Readers’ Column for the week of Jan. 29, 2017

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.

The actions of Trump’s administration during the first five days have focused on supporting corporate profits and their bottom line. He supports the Republican philosophy that corporate profits will result in a “trickle down” benefit for the lower and middle classes. Looking at the income earning of the top 5 percent versus the rest of us over the last decade it is obvious that “trickle down” does not really work. But there will be “trickle down” as the corporate execs meet up at various get-togethers and laugh so hard that the lower classes actually buy the argument that they lose control and wet themselves.


Based on Mr. Trump’s language and tweets, irregular aliens are, for the most part Mexican. If that were true, then since Mexico is a mostly catholic nation and the Mexican people are more supportive of catholic ideals, the abortion issue would have caused a majority of the 5 million illegal voters to cast a ballot for Mr. Trump. Once his investigation of these votes are negated he will probably also lost the electoral majority.


I found a very nice ladies ring in the parking lot of the SPENCER DOLLAR GENERAL store. If you describe it in detail or show me a picture of it, then I suggest that you consider offering me a reward because I know its value. I will watch this column for the next two weeks, leave your phone number and description, I will call you immediately if it appears to be the same ring. After that I will consider it mine.


Very frequently I hear that our Nation was founded on Christian principles.

After years of Catholic School, my understanding of a Christian is “A follower or disciple of Jesus; someone who believes Jesus is the Christ or Messiah. The New Testament mentions that the followers of Jesus were first called Christians within a few years after his death.” If we are actually a Christian nation, then why are we so full of HATE and GREED? I would suggest that all of you who profess to be Christian to reread the New Testament and heed the words of Jesus Christ who would be extremely disappointed by what we have become. To those of you who dismiss my thoughts and comments because I went to Catholic School – exactly my point! If you are offended by my comments then you are the Christians I am referring to.


Interesting. Notice how the Dems/Progressives who supposedly stand for diversity, acceptance, love, all that kind of stuff, are the first ones to riot and burn when diversity is in fact in evidence. Example, the Hollywood types who want to put down Melania Trump, “because she barely speaks English.” This said by one whom barely speaks understandable English. Melania speaks English and at least three other languages. Notice too that Conservatives who had nonsense shoved down their throats for eight too long years never rioted, looted, burned or protested. None of it. We simply buckled down, pulled in our chins and got to work peacefully working to change what was obviously headed in the wrong direction. Look at the childish behavior of those on the Left in contrast.


The phone number for the seamstress is (607) 687-2069. Her name is Jean.


I don’t usually write into columns, but felt I would send in my comment. What happened to peace on earth and good will to men? Yes I voted for Trump. I did not vote for Obama, but you didn’t see me going out and starting riots and protesting that he won. What is wrong with people, give Trump a chance. The women’s march was pathetic because it was not peaceful and the signs were vulgar; and what kind of example was it to have Madonna make a ridiculous speech about blowing up the White House? There were kids at this rally. They said they have been treated unfairly for years, then why didn’t they do this March when Bush or Obama were president? We can’t always get what we want, so make the best of any situation and stay positive and in four years make your voice count and vote. 


Talked to my 24-year-old granddaughter yesterday. Her question, “Grandpa, why are all these women protesting? We haven’t LOST any rights. All health care is just as available to women as it ever was; now they just have to pay for it, which is only right in the first place. Why should I pay for someone else’s abortion, or contraceptives? I don’t get it!” And, as Grandpa, I have to admit I don’t either! What happened to the old adage, “There ain’t no free lunch?”


The best analysis on the Democrats’ antics of transition to a Republican led government and the failure of them to no longer control the message and change the election laws, said much better by an Op/Ed writer, Christian Schneider – USA Columnist Contributor: [In 1880, U.S. Rep. Thomas B. Reed, later House Speaker, said, “The best system is to have one party govern and the other party watch.” During the Obama years, Democrats wore this slogan as if it were a shoulder tattoo; on the evening of Nov. 8, they quietly took to Google to find a laser removal service.] A truly whoa “What goes around, comes around moment”. No wonder they’re in such pain, that’s gotta hurt and that may explain why we are hearing all the screaming and tantrums if only they’re contemplating undergoing the procedure in the coming four years.


