Johnson City man reinvests $20 lottery win into $3,000,000 payday

County. The lucky winner reinvested his winnings from a previous scratch-off ticket to purchase one of the new $3,000,000 Supercash tickets. That ticket contained the $3,000,000 winning combination making the retired salesman an instant millionaire.

“I was out and about that day,” recalls Shattuck. “I went out to breakfast after a local fundraiser and decided to stop at Price Chopper on my way home. I had won 20 dollars on a scratch-off the day before and decided to use it to buy more tickets.”

Shattuck chose the new $3,000,000 Supercash ticket and brought it home to scratch.

“When I saw the matching numbers I knew I at least won my money back,” he explained. “I had to look at it a few times before I could believe what I had won. I took a picture of it with my phone, signed it and then put it in the safe.”

Shattuck purchased his life changing ticket at the Price Chopper on Glenwood Avenue in Binghamton. He chose to receive his prize as one lump sum. He will receive a one-time payment totaling $2,340,000 before required withholdings. His net check will total $1,548,612.

Shattuck stated, “I’m still thinking about what I’ll do with the money. I’ll buy some small things, maybe a new car. I do know that the money will help me take care of my family.”

Shattuck is the 62nd New Yorker to claim a New York Lottery prize of $1,000,000 or more in 2015.