Sierra Club to focus on ‘Disney, Deer and the Future of our Forests’

“Disney, Deer and the Future of our Forests” is the topic of the September meeting of the Susquehanna Group of Sierra Club. Richard Andrus, professor emeritus of environmental studies at Binghamton University, will be the featured speaker.

Andrus will discuss the current state of efforts to control the deer problem in the following light.

The problem, according to a recent release, stated, “The deer problem that we are facing today in our area has appeared seemingly out of nowhere but it does have its roots historically, ecologically and sociologically. Deer problems are occurring worldwide and growing in some places but not others. Whatever the underlying reasons, deer are unquestionably a very serious problem environmentally, economically and indeed even health-wise. Yet solutions elude us, in part because of our Disney-fied and distorted view of nature. Bambi, like Smoky the Bear, has become a problem rather than a solution.”

Andrus, a retired faculty member at Binghamton University, is also active in Volunteers Improving Neighborhood Environments (VINES), the Tropical Forestry Initiative of Costa Rica, and the Binghamton City Shade Tree Commission. He is a co-owner of RiverRead Books and a former winner of Sierra Club’s Lynda Spickard environmental award.

The meeting takes place on Tuesday, Sept. 15, at 7:30 p.m. at Central United Methodist Church, 17 Nanticoke Ave., Endicott.

All are welcome to attend, and the meeting is free. For more information, contact Scott Lauffer at or