Putin to Trump, ‘Dance for me monkey’.


Follow Politics Party should be the new name for the Republican. They are all in and only in it for power, their own power with no regard or concern for the average American people.


Could someone explain the protests? When I go to the dentist, when finished, I pay the bill. Between insurance and my checkbook, bill for service is paid. As I understand it, abortions and women’s healthcare issues have in no way been abolished, forbidden, or made illegal. Abortions and health care are just as available as ever, except now one MIGHT have to pay for services rendered. Why shouldn’t that be the case anyway? Why should I be forced to pay for an abortion I had nothing to do with and don’t believe in, in most cases anyway? Can someone make a logical explanation?


After the actions of the newly elected president and his staff with regards to the release of pictures showing a larger crowd at Obama’s inauguration – misstatement and lies. I want the media and the press to fact check every single word that comes out of this administration because if we let them get off the hook with lies about a minor issue of inauguration attendance, then they will be more emboldened to lie about more major issues and policies.


Perspective is a person’s view of things. If you look at the crowd at Trumps’s inauguration from the Capitol, the crowd looks very large. But take a look at the crowd from a different perspective (the Washington Monument) and there is more space on the mall to accommodate additional supporters and viewers. The press, therefore, reported that the crowd was not as large as the crowd at Obama’s inauguration in 2008, a simple fact that was determined by two pictures from that different perspective. This fact, however, has become a thorn in the side of our new president because someone had the gall to have a perspective that was his different than his, which resulted in bad mouthing the press and misstating provable facts (the white protective sheets were used for the first time when there are pictures of the NPS employees putting them down in 2013). The issue of inauguration attendance is a minor one when it comes to what the country and world are facing, but it becomes a major one for a person with a sensitive ego, which then results in both him and his press secretary misstating the facts. As a result of this display of conduct and attitude, I will now be totally skeptical of every thing that is said by the president and his staff because I will not, do not, and cannot know if it is true.


The Negative connotation of the old adage, “Trust Me; I’m from the Government and I am here to help you,” is now more appropriate then ever.


Congratulations Trumpites. Not even four hours into his term the scheduled reduction in mortgage insurance premiums has been canceled and the ball started rolling to overturn the ACA. The ACA is what says insurance companies cannot refuse coverage because of a pre-existing condition, or charge more because you are female, or put a limit on what they will pay in your lifetime. It reduces your cost in the drug coverage “donut hole”. It allows you to keep your kids on your policy until they are 26. But so what? It’s a bad thing, right? Keeping your mortgage costs up. Reducing your health insurance coverage. Your new government working for you.


“I’m no fan of Donald Trump, at all. But he does have a good and important point when he complains about the Intelligence Community. When Trump said recently that the CIA was bloated and inefficient, he was right. When he said that it needed to be pared down and restructured, he was right.” “I Have Come to the Conclusion That the Country Does Not Need a CIA” — John Kiriakou. 1/17/17


Newsflash! The putrid protesters opposed to our great new President Trump suffer from Trump upset resistance disorder. These crybaby disrupters exhibit childish rage, uncontrolled crying, rioting, thievery, welfare abuse, poor work history, a smelly and unkempt appearance, and drug use and vial language. They need to be flushed down the toilet of history so we can make America once again. Go Trump!


