You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.
To the disabled person who was looking for the VHS movies, I have some that I would like to get to you. You can call me at (607) 754-4473.
I was quite excited to learn that Lockheed Martin plans on creating energy from waste products. So why aren’t we doing more of this? Senator Schumer was pushing for bio-digesters on dairy farms a while back. Whatever became of this? Doesn’t this make more sense than using thousands of gallons of toxic chemicals mixed with millions of gallons of water to frack the earth and extend the foolishness of the fossil fuel age?
I don’t know about anyone else, but when I turn on the T.V. to watch an NFL game, I want to see a FOOTBALL GAME, not some spoiled overpaid brat with some silly personal problem demonstrating his dislike for this country, or something! I think it’s time the NFL and the owners got together, drafted rules prohibiting such displays, and laying out punishment for those who defy the rules. I mean if this doesn’t happen and fans stop turning on the game, beer sales go down, and sponsors get hit in the pocketbook, betcha the likes of Colin Kaepernik find some other way of airing their goofy complaints! Love it or leave it. If you aren’t happy here “earning” multi-million dollars, then take your personal social concerns elsewhere, like Cuba, or somewhere you’d be happier! And get off my T.V.!
Looking at both candidates there isn’t much of a choice is there? One is leading a fascist political movement that poses a grave threat to the future of humanity, making good people hate other good people, which is how all wars start; while the other candidate spends all her time defending her uncountable lies. I’m really going to miss Obama. Why? He is a faithful husband, displays elegance under pressure, and best of all supports good Christian values like healing the sick (Obamacare), feeding the hungry (food stamps), housing the homeless (Section 8 housing, immigration) and has deep respect for all people. Of course the opposition calls anyone who supports these Christian values a Commie, Marxist, Soulless unpatriotic American out to steal their money and destroy America, go figure. Anyway, with the stock market up 300 percent, unemployment under 5 percent and gas about $2, I would like to order another four years of Obama. Thank you very much.
It is definitely getting to be more like fall weather in the morning and I know what that means. Time for the hobos to head south. I saw another one leaving town yesterday with his hobo bedroll. Maybe a little early since the mornings are not really that cold yet. Or was it the work of the masked man? Whatever the case may be, we will soon be hobo free.
Oh, gee whiz! There was a bombing in New York City, New Jersey, and a terror attack in Minnesota. How many of you, when you heard this news immediately thought, “There go those darn Methodists and Baptists again?” Who exactly are we kidding with this politically correct nonsense? Call the enemy by their name, stop fooling around trying to play nice while they kill us! And, by the way, it was Hillary’s campaign in 2006 that first brought up the birther thing concerning Nobama. And have you noticed that Hillary does NOT speak of destroying ISIS, Islamic fanatics, etc. She speaks of “understanding them,” stopping them from being angry with us. HOGWASH! Maybe it’s time to let in another few hundred thousand Syrian refugees, or illegal aliens!
Judging by the conversation downtown this morning, the rube in this one is strong, as master Yoda would say.
Common Core: Cuomo and Elia strongly became strangely (appropriate or cursive)? Time Lines elections Nov. ’16 Legislature Jan. ’17 Common Core Testing Mar ’17 and May ’17. Results July ’17 Opportunity to become informed, share governmental actions, voters choice involved in legislative process, status of Common Core? Tests? Time Line Comptroller approves payment to Pearson – unsatisfactory service; replaced by Questar Assessment contract accepted by NYSED July ’15; approved by the Attorney General and Comptroller Nov. ’15; Common Core Task Force final report and recommendations Dec. ’15, contract redactions, final FOIL ready April ’16. Curious sequence. Contract then Task Force report. What next? Define status: take, refuse or opt out. Identify, obtain, interpret, and evaluate appropriate information. Provide to participants between Jan ’17 and April ’17. Participate, refuse opt out. 2016, 78 percent. Participate, 22 percent did not.
Follow the news. Are you scared yet? Republican candidate Trump was going to enact a $4.4 trillion tax cut. He’s going to keep immigrants out of our nation. He’s going to build the wall separating Mexico from the U.S. and the Mexicans are going to pay $25 billion for this wall. This guy is unhinged, unfit, and unable to be President of the United States. Use common sense, vote for H.R.C. Your life may depend on it.
