Girl Scout Service Unit donates to Catholic Charities

Girl Scout Service Unit donates to Catholic Charities

The Girl Scouts from Tioga Center and Nichols recently donated personal care supplies to Catholic Charities.

Recently, as part of their “Thinking Day” project, Tioga Center / Nichols Service Unit Girl Scouts presented Catholic Charities in Nichols with a large donation of personal care supplies to give to people in need.

As one Scout explained, “Some items were bought, some were brought from home, and others were donated.”

The Scouts toured the food pantry and free clothing closet. They learned that anyone could come to Catholic Charities (you don’t have to be Catholic). When the Scouts learned that one in five children go hungry in our area, they thought they might do a food drive for the pantry in the future.

Catholic Charities was inspired by these young community members and proud of them, too.