You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.
Okay, this is the deal. They can make this plastic thing to put over your teeth and you’ve got a million dollar smile! Wonderful, right? They can make strawberry smelling dishwashing liquid that doesn’t do the dishes any better than the regular dawn does. Now, I want a really smart person out there to figure out a way to make that little gadget that can make that damn television come into your home without paying over $150 a month for reruns! Come on you guys and gals, there’s someone out there that’s got that in your head, just put it on paper.
Who can we call on to hold a meeting with all the Democrats to remind them of what their job is? I would have been let go from my job years ago if I did my job as they do theirs. It’s obvious they do nothing and nothing gets done.
I recently attended the Ti-Awhaga Players’ production of La Cage Aux Folles and it wasn’t good, it was phenomenal! The community should be so proud of this fabulous venue that presents itself so purposely. The director and the producer should be complimented and commended. Jim Osbourne did an incredible job directing, and Jane Nichols did a sensational job producing. It was a really happy occasion to attend the play on a Sunday afternoon. It brought a lot of joy to everyone in attendance and the actors and actresses were superb. Thank you so much! It was wonderful.
We live in Berkshire, N.Y. Who do you call to stop your neighbor from moving boundaries lines, surveyor markings, moving trees, and concrete and more on your land? Thank you, I need a phone number.
Hey, who do you call if you see your neighbor shooting every wild animal to include rabbits and birds that he can see? His land, your land, everybody else’s land, he see’s it he shoots it. How can we stop this? I need a phone number, thank you.
I’m calling in response to the comment in this column about cow manure in the road. This is absolutely correct. You ought to travel up and down Catatonk Hill and Route 96. Catatonk Hill is very badly filled with manure and you smell it in your car for weeks!
The Strawberry Festival in Owego continues to improve. I just have a couple of suggestions after attending similar events around the country. Some additional seating would be appreciated I’m sure by families and older folks. They may even stick around longer if they had a place to sit and take a break other than the curb and the limited seating that is available. This year, especially, a few benches or picnic tables would have encouraged people to check out the music and merchants on that street. A great many of the vendors are selling food. It would be nice to have a place to sit and fully enjoy it. Also, it’s great there are port-a-johns, but where are the accompanying hand washing stations? Again, food is being sold, a lot of it is eaten out of hand.
This is to all the people at the Pennysaver. I want to thank all the people, God bless you, for helping little Jared and for the column you put in the Pennysaver. It’s absolutely beautiful! May God bless you as he has blessed each and every one of us, and keep praying for Jared. Every one of you are God’s angels. Thank you and God bless you again. I am very glad to have met each and every one of you. Have a good day and God bless every one of you.
I would like to thank the good Samaritans who directed traffic at the school bus accident on Route 38 in Berkshire before the fire department and police arrived. Great job!
Does anyone know why Shangri-La II Speedway is closed indefinitely?
About demolishing the Owego Police Department and Owego Court building. Would the space become more parking? If the Owego Police Department and Owego Court continues where would they go?
My comment last week on taking a picture of Sophia Loren in Paris and not remembering if I talked to her was in reference to Jeff Sessions not remembering if he talked to the Russians. Really, is that something you would forget?
I find it quite interesting that a vendor was given seven spots to sell his food at the Strawberry Festival. I would call that a monopoly, especially when this out of town vendor takes all the money made out of the community. Also, out of town vendors from Syracuse are given prime spots to sell their food. Local vendors have been there for years. This is not fair.
Last week a caller asked for help with a dog barking problem and a dog going to the bathroom all over her property problem. Yes, in Tioga County there is help, you don’t have to put up with that but if you don’t make this phone call you’ll be stuck with it and it will be your problem. However, call the dog control officer, Kyle Fleming, at 687-4039. If you follow his instructions he will work with you and he will stop the problem for you.
I would love to explain why the vehicle turning left from Route 434 on to the Exit 66 ramp has the right of way over the vehicle turning right. It is because the vehicle turning right has a YIELD sign. The driver must YIELD right of way regardless of the color of their light. The vehicle turning left may also have the green arrow allowing them added safety in making their turn. I learned this in Driver’s Education too!
