Living Our Dreams; Inner mental preparation done with care creates beautiful outer realities

Living Our Dreams; Inner mental preparation done with care creates beautiful outer realitiesBrahma Kumaris Illustration.

By Sister Chirya —

By knowing what we care about, we can create it in our lives. This has to be very clear in our minds, without any doubts. Do not use the past experience to decide on what can or cannot happen tomorrow or in the future.  

We also have to become responsible for what we desire and make choices accordingly. Be just like a flower, in the preparation of her beauty, who chooses her colors with the greatest care. Over time she adjusts her petals, one by one. It is only in her complete beauty she wishes to appear. And then one morning, she suddenly shows herself. 

In the same manner, our inner mental preparation done with care will create beautiful outer realities for us. In soul consciousness by connecting with God, knowing and understanding Him deeply, I realize the source of all positive creation is within me. This energy can be transformed into a power and creates reality out of my thoughts and dreams. 

Living Our Dreams; Inner mental preparation done with care creates beautiful outer realities

Brahma Kumaris Illustration.

It takes practice externally and internally, concentration and determination. While it’s very important to have conviction in our dreams, it’s also important to be accepting of others and adjusting with them, improving and empowering our inner spiritual personality side by side. Otherwise, we may find ourselves tired and alone at some point of time in the journey of fulfillment of our dream. Unconditional acceptance of others and remaining united with them is also important.

The now world famous gymnast wrote her dreams in a notebook, year by year, and her dreams and vision, “I want to become the greatest gymnast” came true.

In the movie, The Courage to Soar, The Simone Biles Story (, young Simone took a bad fall and said, “I’m not doing that again.” 

Living Our Dreams; Inner mental preparation done with care creates beautiful outer realities

Brahma Kumaris Illustration.

Her coach lovingly acknowledged the fall but explained, “Great gymnasts get back up.”  

Returning home, her Dad asked Simone, “How was practice.” She replied, “Dad, I want to be a great gymnast.”  

Result, “As we think so we become.” 

To achieve your dream, visualize the reality you want and then create a thought that it already exists. See it and you will be it. Be it and you will do it.

Start radiating that thought out. Think and talk only what you want should happen, believing it has already happened. Practice this and “Live your dreams!”

(Yvonne Risely, of Owego, can be reached via email to or Sister Chirya is a student and teacher with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University for over 40 years. She is published in several international publications to include the Daily Guardian in Delhi.)

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