Third Party Culpability allowed in the fourth Calvin Harris Trial

Third Party Culpability allowed in the fourth Calvin Harris TrialJulie Brinkman, pictured in this photo from the third Calvin Harris trial in Schoharie County, returned to the courtroom on Friday to testify for the defense. (File Photo / Wendy Post)
Third Party Culpability allowed in the fourth Calvin Harris Trial

Julie Brinkman, pictured in this photo from the third Calvin Harris trial in Schoharie County, returned to the courtroom on Friday to testify for the defense. (File Photo / Wendy Post)

On Friday, and during the fourth second-degree murder trial for Calvin Harris, the presiding judge, Honorable Richard Mott, allowed the defense to argue third-party culpability in the trial.

Judge George Bartlett III denied a defense request to offer third-party culpability during the previous trial.

The defense has maintained claims that someone other than their client, Calvin Harris, was responsible for Michele Harris’ disappearance. The defense has specifically argued that Stacey Stewart was responsible for Michele Harris’ disappearance, and claims to have evidence that will prove this.

The defense began by presenting witnesses on Friday that were involved with Stacey Stewart and Christopher Thomason back in 2001.

Julie Brinkman, from Texas, testified in last year’s trial but was limited to identifying Stacey Stewart from a photograph. Another witness on Friday, Texas resident Terra Wade also testified. Wade was dating Stewart in 2001.

Texas resident Melissa Devries, who was involved with Thomason, also testified on Friday.

Third Party Culpability allowed in the fourth Calvin Harris Trial

Pictured, is Stacey Stewart, the man that the defense claims to be responsible for Michele Harris’ disappearance. (Defense Photo)

Kevin Tubbs is expected to take the stand early next week for the defense. Tubbs described a man that looked like Stacey Stewart, and driving a truck that fit the description of what Stewart was driving at that time, with a blonde haired woman at the end of the Harris’ driveway on the morning of Sept. 12, 2001. Tubbs claims they were arguing.

The defense noted that Stacey Stewart was the last person to be seen with Michele Harris.

The prosecutors continue to argue that Calvin Harris murdered his wife, Michele and had the motive to do it.

Defense witness testimony will continue on Tuesday in Schoharie County.