Candor’s Honeypot Road paving project looks great. All we desperately need now is a simple white dividing line going to Caroline Center so I don’t force another car into a ditch like I did the other night, although it was very foggy. Come on Candor Superintendent of Highways, get with it!
Why can’t Donald Trump stop attacking women. The latest shameful episode by this buffoon is his attack on the Reverend in Michigan who asked him not to give a political speech when he was in Flint. What a total waste that buffoon is.
I got one of those $14.95 gadget TV antennas, it works well. I also bought one at $9.95 from Dr. Leonard’s catalog for a friend and it works even better!
Tioga County has a year round ban on outdoor burning. Notify the authorities anytime this is going on. Maybe, these thoughtless people will finally get the message after they have to pay a few fines for polluting our air.
In one country a few years ago the people were so disgusted with the politicians running for president that they did a write in vote. The zoo’s elephant won. Any suggestions for whom we should vote for besides Donald and Hillary? Maybe if we get enough votes we’ll wake them up.
All those, except Hillary running for office, say we have to get Americans back to work. The solution is easy and simple. Elect Donald Trump. We saw no job growth in New York State while Hillary was senator. Last week’s caller forgot to mention this in her list of her so-called accomplishments.
I just saw a Hillary sign; it’s a big H with an arrow going through it. It looks like a hospital sign you see along the highway. It’s laughable when you think about her health and all.
While Obama is jetting around campaigning for Hillary, the taxpayers are picking up the bill. Why isn’t he in his office addressing our country’s issues? Because he doesn’t admit there are problems as he pats himself on the back for the great economy, low unemployment, low poverty rate and gas at $2.00 a gallon. I don’t know where he is finding all this, do you?
Congratulations to all the Republicans who have placed Donald Trump on top in the Presidential race. Too bad, he may be our last president when he gets his hands on the nuclear war button.
I’d like to say, has anyone been paying attention to the Indian’s Native American protest in North Dakota and South Dakota native lands? They are sacred, spiritual, and it’s a way of life and now they want to put a pipeline through the Five Nation Sioux Reservation in North Dakota and South Dakota. It’s a slap in the face to our Native Americans, full blooded, half blooded, mixed blooded. This is sacred to them and this is the protest that all of us are standing for and there’s no TV or media coverage. What they are doing is that they want to commit genocide, silence to the eye, no viewing, it’s all going to be hush hush. Now it’s an innocent protest for the Native American land, it’s to the government’s attention, the presidential attention and nobody’s addressing it. I’ve seen nothing on TV about it. I was wondering if anyone is paying attention to this on Facebook or if anyone wants to see the viewing on this and what’s actually happening to the truth of what the National Guard, of what the security and what they’re doing to the Native Americans in our peaceful protest. They have armed dogs and won’t let the media in.
If Donald Trump were to be our next president, is it possible his daughter would take over his wife’s place? What is that word you would call that? Keeping it in the family.
Why isn’t Hillary doing her own campaigning? She’s sending out everybody else to do her work. Obviously she’s not fit to be president. I wish she would just go home and relax.
My number is 657-2635. My close friend had a baby two months out and found out her baby is allergic to the plastic diapers. I would like to know if anybody has any to get rid of. I would be more than willing to pick them up or if you need cash, let me know and give me a buzz.
Dear Hillary, Bill, Barack and Joe, no matter how many doors you knock on, no matter how many speeches you give, no matter how many lies you fabricate for Hillary, we the American people, not the politicians, have spoken. Know you are full of hot air and prunes and we have chosen a great leader, Donald Trump. Go Trump!
Patriot Riders, you are awesome! Thanks for your protection and keeping the undesirables away from our sacred ceremonies. My husband is United States Marine Corps veteran and he approves this message.
Because Hillary, her cronies, and the media have no plans to make America great again, they continue to criticize Trump. I’m getting zero from her speeches. She can’t brag or run on her accomplishments because there aren’t any. There’s just nothing in those speeches.
