We need to change the way we view our use of energy

Dear Editor,

A few minutes watching a news channel can be pretty offsetting when the consequences of global warming and climate change strike us with images of homes swept away from severe flooding in Texas, towns ravaged from tornadoes in the Midwest, and vast migrations of families fleeing drought and starvation in Africa. It can be overwhelming unless we feel empowered by knowing there’s something we can do to change it.

Something that each of us can do is to simply change the way we view our use of energy. Back in the seventies it was “switch off the lights on the way out” because those lights are linked to the extraction of fossil fuels and the consequent creation of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere. In the 21st Century it’s still about the lights, but now we have the opportunity to harness the sun’s energy in a positive and clean way by switching to solar systems.

Around the world the movement to more efficient, renewable and clean energy resources has led to promising new companies growing, hiring workers and creating many opportunities in the clean energy sector. It’s happening here in the Southern Tier.

This is something you can be a part of. The grassroots organization SAVE is offering a viewing of “Catching the Sun”, the documentary story of the global energy transition told from the perspective of entrepreneurs and the workers in the field.  The film will be shown on Wednesday, June 29, at 7 p.m. in the Spencer town hall.


Rick Rogers

Spencer, N.Y.