A mother’s love for daffodils inspired Candor’s ‘Daffodil Daze’

A mother’s love for daffodils inspired Candor’s ‘Daffodil Daze’

Visitors stroll around the pond at 292 Candor Hill Rd. in Candor, N.Y. The Zamoiski family hosts “Daffodil Daze” each spring, inviting visitors to view upwards of 42,000 daffodils on the property. Daffodil Daze concludes on May 1. (Photos by JoAnn R. Walter)

A mother’s love for daffodils inspired Candor’s ‘Daffodil Daze’

Just one of about 42,000 daffodils at 292 Candor Hill Rd. in Candor, N.Y. The first plantings of daffodils occurred nearly 40 years ago, and today the Zamoiski family continues a tradition of planting new bulbs each fall.

A mother’s love for daffodils inspired Candor’s ‘Daffodil Daze’

The Zamoiski family hosts “Daffodil Daze” each spring, inviting visitors to view upwards of 42,000 daffodils on their property located at 292 Candor Hill Rd. in Candor, N.Y., which includes 150 different varieties. Daffodil Daze concludes on May 1.

A mother’s love for daffodils inspired Candor’s ‘Daffodil Daze’

The Zamoiski property located at 292 Candor Hill Rd. in Candor, N.Y., features words designed by multiple varieties of daffodils. Pictured is the word “Peace.” “Daffodil Daze,” an annual spring event, concludes on May 1. For information, find Daffodil Daze on Facebook or visit http://dotgale1231.wix.com/daffodildaze.

The story starts about 40 years ago when Joy Zamoiski planted daffodils on the bank of a pond located at 292 Candor Hill Rd. in Candor, N.Y., a property that she and her husband, Steve, planned to enjoy after retiring as dairy farmers.

Daughter Nancy, one of ten children, shared, “She just liked daffodils, and wanted to plant a flower that the deer wouldn’t eat.”

Hundreds upon hundreds of daffodils were added in the early years, and as the naturalized bulbs multiplied, they were in turn divided and spread by Joy’s hands and the hands of her children.

The Zamoiski’s extended the daffodil reach to the hillside above the house, where the first bulbs were planted in the fall of 2005.

It is estimated that 5,000 or more daffodil bulbs had been divided and/or planted before the family started maintaining detailed records.

In 2008, 12,575 bulbs of 59 different varieties were planted, an ambitious task that resulted in a blooming hillside the next spring.

The Zamoiski children honored their mother with a surprise in celebration of her 85th birthday. A host of 1,000 Dutch Master bulbs in classic yellow that spelled out her first name, “Joy” appeared on the rocky hillside. Measuring 32 feet tall by 64 feet wide, the dancing daffodil crowd continues to appear as one of the earliest spring blooms.

Since 2009, more daffodil words have been planted, two of which are the 41 foot wide by 21 foot tall, “Peace” in all-white trumpet daffodils, and “Love,” from top to bottom 83 feet long from top to bottom and about 13 feet wide, which shows off a color mix of orange, white and yellow.

Joy passed away in March 2014, yet the Zamoiski family’s daffodil spirit continues to spark heart-pleasuring creativity. This spring, 1,600 bulbs unveiled their show in the wooded area near the entrance to the property. The design features a pink ribbon in honor of cancer research.

Today, Nancy Zamoiski estimates there are about 42,000 daffodils on the property, and 150 different varieties.

“My mother loved the visitors,” Nancy shared, and added, “Especially the children.”

Each spring, the family designates two long weekends for the public to stroll the grounds. The second weekend, April 29, 30 and May 1, concludes the 2016 “Daffodil Daze,” and will be open from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. There is no charge, but the family accepts donations for future bulb plantings.

For more information, find “Daffodil Daze Candor New York” on Facebook or visit http://dotgale1231.wix.com/daffodildaze.