The reader complaining about Trump’s plan to spend $90 billion plus $25 billion is all wet when the facts are known. Your boy Obama has wasted over $10 trillion, more than all previous presidents combined! A few billion are a drop in the bucket compared to Obama. Remember when Obama got $870 billion, which was wasted on “shovel ready” jobs and there were no “shovel ready” jobs? You can’t argue with the facts. Oh, by the way, how many billions is it going to cost to give away all of Hillary’s things, college is just one.
Why would anyone have Bill Clinton speak for them on the campaign trail? He is an impeached president. In the 2008 Presidential Campaign, President Obama said Hillary was a dishonest politician. Today, fast forward, in his eyes Obama says she is the best. What gives?
Last month the Obama administration let in 10,000 Syrian refugees into the United States of America. John Carey boasted that he would plant them in Chicago. Hillary Clinton wants to raise the refugee importation number another 50 percent. Americans, how many more terrorists’ bombings, and flashings and shootings can you stand until you realize that the Obama and the Hillary administration have the wrong idea for a secure and safe America? Donald Trump has the best plan and he is a proven leader. He will not roll over. Vote Trump!
Yes, I admit, I was wrong. Hillary did accomplish much while she was senator and the secretary of state. She earned millions of dollars for her and Bill and the Clinton Foundation. Too bad the money wasn’t raised for the American people. Why do you think other countries would hand them so much money? What do they want in return? I know and so do you America, and it shows in the polls.
Everyone except the Socialist Democrats know that Christians are being systematically tortured and exterminated by the Middle East vermin like Isis. Nobama and Hillary want to import more refugees. Of the last group of refugees admitted into the U.S., 70,000 were Muslims, and get this, 57 were Christians. Does that make sense to you? Of those refugees, 89 percent are on food stamps now and 76 percent are on Medicaid. Wake up America, vote Trump!
So now that Donald Trump admitted the truth about President Obama’s birth certificate, now all you people who love and trust this jerk finally found out the truth about this jerk. Trump has all those idiots around to control him. He’ll never change. He is 70 years old, it will never happen. Wake up, I did. I’m afraid to leave the country.
Most of you Republican voters, you are not deplorable. There are a few of you that actually have a little bit of a brain. As for the rest of you, the truth seems to hurt you guys a lot, because believe you and me to vote for this man you’ve got to have something wrong with you. He is nothing but a liar and a cheat and he’s made his money off of cheating and swindling people. So maybe you should start calling him crooked Donald or dumb Donald.
I have several pairs of extra eyeglasses. I’m interested in donating them to someone in the area. Is there an organization that will accept these glasses? Please leave your name or number in this column.
Thank you to St. Jude with prayers and gratitude for granting my request.
The grate in front of CVS on Main Street needs to be fixed. Every time a vehicle goes over it, it makes a loud clunk.
A caller last week stated one of Hillary Clinton’s accomplishments was the presidential helicopter program for Lockheed Martin in 2006. She promised hundreds of longtime jobs for Lockheed. She even journeyed all the way to Owego to speak. Was it a good plan? Well, I remember just as Lockheed was about to present the fleet of helicopters President Obama said he did not want them and cancelled the project. He stated he did not need the helicopters. So half or better of Lockheed employees got fired, laid off or transferred – chilling the tax base in Owego. Many took losses on their homes they could not afford anymore and the rest of us had to foot the bill. Didn’t Hillary know that President Obama wasn’t going to want the helicopters? This is just another failed Democratic accomplishment.
We, the people for a better America, want to thank the off duty policeman who stopped the flasher in Minnesota and we want to thank the police from New York City and New Jersey for stopping the garbage can bomber who is an admitted terrorist from Afghanistan and a naturalized U.S. citizen. Trump has the best idea about immigration. Go Trump!
How can anyone say our country is thriving under Obama. Unless it means thriving on high unemployment, high food stamp usage, high welfare entitlements, high crime, high insurance costs, and on and on. If Obama’s ranking is going up it’s only because people are elated he’s leaving the White House. The one responsible for the most recent New York and New Jersey attacks has just been caught, a U.S. Citizen from Afghanistan. Hillary and Obama want them all to enter our country. It’s so frustrating that people who claim to be so educated don’t understand this. Put the rose colored glasses away already.