Here we go. When Barack Obama was elected the first time I, for one, did not believe what he was saying in all his campaign speeches; like how he was going to reform Wall Street and place restrictions on bankers. I say, give him a chance anyway. Remember the world economic collapse of 2008? In his first two weeks in office he appointed Paulson, Geithner and Bernanke and a host of others that were largely responsible for the largest redistribution of wealth ever perpetrated in history. In plain language, robbery, making our money worth half of what it was prior to 2008. Not one of the crooks was prosecuted or went to prison. After that I realized he was just another liar and I never listened to another word the bum said. He took Wall Street’s side and turned his back on Mr. and Mrs. average American. And, by the way, it was Bill Clinton, another Democrat that had a huge role in a 2008 financial melt down when he lifted the Glass- Steagall laws enacted in 1929 to prevent what happened in 2008. He also endorsed and signed NAFTA, and we all know how much that helped America. All you Hillary cheerleaders make me want to vomit. Now all you talk about is what President Trump is going to do to America. What is wrong with you? How do you not see what your false prophets have already done to us as anything but bad? In the last eight years things are a lot worse. Get a grip! 


I’m taking a survey and I want to know how the new world order is working out for you.


I’m changing the tired subject of Obama and Trump politics. The new topic is what can we do to control the amount of advertisements on TV. These actors make millions of dollars, some a million per episode. The other day there were four minutes of program and it went to three minutes of commercials. I timed them. Some shows are 15 to 20 minutes long. There must be something that can be done. It’s getting out of hand and worse and worse!


I noticed that people are still commenting on the explosion in Tioga County. I read a story about it and not sure what paper it was printed in. Could someone find the story and see that it gets printed again? From the Editor: You can access the story online at


I just read the Letter to the Editor. I found it very interesting the one about narcon and the other one related to the opium overdoses. I had learned about it recently just by chance and have someone in my home as a guest and they have the survival kit or whatever they want to call it. It’s a very interesting thing to have and I understand if you are in rehab or if you outright use heroin and such that you have to keep it on hand so this person had to leave it here so I had to call law enforcement to come out along with the scale and a couple packets of synthetic marijuana but either way, I don’t care how you print it, they are able to go to a special office and get another survival kit free of charge. 


Follow the truth. The PFA, which is the Patient Freedom Act, which is part of Trump Care, is already to go. The Socialist Democrat buffoons who say there is no Trump Care plan are a joke. Obamacare is a dismal failure. The costs are outrageous if you are a worker. Everyone knows that! The middle class worker will have real choice and a good healthcare plan. Stay tuned. 


Does anyone really care about these marches that took place over the weekend? Do all these people have nothing better to do? I’m more concerned with the jobs, of which President Trump is off to a great start – more jobs already than over the last eight years. I suggest to the people in the marches to go work in soup kitchens, pantries and help the less fortunate.


I really enjoyed Friday’s inauguration but the best part of it was seeing the Obama’s flying away on vacation with a picture of the White House in the background. Go Trump!


How interesting. A lot of the marchers over the weekend were interviewed and they said they never even voted. I don’t get it. Trump is ready to go. The country is ready for change. How refreshing!


Have you noticed the difference in Trump’s voice and attitude right now? Not tomorrow, now. While he was running he was a loud mouth jackass. Right now he is trying to sooth the minds of the people he was a jackass to and trying to make them think he is really a good guy. Is he pathetic? 


I think Trump’s going to be impeached before he serves even a year in office. That’s what I pray for every day. 


I thought we reelected a Town of Owego Superintendent three years ago but now that I’m retired I listen to the scanner and you don’t hear him. It’s either once in a while the deputy is on but mainly it’s just the foreman running things. I’m not a rocket scientist but I think if he ran it, it would be a little bit smoother.


The record is clear. Millions of women around the world have rallied for reality against Trump intrusions in their lives. This means no attacks on healthcare, a woman is responsible for her own body not some Republican politician. For example, an effort to defund Planned Parenthood, which is prohibited by U.S. Law from offering taxpayer-funded abortions, is a target for Republicans. Will defunding Planned Parent cost Congressman Tom Reed his job? Follow the news. 


