You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.
I was wondering if anyone knew where we could buy a new VCR or a VCR with a DVD player. We are old fashioned and that’s what we’d like to have. We are missing out on taping a lot of shows.
Does anybody at all really watch those ridiculous Real Housewives programs?
For Tioga County residents with dog barking problems – our dog control officer is Kyle Fleming. He is located in the Town Hall on Route 434 and can be reached at 687-4039. He is very friendly, methodic and takes action. Dog ordinance pamphlets are available at the Town Clerk’s window. It clearly states that continual repetitious or frequent barking of five days or more is prohibited. We had this problem and Kyle worked with us to end it. We filled out a log of barking periods for five days and the offender who was visited by Kyle, given the dog ordinance and advised to stop it. When nothing changed Kyle took the steps to enforce the continued violation with a court summons. Our dog ordinance is in place to enforce the peace of our homes and our minds from this violation. Chronic barking dog owners need to understand their responsibilities and to be held accountable if they do not control their dog. We will certainly take action if a barking dog problem ever rises again.
There have been many comments about barking dogs. Well how about dogs running loose? How about the big dogs that run loose and chase animals into your home? Big dogs that run loose and corner you on your property and circle you like they want to attack? You do not know what to do, so the owner is right there who cannot control them and then someone else comes along and helps. These dogs have been loose and there is a leash law.
When is somebody going to do something about the menagerie of puppies and dogs that are constantly little yappers on the corner of Paige and East Temple? It’s ridiculous. They have no respect for the neighbors. It’s just constant and continual; all they do is bark! Please send somebody to help.
Heroin is rampant all over the state. Several times a year village residents are getting letters telling them that sex offenders are moving within 1,000 feet of their homes. Does the village board have any agenda other than getting rid of the police department? We really need something to be done. Quality of life is based on how you use your money, and getting rid of the police department is not the way to go.
Who keeps calling and saying college should be free like grades K-12? Certainly not me as I am paying thousands, yes thousands a year in school taxes. My father was the sole provider in my family and just works in a factory. My mother wore $.50 shoes in order to pay for my college. In New York State, property owners pay $18,000 a year for K-12 education per student and Sir or Madam, if you pay your own rent those costs are reflected in your monthly rent payment. So no, K-12 is not free and college costs are certainly not coming from the tooth fairy or Santa Claus. It’s coming from the sweat and labor of the handful of us fools still working in this so-called Empire State.
I believe in the old adage, that before you criticize someone you should walk a mile in his shoes. Not only will you be a mile away, you also have his shoes.
Can you believe it? I can be fined $250.00 a day for having a car I don’t even use sitting in my yard. What really got me was when I learned that my wife could get the ticket because she is the homeowner. That car will be gone!
Well, I see the village board has found a way to get rid of our village police. Maybe the board members would like to take turns patrolling our streets to keep the druggies on their toes.
This column and social media have lately been making a big deal out of the current board of trustees and the so-called Sunshine Law. First, the law’s title is “Open Meetings Law” not Sunshine Law. Second, the law does NOT prohibit members of the board from talking to each other outside of the public board meeting. The law prohibits them from “conducting business” outside of the public session. Courts have ruled that “conducting business” means voting on actions since the board can’t legally take any action without a vote. All voting has been done at the public sessions. That’s how we know about it. Lastly, the Open Meeting Law specifically allows members of the same party to meet privately to discuss the issues facing them including “public business.” If you legitimately think the board has taken an action in violation of the law, then file suit pursuant to the law and see if a judge agrees. Otherwise, please stop bringing this red hearing into the local debate.
To the person who wondered if the Owego Village Board was aware of the Sunshine Law: In the business world, be it public or private, there’s always a meeting before “the meeting”. That’s just the way the business world works. That’s how you garner support and avoid being blindsided at the meeting.
Thank you to the Berkshire Fire Department, local businesses, parents, family and friends for all of your help and support for our chicken and biscuit dinner that was held on April 23. Also a big thanks to all that came out and had dinner and participated in the bake sale and raffles. It was a huge success because of all of you! NTYL – Newark Valley Baseball
National Political Viewpoints
The national Socialist Democrats are acting like loons after Hillary’s devastating and historical loss. They promote violent demonstrations, especially on college campuses. They funnel $10 million into a ‘hollyweird’ supported no account election in Georgia, which they will lose in June. President Trump is doing a magnificent job in battling the lame stream media, the Marxist Democrats, Academia and even some of the Republican Party, which he should read the riot act to. In the next few months he will push through Trumpcare to replace the deplorable Obamacare and they will be a great success. Go Trump!
Keep watching Fox News – they’re imploding. It’s fun.
I think we’ve had enough of the Clintons and Obamas in politics. The next president just may be a woman and her name is Ivanka Trump. That would be wonderful!
I agree with two callers from last week. Time to drain the Albany / New York swamp and enough is enough. I, too, am tired of my hard earned money going to support freebies. When will people understand that nothing is free? It’s coming from us hard working American people. With all those freebies, it’s no wonder our special needs people, our veterans and those senior citizens who are not on welfare are overlooked and not taken care of. Always, always vote Republican!
I cannot believe the Democratic Party just doesn’t get it. They chose not to listen to the American people on immigration, Obamacare, jobs, the border wall and sanctuary cities, and now they sit back and wonder why Hillary is not in that White House. To this day they choose to put up nothing but obstacles to the issues most important to the American people. It’s the Democratic agenda or they’re not interested. I believe none of them will be reelected next time around. The American people have spoken and will continue to speak. The Democrats are unbelievable, so I say let them continue to scratch their head. You can’t make this stuff up!
Trump’s tax records are now available in a safe place for all to see, underneath Obama’s college records, his birth record, his immigration status as a student, his funding source to pay for college, his selective service registration, and Hillary’s e-mail log and 66,000 deleted emails. And who cares anyway? Move on and support Trump for a change, because contrary to what some believe – he is your President.
If the President wants to eliminate “wasteful” entitlement programs such as Meals on Wheels and Planned Parenthood, he really should include free health insurance coverage for Congressmen on that list.
If Trump stopped going to Florida every weekend, which we taxpayers are paying millions for, and for him to do who knows what he would have more than enough to pay to build his wall between the U.S. and Mexico without having to shut down our government. What’s next? Are we going to add billions more to our deficit? Enough is enough. Congress, do your job and stop him before there is no more U.S.A. – great or not!
“As a Muslim, I feel ashamed that so few of us Muslims speak up for these Christians. As a liberal my shame gets quite purple, for those in my camp willfully deny the experiences of these victims or decide they don’t matter. Unless we include this oppression in our long list of unacceptable oppressions we are not worthy of calling ourselves Muslim, liberal or even human.” “As a Muslim I’m ashamed that so few of us speak up against the persecution of Christians” – Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. International Business Times
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