Attention military color guards. When passing the reviewing stand, you do an eyes right and dip the organizational colors. Individuals do NOT do present arms. The current manual is TC 3-21.5 (FM 22-5 in the good old days) and you want find page 10-19 and see paragraph f (14) which reads: “(14) As the Color guard passes the reviewing officer, each member, except the right flank man, executes Eyes Right on the command of the senior Color sergeant. The organizational color is dipped in Salute.” Note the absence of a requirement for individuals to salute. The organizational color being dipped is the salute. Thank you. It’s been really bugging me.
Great job by NYSEG, Verizon, Arnold’s Tree Service, Spectrum, and the Village of Owego employees during the recent power outage, restoration, tree trimming and clean up.
“Social media: where attentions spans go to die.” Brian Williams
The P&SB has an article stating that coconut oil is high in saturated fats; something that can be proven in a lab. But that doesn’t stop the true believers claims that it is a lie.
You better be known by the Judge if you want to win your case. If you are NOT a local, you will LOSE! Facts, truth, honesty are NOT required. The court process is beyond words! Time for a NEW Judge!
Pity the poor farmer. Exempt from military service and high property taxes and enjoying government-paid milk and crop subsidies he is now being barred from making a bundle on natural gas exploration. How unfair! Got to wonder who forced him to be a farmer in the first place. By the way, I worked on a farm for 40 years, so I know from what I speak.
All I can say is that your customers are the best way to advertise. Businesses should keep that in mind.
National Political Viewpoints
From Democracy Now: President Trump has tapped his family’s wedding planner to run the largest HUD office in the United States. Lynne Patton has planned events for the Trump family since 2009, including the wedding of Lara and Eric Trump. She has also helped run the Eric Trump Foundation, which is now under investigation by New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman over whether the charity took money intended to go to children with cancer and instead funneled it into the for-profit Trump Organization. Lynne Patton has no experience running public housing. On her LinkedIn page, she lied about having a degree from Yale University and Quinnipiac Law School. She’s been tapped to oversee the public housing for New York and New Jersey, which involves managing billions of dollars of federal money.
Crooked Hillary, really? Who stole money from their charitable foundation for their personal use? Who paid millions to settle lawsuits claiming that their so-called “University” was a scam? Seems like the old adage about the pot and the kettle might apply here.
The fact that Trump was not under investigation while Comey was FBI Director does NOT prove him not guilty or clear him or exonerate him as his supporters are trying to claim. He could still come under investigation. Charges may or may not be brought. Nothing has been proven one way or the other.
Could someone write in this column and let all us Conservatives know why Liberals are always so angry? Angry at everything and everybody! We lived through eight too long years of Nobama’s muddling along and ruining most things while accomplishing nothing; but no riots, no burning, no shooting at a baseball practice. What’s the deal? You portray the Democrats as being accepting of everything and everybody, but let anyone disagree one iota and there’s Hell to pay. I don’t get it.
The person who wrote that they voted for both Tom Reed and Claudia Tenney committed a felony – voter fraud. It could also be the person has no idea how our elections work or for that matter, how our congressional districts work and they clearly don’t know who represents them. Sad.
Democrats, including New York Rep. Nita Lowey, are waging war on religion and school choice. The Lighthouse Christian Academy lays out a code of conduct, which prohibits sexual behavior defined as sinful in the Bible. All students are therefore subject to this code whether LGBT or not. LCA is being tarred as racist and discriminatory. The real issue is Trump seeks nationwide expansion of school choice including use of taxpayer-funded vouchers. Follow the big money. Lily García, president of the NEA, the country’s largest teachers’ union, said that Trump is attempting to fund private schools at the expense of public schools and other derogatory things about school choice. Call it for what it is, the exclusion of the huge number of parochial schools from school choice.
The politicians have been dabbling with medical care for decades when we already have an excellent system on the books. It’s called Medicare. The problem is that we now only use Medicare for seniors. Medicare should be for EVERYONE ! Problem solved.
Jim Pursell