind us of how good and beautiful we are. It calls us from a time long ago when we first arrived and experienced life on the Earth. It was a time when love expressed itself naturally. We are beautiful in qualities and loving in character as we began our journey on the ‘carousel of time’.  

Our love was like God’s love – very unconditional, always flowing to every soul, without asking for anything in return. However, slowly with time and after experiencing many births on Earth, the love light within the soul began to lose its glow. Being disconnected from our own divinity and a Godly power source we continued to lose power. Our love begins to expect instead of accepting others, creating present day conflicts and suffering. We feel disturbed because the other person is different from us, or become critical, competitive, jealous or attached, or want to dominate the other person instead of relating to them, etc.

Create A Positive Environment Of Love Wherever You Are; Love is the unifying force that holds everything together

Brahma Kumaris Illustration.

However, with spiritual love we take good care of the self and others, give people the space they need, and do not fear losing them. 

In summary, the true meaning of unconditional spiritual love is: A love that is limitless, without any boundaries or fixed demands; does not see the other’s weaknesses and instead focuses and loves their qualities; is true, strong and with no hidden motives, fears and insecurities; adjusts and is flexible according to the other person’s needs; sees souls as our brothers and sisters with God as Father and Mother; brings God’s goodness and bigheartedness within human relationships.

Create A Positive Environment Of Love Wherever You Are; Love is the unifying force that holds everything together

Brahma Kumaris Illustration.

(Yvonne Risely, of Owego, can be reached via email to or Sister Chirya is a student and teacher with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University for over 40 years. She is published in several international publications to include the Daily Guardian in Delhi.)

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