Readers’ Column for the week of Nov. 29, 2015

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.

If you want to dispose of your old television, don’t put it out to the curb for Taylor Garbage to pick it up. They don’t take electronics. Put it in your car and drive up to Best Buy on the Vestal Parkway. They accept them free of charge and dispose of them properly.


It is so unfair to the Owego Apalachin taxpayers that the School Board and the School Administration lead us to believe everything is free. They built a huge school (which we don’t need) and then they tell us it is not going to cost any more then the old school (which was much smaller) to maintain, clean and heat. They must think we are really stupid to believe this rhetoric. If everything is free or costs less, as they claim, then, why do our school taxes keep going up? Why don’t they go down?


France has some of the most draconian gun laws in the world, yet look what happened. Question, if there had been a trained person or two or three, armed, would fewer have been killed? Best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is by a good guy with a gun; works over and over, why is it so hard to comprehend?


Roosevelt, a Democrat I believe, put the Japanese in internment camps, made non-citizen Italians register. So what is all the fuss about Trump keeping track of Syrian and Muslim immigrants? Your political correctness is going to get us killed.


Are you in your comfort zone? No, I don’t mean you are seated comfortably in your recliner with a remote within reach. I mean are you comfortable with what you are told is going on around you here and in the world? Because oil prices are low right now., are you alright with everything else? Do you consider yourself to be an informed person? The opinion polls have shown for several years (about seven) that the people who respond to the question, “Are you satisfied with your current elected officials in government,” are answering Hell No in huge numbers. Would you knowingly vote for a candidate whose only claim to fame is that he or she has been on the public dole for almost 50 years, been under legal scrutiny for almost the same amount of time for unscrupulous deeds, losing his or her license to practice law in the process; who also has left a trail of very questionable incidents that have cost people their livelihoods and even their lives; who sounds like a modern day pied piper, finger in the wind checking political breezes, promising more free stuff fully knowing that the government is $20 TRILLION dollars in debt, without a wit of concern for our futures, even though he or she has the Hollywood FAKE TEAR CUE down pat? You know whom I am talking about. Electing this person would usher in a race to rename some important place or structure in honor of the brave citizens killed there, the “Benghazi Memorial Bridge” or a federal holiday to honor them when he or she could have prevented the tragedy but chose to LIE TO THE AMERICAN CITIZENS again and blame the cause on some fantastic story about a video, rather than take a chance on hurting his or her election in 2016. Are you so dyed in the wool with your party vote that you would help a person like this get elected to (what was until recently) the most powerful elected position in the world?


If you know of anyone in the service with Candor ties, please call 659-4724 with the address. The American Legion Auxiliary in Candor will be sending some holiday greetings to them and we need updated addresses by Dec. 5. Thank you.


Three cheers for the Tioga Football team and its coach!


Please contact ODOG ( so that you can use the website when you order stuff on Amazon 5 percent of your purchase comes back to the Owego Dog Park.


I have a Dell computer I would like to give away and also, there’s a table it will fit in it. If you want this leave your telephone number and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


A week ago Hillary said defeating Isis is not our fight. This week she says we must defeat Isis. I guess Bill will say, “It depends on your definition of what we need.” After she secures the phony socialist democrat candidacy against Colonel Sanders, Hillary will move to the right of Eisenhower and Reagan. You better believe it!


I was wondering what all the sirens were going on at 10:30 on Sunday night and then realized it was the OFA girls coming back across the bridge with a police escort after winning states. I was very proud of these girls and I’m not even affiliated with volleyball at all. You go girls!


I would like to thank the garbage men and the recyclers for the job they do. It is a dangerous job to work in traffic but one that does have to be done. Sorry to hear one got killed. Please slow down when you see their trucks. While I know the person who did kill this recycler did not have a license, family needs to step in and take keys and cars. Unfortunately taking away a license in this case was not enough. How many other people will get killed before action gets taken?


With the upcoming 2016 Village of Owego major election this year with the mayor and three trustees, I am voting for the party candidates that come out with term limits for Village of Planning Board, Village of Owego Zoning Board of Appeals and most of all the Historic Commission. These people have been on these boards for years and years and years.


Is there anybody in the area that repairs small appliances like toasters or microwaves?


News flash. Now that Nobama has purged all opposition out of the military, we have confirmation that an internal memo from the White House to remaining military leaders said, “You must cut it out and tow the line.” We also have the public pronouncements by the fired and retired military like General Flynn stating that Isis is winning and that these military leaders consider Nobama a walking disaster. God help the U.S.A.!


The West Avenue railroad crossing is really bad; let’s get it fixed please! Why are most street lights out? The underpass is dark and unsafe!