Readers’ Column for the week of January 23, 2022

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CLEAR ALL THE ROADS INSTANTLY – MINE FIRST – I PAY MY TAXES FOR THIS. There, that should save a lot of typing and calling for everyone else.


To the person that wrote that boards are not intelligent enough. You should join the board and you should step up and help write laws in your village. Instead of putting your board members down, step in and help. Oh wait, all you want to do is complain and basically call people dumb.


Don’t use an umbrella in the rain – it doesn’t keep you completely dry. In fact, the people saying it offers any protection at all are lying to you. It’s useless.


Can you help? The Tioga County Historical Society and Museum is searching for photos taken by and of Tioga County photographers. Especially by the following female photographers from 1844 until 1945: Lulu Preston, Tabatha J. Mead, Emma Vose, Lillian Blakeney, and Ada Allen. Email to, or visit the museum at 110 Front St. in Owego between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. You can also call (607) 687-2460.


The test results are in and Mike Roberts, town highway superintendent has failed the geography practice test and next test. Tioga Terrace does exist and it lies between Glann Road and Frederick Drive. The roads there do get icy and snow covered. The fact that school closed is not a reason to hold off on getting the roads done. Not a good way to start your term.


“Follow the science.” Our recent cold snap was caused by Global Warming and manifested in the form of Climate Change. The herd of “follow the science” didn’t get past high school algebra, chemistry, and physics. No useful idiot turned down his or her thermostat to save the planet. EVs had a stellar performance after being parked outside overnight, right? Our local solar farm produced near ZERO kilowatts? And when it was most needed. It produced roughly 3% to 5% of what it produced on June 21, Summer Solstice. If renewables are such a great idea, why isn’t everyone doing geothermal like the Owego Apalachin School District? It doesn’t go belly up in the winter. Nobody in New York does geothermal because only those who have other people’s money to waste can afford it. Saving the planet requires much more.


Sadly the Town of Newark Valley council had no issue with opting out of the cannabis sales and consumption laws, which would have been free money! They also had no issue raising our town taxes 8.1 percent, which affects the taxpayers. The town council is absolutely negligent. Obviously they don’t care about the majority of us that are struggling.


Will someone please put a grocery store in Candor?


A question out there for someone to answer for me please; if the police stop you and they find drugs, or you are not licensed, your car’s not insured; can they take your vehicle away from you? On TV, the cop programs, they do. I wonder if it’s certain states or if it is everywhere. A lot of people are driving without a driver’s license or insurance. A lot of us are paying for this and we take care of it. Do they get punished in any way or do they just walk away?


National Political Viewpoints

Pelosi and Schumer each voted for 50 people? Prove it. Name them. 


We do not have corrupt elections. Audits and investigations in many states hell-bent on finding corruption have concluded there was none. The famous Arizona audit found none and the Republican officials in the counties under suspicion say there were none? Three recounts and audits in Georgia found none. Minnesota Republicans examined their election and found none. Fifty state election officials found none. Oregon has been 100% vote by mail for years and has found none. None of the lawsuits brought by Republicans have been able to show any evidence of corruption. Paper backup votes match the machine counts, so the machines did not change votes. The elections are not corrupt. Only the sore losers believe the fantasy that they are.


Life under Trump we had international respect, border security, energy independence, low unemployment, Middle East peace, plentiful supply, cheap gas, and low inflation. Under Biden we have an open border crisis, Afghan pullout disaster, de-fund the police, violent crime spike, expensive gas, Russia and China aggression, supply shortages, dramatic inflation, and Joe’s relentless vaccine mantra, “The protected need to be protected from the unprotected, by FORCING the unprotected to get the same protection that did NOT protect the protected.” Liberal voters got the president they wanted, but productive Americans have taken an enormous drubbing. Respect for the U.S. is declining under this misguided fool. — Ponytail Scott


I find it pretty amazing that the only places election fraud took place were in states Trump lost.


A recent article from a Political Science Professor in Canada warned the Canadian government not to be surprised if by 2030 the U.S. were a dictatorship. If Trump’s coup had been successful, the U.S. would already be a dictatorship.


“The issue of waste in America’s endless wars should certainly not be ignored, given its immense cost to taxpayers. As early as 2011 — ten years into the Afghan war — the congressionally mandated Commission on Wartime Contracting estimated that there had already been between $31 billion and $60 billion in waste related to contracting in the two war zones. There has been no comparable analysis since, but it’s safe to say that there have been tens of billions more in waste — including criminal fraud — in the most recent ten years of war. The Special Investigator General for Afghan Reconstruction has produced scores of reports documenting waste in Afghanistan, even as it has helped convict 160 companies and individuals of fraud and saved taxpayers $3.8 billion in the process.” “How Private Contractors Disguise the Real Costs of War,” William D. Hartung (Senior Research Fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft). — January 12, 2022


Fauci’s financial disclosures were posted all along. The senator wasn’t listening when Fauci told him over and over that they were posted and where. And now Faux News is claiming the senator is the one that discovered them. Who are the morons here?


I think we figured out what’s the matter with Biden’s thinking. He spends too much time in his home state eating ice cream and his sugar is off so he can’t think right. So, that’s my story.


I heard that Dan Bongino was suspended for seven days from his radio show. Hurray! He was saying that masks don’t work. He’s not a doctor or a scientist. He’s worse than Rush Limbaugh, in my opinion. 


Many long years ago, when Ronald Reagan was president, he made a quotation that said government is not the solution, it is the problem. Everything from then until now and to the foreseeable future government is the problem. Who elected these people? How do we get rid of them? Our government in Washington is terrible! How do we change that? We are beholden to these thieves. 


Hey Joe, aren’t you aware that the voting laws in Delaware are stricter than the new voting laws in Atlanta, which aren’t strict at all? Do some research. 


To the democrats who called in and complained about Donald Trump avoiding the draft. Are you aware that Joe Biden got a five-time deferment because he had asthma? I guess that doesn’t count, huh? If the democrats don’t serve that’s okay, but if the republicans don’t, then that’s draft dodging. Sounds like typical double standards of a liberal democrat.


Here is something I don’t think too many people know. When Adolf Hitler obtained power during his campaigns, his slogan was “Make Germany Great Again.” Sound familiar? 


I’m stumped! What do we do? We’re pushing people in front of subway trains, we’re stabbing people working in furniture stores, and we’re punching nurses that have worked in the ER field for 38 years! I don’t know how we control these people. It’s way out of hand. We need new leadership and government! 


How can conservatives be so dense? The governor proposes a budget with tax rebates and improved healthcare and they condemn her for it. Incomprehensible.

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