You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.
Power outage crabbing version of winter plowing crabbing is under way. I want it fixed instantly – mine first.
You are missing the point. We know K-12 isn’t free and is tax supported. We get the tax bills too. But it is TUITION free. Why stop at 12? SUNY is already largely tax supported. That’s why the tuition is so low compared to the private colleges. Just fill in the last chunk and make it tuition free also.
Be careful what you wish for. If you want the ability to discriminate against someone based on your religious beliefs then others can discriminate against you based on theirs.
I guess it looks like I need to not to plant a garden this year. I need to build a shed or get a shed for this beef cow that wants to eat out of the garden that’s not even planted yet. I don’t know what to do!
I would just like to say, it’s a gorgeous day here and my coonhounds haven’t even barked at all. Not at a leaf blowing by, a butterfly or anything else! What a beautiful day! But they will bark when somebody tries to ransack my house again.
Shouldn’t it be considered an act of slight terrorism if people like my 80-plus year old father, brother, and my family have to put up with people rattling their windows at night, nails and glass behind their vehicles, or torturing their outside dogs. People are watching. Laugh now, cry later.
I can’t believe ex-President Obama is going to speak to Wall Street and collect $400,000 for the speech. I can’t believe he’s going to pocket that money instead of donating it to a charity. What a great guy.
Obama bailed out Wall Street and now Wall Street is paying him $400,000 a speech. What a deal!
Calling narcotics a controlled substance is an oxymoron.
I just want to let somebody know that if you are missing a puppy that is black and brown, it’s where the bird sanctuary is. This is Sunday, April 30.
I’m looking at the comments on druggies. I’ve been a druggie myself, and I’d just like to say look into the medicine cabinet yourself; you’re probably a druggie.
Does anybody read the column on bridge in the newspaper? Who plays bridge anymore?
This is a reply to two comments I read in the Pennysaver this week. Yes, there is a leash law, and there is also a law against barking dogs. However, the village is supposed to control it by means of the police force. There should be a leash law for cats too, because they are a regular pest when it comes to gardening. They are in the garden all the time and not leaving behind what you want them to. If you know somebody that has a dog running loose, call OPD and see if you can get them to do their job.
I just read where the mayor and the village board have decided to dissolve the Village of Owego court. I was just wondering if they would publish how much my tax rate will go down after dissolving and also publish how much my tax rate will go up in the Town of Owego for them assuming it. Oh, by the way, are we paying the town to take that over like we’re paying the county sheriff to take over the police department if that gets dissolved?
Whatever happened to people working their way through college? That’s the way it used to be. If people want to go to college and had the desire and had a poor background, they would have to work their way through it. People have to learn you can’t always have things handed to you on a silver platter, and the money’s not coming from the tooth fairy or Santa Claus.
Dear people, if you do not get out and vote no on May 16 to another hike in your school’s budget you’ll have only yourself to blame. Lower enrollment numbers do not correspond with an increased budget. If only 10 percent of the voters actually get out there and vote, then it is no wonder our school taxes keep going up. We are the only country who spends so much per student and a constantly deteriorating education system to show for it. Please get out and exercise your right and privilege to vote.
With a Triple Cities heroin problem and gang murders taking place in Binghamton, it just seems stupid to get rid of our police department. Does anybody else think that? How could you possibly decide it was a good time to do that!
The VFW is having their 9th annual golf tournament at Pheasant Hill on May 21. You can pick up an application at the Post or fill out an application that is in this week’s Pennysaver.
Attention Richford residents: There will be a neighborhood watch meeting held on Wednesday, May 24, at 7 p.m. at the Richford Town Hall located at 7 Bowery Lane. This is an open meeting for all Richford residents. This meeting will focus on teaching you how to be safe in your home and neighborhood as well as show you what signs to look out for and how to report incidences. Come out to this meeting and get to know each other in your neighborhood and learn how to be safe. All Richford residents are encouraged to come. Let’s work together to keep ourselves and each other safe. If you have any questions or want more info, please call 259-3814.
