AMBA Wellness Program to take place in Owego

The New York State Women, Inc. Susquehanna Chapter (formerly Owego Business and Professional Women) is sponsoring its semi-annual AMBA Wellness Program on Saturday, Nov. 14, at the Owego Methodist Church at 261 Main St. from 6 to 10 a.m.

The AMBA Wellness Program includes blood tests for Coronary Disease, Liver and Kidney Disease, Anemia, Diabetes and other types of diseases. The cost for the full AMBA panel, including the NYS Women, Inc. sponsorship fee is $47 (check only).

The following optional tests are also available for an additional fee and require a separate script from a physician: Prostrate Specific Antigen (PSA), TSH, Vitamin D-25, Hemoglobin A1C and Insure Colon Rectal Kit.

Pam Pringle, chairperson, stated, “With the changes in health insurance, many people find themselves with high deductibles to be met before any services are covered. While this has been a valuable program for many years, it is even more so now, as those unable or unwilling to spend hundreds of dollars for routine testing can still get the screenings needed to maintain their health.”

Anyone interested in participating should contact their physician for permission to have the test results sent to their office. For further information or to schedule an appointment call 1-800-234-8888 by Nov. 13.