Just an interesting point, there are 225 plus apartments in the Village of Owego that their owners have tax abatement. Who’s paying the taxes in this village by the way? Who? Just the property homeowners? Business abatements are on the rise just as well. Where are we headed? I think we are going down the tubes.


This is to the Mayor of the Village of Owego. I’m very excited reading that you and the board are working on the sewer bill. I have a few questions about that. Is the extra money being put in an escrow account or are you just wasting that money like you usually do? Is this a way to tax us because you’re building up our property tax? Is there any other municipality in the state of New York that’s having problems with how they bill for sewer, or are we just the only one? Sir, you had said before the election that you will keep the police department, that’s why I voted for you, and you would do something about the sewer bill. My sewer bill shouldn’t be as high as it is because I live alone and I try to go to the gas station as much as possible, so I am not even using the sewer. You are going up for reelection again, before you go up are you willing to take a lie detector test for the things you are running on or is it just going to be a lie after lie. 


President Trump is nuts, some say crazy, about numbers. Remember how he saw the crowd at his inauguration? Millions and millions, the biggest inauguration crowd ever! His number will be up when the impeachment throws him out in the street where he belongs. 


I heard that Donald Trump wants to bring back the draft, get some of these young kids off the street corners, teach them how to put their hats on right and keep their pants up so their underwear doesn’t show. Anybody else heard about that yet?


I’m calling about the billboard sign from Tioga Downs, who wants to put it up the Town of Nichols. The Town of Nichols voted it down and went to ZBA, the Zoning Board of Appeals, and they voted it down. They need to realize that Jeff Gural has helped out the Town of Nichols so much and he can get around it with an article 87, so it’s not all done yet. I just wanted to put my opinion in.


I was just wondering, the Fed Ex tractor-trailer that goes down Erie Street every day between 10 and 12 every morning; there’s not supposed to be tractor trailers on this street. Can something be done about this?


This message goes out to all the political crybabies that continually call in their complaints to this column. The country we live in is the United States of America. Our flag is red, white and blue. Our president is whom the people voted for, so if you can’t cope with that feel free to move to another country like Korea.


I think Donald Trump is trying to bore us to death. My God, we’ve got four years of this?


Has anybody heard the latest on Donald Hitler Trump? They say the Pope talks to God, he’s the direct voice from God. Must be God’s bringing Trump’s name up with Hitler because did you hear what the Pope said yesterday? Hitler was elected too and he went on and destroyed the people of his country. What do you think he’s insinuating about Trump? I cannot believe you Republicans are so stupid! What is wrong with your heads? Now Trump is in there like a kid in a candy store. He is nothing but a spoiled snot. 


There’s another thing about Obamacare being on its way out the door. For too long on the W-2 forms, if you didn’t have a healthcare plan they would have to punish people for not having one. That was totally unfair. I say good riddance to it!


What a difference between Obama and Donald Trump. Trump is someone who gets things done. Obama was just an occupier who did nothing good for the country. The senators and congressmen are not used to Donald Trump’s pace. They are used to not having to do anything when Obama was president. What a big change in the White House!


Can anyone suggest a way to get attention of the Owego Highway Department, because a phone call does not seem to work. I recently had to pay to have a ditch cleaned out so water could run through the sluice. Needless to say I wasn’t too happy about it because I thought that was one thing our tax money was to be used for. When it rains, hard water runs down the road like a river because some of the ditches are not dug out enough to carry the water. Also, speaking of water, unless someone does something about the trees along the creek that runs parallel to Wade Hollow, someone will have more water than they want. There are trees that have half their root system suspended in air. If the right wind comes along or if the water gets high you will have a blocked creek. I don’t know whose responsibility it is, but something should be done. I will say one thing though; I think the town does a good job taking care of our winter roads. 


It sounds like Bernie Madoff has moved into the Tioga Central School District. Remember what you hear about scams, if they sound too good to be true they probably are not.

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