National Political Viewpoints
The House of Representatives has just passed a new health care bill. A bill opposed by doctors, hospitals and the AARP. Its lone supporter, the insurance companies, got their money’s worth from their 600 million dollar lobbying effort. Let us remember this when our congressmen come up for re-election in 2018.
“If this is what it means to vote Republican then why vote Republican?” — Rush Limbaugh
You’ve got to be kidding! Barack Hussein Nobama had 2,920 days in which to wreak his destruction on this country. President Donald Trump has had 100 days, during which he’s created jobs, given the economy a huge boost, undone a great deal of the damage done by his predecessor, and the media complains and does their usual whining and crying because it’s not a Lib in office in D.C. with the usual feel good accomplish nothing, tax and spend approach to governing.
Obama’s birth record was published for all to see, both as a news article at the time and his birth certificate. He doesn’t have an immigration status because he was born here. The FBI has already reported that of all Hillary’s e-mails, less than 100 COULD have been classified BUT WERE NOT AT THE TIME. And both released their tax returns, as has every Presidential candidate for the last 40 years – except for one. Why care about tax returns? So you can judge whether or not the candidate could benefit personally thus influence decisions. What does a college transcript have to do with it? And if you think it’s important then demand Trump’s also.
Nancy Pelosi says President Trump’s plan could lead to huge deficits like maybe even $6 trillion. She never ever opened her big mouth when Obama increased the deficit by, get this, $10 trillion! So much for Democrat deceit and hyperboly.
And the Trump show goes on and on and on. It seems like 10 years already, not 100 days! All the turmoil he caused, it’s wearing everybody out. Just sign the documents and shut up! He’s not very bright; he just likes to show off so just keep clapping for him everyone. I wish Obama or someone else or even Bush could be in office. More people in the U.S. would be at ease. Trump is terrifying. It’s like he’s playing some kind of a game.
You can sure tell we have a Republican president; the body bags are coming back from Afghanistan already. You people, I hope you’re happy whom you voted for, all 25 percent of you, because that’s all the support he has. By the way, where’s the big tax cut he’s promised all of you people. You people are going to be surprised when you see what your taxes go up to.
I had to laugh when Senator Schumer said people are flocking to New York. Unless they’re coming for the free tuition and the welfare freebies, people are not flocking to New York and they’re not flocking for the right reasons.
I just read a great book titled “Reasons to Vote for Democrats” and it took me less than a minute to read as all the pages are blank. It’s a best seller.
Some caller keeps whining about Donald Trump’s short vacations to Florida. They say it costs us taxpayers a lot of money. Get a life already! I remember all the lavish vacations the Obama’s took for eight years and they cost millions and millions. Remember all the Nantucket golfing vacations for the Obama’s, and they even sent an extra airplane to pick up Michelle and the kiddies every time. Another wasted million. Trump doesn’t even accept his paycheck for the job. He donates his paycheck to good causes. No Democrat ever did that, especially Obama or Clinton. Go Donald Trump, your first 100 days are fabulous, and you’re shutting them all up. Keep up the good work buddy!
What in the world is wrong with the Republican leadership? They control the house, the senate and the presidency, and continually fall on their faces to accomplish their stated goals. The latest government funding bill allows planned parenthood funding, no wall, continues H2V visas for low skilled immigrants, allows funding of immigrants from six terrorist countries, funds the EPA, funds Pureto Rican Medicaid bailout and even more boondoggles. The Democrats had thousands of pages of Obamacare ready nine days after he took office. Republicans appear not to want to fight for their goals. Trump should immediately fire Paul Ryan and perhaps Mitch McConnell and put conservative or Tea Party legislators in place. My message to Republican leaders: fish or cut bait.
You’ve got to admit one thing – the Democrats are really good at the game of politics. Do nothing and you win. Go Donald Trump.
After November’s election Hillary said she called and congratulated Mr. Trump and offered to help him in any way for the betterment of the country. Apparently this was a lie because in her recent interview she says she’s back as a citizen and part of the resistance. What is wrong with her? I, for one, am not interested in anything she says or believes. I wish she would just retire and stay out of politics, as I am sure a lot of us would agree.
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