Opinion: Is promoting chaos the goal?

Dear Editor,

I did not expect to be writing or speaking any longer as a member of the Owego Historic Preservation Commission. But I have been instructed to. The Taxpayer Party stalwarts attempted to put an end to the Commission a month ago. For some reason it didn’t take.

We asked “why”, “wherefore” and “what’s next?” of the mayor in a detailed letter. He replied in an e-mail wherein he simply told us we are to continue to meet, and again suggested we could all resign. Village Attorney McKertich also told me we should continue to meet. Did you pass a law or didn’t you?

I listened to the recording of the Nov. 20 meeting wherein Trustee Hartman went on at length about how he has admonished us for our transgressions. He said, “The Commission was apprised again and again of personnel issues.” At one point he said, ”repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly.” He misremembers. In fact, there was never a single instance of his approaching me with any suggestions that I was in any way unprofessional or out of line. Nor did he ever mention in my presence that any other member was acting inappropriately. Didn’t happen. No meeting, no conversation, no note or correspondence. His dissatisfaction became apparent only after the new law was written.

To recap; we were voted out of existence, but are not. The Village administration is required to enforce Village law, but does not. The recent unpleasantness and tragic loss of very unique features of a Front Street home once again indicates the current Village board condones scofflawism. Indeed, the new law invites it. This fall, the devastation of a prominent and heretofore historically pristine 1855 “contributing” structure occurred in full view of the code officer and the administration, in violation of Village Law, over the objections of the Preservation Commission and many conscientious neighbors; people who follow the law, pay their taxes, and faithfully maintain their own historic homes.

As far as I can tell, this administration has not accomplished anything else they have attempted. That is, unless promoting chaos is their goal. The wanton desecration of this historic home stands as their signal achievement. It will long outlive them. And it will remind us of what havoc can be wreaked by a few headstrong, ignorant but empowered people.


Mark Trabucco

Chair, OHPC

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