Tioga State Bank names officers at annual meeting

Tioga State Bank (TSB) employees named their officers of the bank at its 2015 Annual Meeting.

Jennifer Moraczewski was named Senior Vice President. Jennifer has been with the bank for over 17 years and has served in varying areas. She is a member of the Senior Management Team and currently oversees technology, deposit operations, electronic banking and IT.

Laura McDufee, who has been a part of the Retail Banking area of the bank since December 2001, was named Assistant Vice President. Laura is part of the retail banking team and currently involved in Customer Relationship Management, which includes, retail operations, project management, product development and customer care.

Jon Ward and Richard Annuziata were named Commercial Services Officers. Both Jon and Rick are part of the bank’s Business Banking Team. Jon joined TSB in early 2012. He has garnered excellent skills in assessing the financial needs of clients due to his background as a commercial loan analyst and his ability to work with varying types of business owners. Rick joined TSB in March of this year and brings over 13 years of banking experience with him. He is well positioned to meet both lending and deposit needs of the area’s businesses.

Chris Baker was named Bank Secrecy Act Officer (BSA Officer). Chris joined the bank in 2013 as a Compliance Specialist. As BSA Officer she is responsible for compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act.

Tioga State Bank is a locally owned independent community bank serving the area for over 150 years providing financial services to the Southern Tier of New York State and Northern Pennsylvania. It has 11 community office locations in Broome, Tioga, and Tompkins and Chemung counties.

The bank’s website is www.tiogabank.com.