It’s never been more clear our fight on terrorism is not working while Hillary calls hard working Americans deplorable; neither she nor Obama will even listen to tyranny. How can we expect either of them to defend us?
If Trump becomes President he will get tough on those terrorists and bring them to justice.
Okay, let me see if I have this straight. First, the Owego / Apalachin Central School District abandons the administration building after the flood when the vast majority of their neighbors threw Clorox around, made repairs and moved back into their homes, most for the winter holidays. Next, the school district couldn’t possibly set aside a few hundred square feet in the colossal new elementary school for their offices so it could share the parking lot, heating and cooling system, electric, custodial staff, break room, bathrooms, etc.; but instead had to go in an entirely separate and also colossal building and naturally, now that we have this palace for the administrators and staff of a relatively small school district, there is a drop box holding exorbitant school taxes? Excuse me? The taxpayers are footing the bill to still have receipts mailed after they use their gas and time to take their payment and hard earned dollars over to this administration building during regular business hours? Is this not a huge slap in the face and an absolute insult?
Do you want the totally incompetent bag lady of Benghazi to lead the fight against Isis? Nobama and Hillary say we are in a war of narratives, not a real war. Do you know what really separates the Marxist Democrats from the Patriotic Conservatives? Just listen to the Hollywood pukes attack patriotism. The Communists called their U.S. Allies useful idiots. That is evident by watching the millionaire football players show their disgraceful disrespect for our country’s National Anthem and the flag. These acknowledged Democrats are unbelievably ignorant and act as traitors to our country. Conservative Democrats should speak up and denounce these morons and vote for Trump in November. Go Trump!
Hey, think about it. If Donald Trump can get rid of his wife this quickly during this big deal of his, how fast do you think he can get rid of us with the help of his friends? Think about it.
Thriving under Obama is not possible. You can’t even go to a mall on a Sunday without being injured. Hillary is just more of the same.
Hillary has so much more than just allergies. Her problems are too many to list and I find it mildly amusing she’ll go on all these late night talk shows but she won’t go to any of the news channels that will hit her with good questions. The American people know what she is all about.
The three terror attacks over the weekend were committed without guns, but a gun took the mall attacker down and saved so many lives.
Has anyone every noticed when a Muslim commits a crime President Obama hates to call it a terrorist attack. I wonder why this is.
So now CNN stand for Clinton News Network. I refuse to watch.
Follow the news. Responsible economists including the Peterson Institute say that the trade plan Donald Trump is pushing will put the United States into recession and cost 5 million jobs. Who listens to this wizard of finance? No one. He is a buffoon, he’s a showman, and he’s a fraud. Vote for Hillary Clinton. Use your common sense.
Over the Labor Day holiday I visited the Nichols Cemetery where many family members are buried. I could not believe the turnaround in the condition and appearance of the cemetery. It looks real good! I, for one, hope that it can remain in its present condition. Thanks to whoever got the ball rolling on this project. Thanks again.
County Route 60, west of Waverly, N.Y., is in need of having trees trimmed back from the highway.
I’d just like to know when the Town of Nichols Highway Department is going to clean the ditches out and cut the weeds on Roki Boulevard. They need to be done before winter.
It’s plain and simple. If you’re happy with terrorist bombings, slashings and shootings, and an almost broke America, then vote for Hillary Clinton. If you want a safer and stronger America and a president that tells it like it is, vote for Donald Trump.
Obama is more worked up about people not voting for Hillary than he is about hiding terrorism. So glad he’s leaving the White House.
There she goes again! Clinton is harder on our police than the terrorists. She’s on the wrong side in the U.S.A. She does not belong in politics or the White House. You never hear her utter one word of praise to our police. She’s a great divider as is Obama, who will now be campaigning for her two days a week until Nov. 8 at taxpayer expense. Why isn’t he working to solve our problems? Because he is in over his head? Why isn’t she campaigning on her own as Trump does? Because she, too, is in over her head? Vote Donald Trump.
How did so many that were to be deported become U.S. Citizens? Now Clinton speaks of vetting refugees. Where have we heard that before? Hillary is such a slow learner. She needs to face the fact that her crooked career is over. The Obama / Clinton duo needs to retire. Thank goodness a big change in Washington is coming on Nov. 8.
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