You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.
“I say it is time for us to come together as one united people. It is time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all of Americans, and this is so important to me.” I applaud these words of President-elect Donald Trump’s victory speech and I hope that he will remember them on and after Jan. 20. I must admit that I did not support Mr. Trump but he was elected as he next President and it is my obligation as a citizen to give him the opportunity to live up to his words. However, this obligation does not mean that I should blindly accept very decision or action he takes. Mr. Trump has made many promises, some I support and some that I do not and there are millions of citizens like me out there. Although Mr. Trump has won the Electoral College majority, at 11 a.m. on Wednesday morning the popular vote was 59,157,483 for Mr. Trump and 59,325,126 for Ms. Clinton. So Mr. Trump does not have a “landslide” victory. Yes there are more votes to be counted and, yes, Mr. Trump can end up with popular vote majority as well but it will not be by a wide margin. With all this being said, I repeat that is my obligation as a citizen to give him the opportunity to live up to his words. It is his job and obligation to prove to me that these words are not just a “sound-bite” and that he recognizes that this Country is populated by millions of citizens with different values and needs which should be considered during his term in office. I will not give him and the Republican Party “Carte Blanche”, I will hold them responsible for the consequences of their actions.
Why does the republican part continue to discriminate against Latinos, Muslims, immigrants, African Americans, women, the disabled and Jews? Why does the Republican Party feel it is so very important to suppress voting, especially African Americans and the poor. We all know it is not due to voter fraud because it is almost nonexistent. And why would patriotic Americans who love the constitution endorse and support a candidate that encourages all of the above and more? This party is in trouble. But perhaps the most troubling concept is to refuse to fill the Supreme Court vacancy because that attacks one of the three branches of our government. It looks like party above country.
Today is Sunday. The election is Tuesday. On Wednesday about half of us are the losers. So what! It is over now, we cannot change it by raising unrest and we do not want the results to ruin our future and our lives, so let us all live with it no matter the outcome. This is, was, and will still be a great country. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
This is for the person who misses the World Series. Back when you were a kid there were 16 teams total in two leagues that played 140 games. The season ended in early September and then the series was played during the day because most fields did not have lights. A long game was one that ran over two and half hours. I do not think that in your time there was a team West of St. Louis; now there are three times zones to be considered. Now we have six leagues and each team plays 162 games with the playoffs running into November. There are many teams out West, so the games are at 8 p.m. to not only accommodate the fans, but mostly for television and the money that is generated and goes to the league. And games now drag out to three and four hours in prime time. It is all a game of GREED – the leagues, the owners, and the advertisers who sell their products and the vendors who run the food concessions and the hat and apparel sales share it. Please feel sad, as it is going to get much worse with more teams and much more advertising and the leagues will start their own stations, like the Yankees, and yes, so you will have bias hometown reporting and eventually start paying if you want to see any professional games. Meanwhile you missed one heck of a series this year! SORRY!
I was wondering in the Binghamton Rumble Ponies were a descendant of the Parlor City Jackasses.
There is no LEGAL way that the current Owego Village Board can extend their term from two to four years. They were voted to two-year terms in the last election and that is it. I cannot believe that they would try and pull such a stunt. I hope we have lots of oversight people at the board meetings.
Folks, if you insist on taking a walk or running or jogging in the dark please wear clothing that is light colored so you can be seen. It tends to be a big problem.
That was the best column in the Pennysaver I have seen in years!
It’s too bad that this column omitted all the political talk on the last two Sundays before the election. Many callers enlighten us about the candidates and tell us things that the mainstream media would not print – and a well-informed voter makes a better choice. Opinions, good or bad, tell us much about our community and all the things important to it, including politics.
Just thanking you for getting this column back to what it should be instead of politics and lies that people could yell at. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Why wasn’t there any political comment in this week’s paper? Was it because there would have been too many negatives for Hillary because she is such a crook? I’m beginning to think you people down there are Democrats and you’re going to stifle. I’ve called in two or three times about Hillary and it was not put in or it was changed.
Free bowling, free pizza, and free soda for school age children is coming up at Owego Bowl next Saturday from 1 to 5 p.m.
I was just reading the Pennysaver this morning and what a joy it was to read this column without all the political things in it. Let’s just stick to things in our area and it will be a great time to read this column.
Thank you Pennysaver! I can now have my coffee and donuts and read the Pennysaver on Sunday morning without getting a migraine. Thanks again!
In regards to the brand new beanie babies, I also had some and sent them to St. Jude’s Hospital for the children with cancer and they were greatly appreciated.
Thank you for all the people who said that I was the number one farmer whose beef cows were out. I will have to tell you, they are not my cows.
In response to the comment about bus driver appreciation – Back in the 80’s and 90’s they set aside a bus driver’s appreciation day in Owego. The administration came to the bus garage and put on a picnic for the drivers. Also that day each driver was awarded a pin for years of service. That happened under the leadership of Berma Shaver when she was supervisor in the 80’s and continued through the 90’s when Jim Beauter was supervisor. After the 90’s, for some reason, the administration changed and decided it was no longer necessary to have these appreciation days. It’s too bad because at that time the bus association in Owego was considered a family affair.
I’m still looking for cloth diapers, any size, any thickness. Call Linda at 657-2635.
Hooray! The American people have spoken. Hillary needs to go home and relax. She has now lost two presidential bids. She needs to stay home, put her feet up and just relax and realize her political career is now over.
A Trump victory is a victory for the American people and for all, but he has his hands full as he works to clean up the mess Obama and Hillary have handed him. I applaud Donald Trump, his ambition, and his love for America and the people.
It is a new day in America. The American people have finally woken up to the stench of corruption in Washington. Donald Trump will be the people’s president, not the president of big media, big pollsters, big government, big educators or big Hollywood. I’m sure that this is the time for a new deal. Go Trump!
Many congratulations to Donald Trump for winning the presidential election. Congratulations to Claudia Tenney and Fred Akshar as well. Great job, thanks for running!
When I turned on the TV at 3:30 this morning apparently the election team found out the candidate they proposed to 32 weeks ago was not the candidate they married.
I hope now that the Clintons will just disappear!
Let’s hope all those Hollywood people who said they would leave the United States if Trump were elected don’t go back on their promise.
To all college students rioting and destroying property as a result of Tuesday’s election, the authorities should arrest you and your respective colleges suspend you for the semester because you are acting like spoiled children, not adult enough for higher education.
Okay, this is the deal, how could Trump say the government could not possibly go through 600,000 pages of Hillary’s personal email and stuff like that and be effective, and yet turn around and say the whole country outside, overseas, whatever, could have their votes counted in 20 hours. I’ve got to know. Come on and figure this one out.
I am so glad that Trump won and I’m glad the election is over. The fact that he won it shows that miracles still happen today. He’ll be the guy who will turn this country around and he’ll be the guy that will get tough on Isis. It’s better to get tough with them than have them come over hear and raise havoc.
Hopefully this is the end of Clinton’s political career. The American people have spoken.
No thank you to New Yorkers but a big thank you to North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Georgia and the list goes on. The majority rules in giving your state to Donald Trump. This column had it wrong as well, when someone called in saying Hillary was going to be our 46th president. Go Trump!
As a member of the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II, it is quite distressing to my fellow Air Corps members and I to read local obituaries stating that the deceased was a member of the U.S. Air Force. The Air Force was not created until about 1948. During WWII the Air Corps was subdivided into Air Force squadrons, which might lead to the confusion. It would be a great service to the deceased if the funeral directors would make this information available to those who are creating the obituary. This is a fact of history that will be lost some time in the future.
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