If the show fits, wear it!

Dear Editor,

How does that old adage go? “If the shoe fits – wear it!”

“The Tax Creep!” “Mr. Cranky Pants!” “Captain FOIL!” Are you referring to the “Freedom of Information Law?” Experience shows that the FOIL process is the only way for the public to get information from OACSD.

From the BOE meetings that we have attended, it appears any and all discussions take place in the pre-meeting. The public meeting is a formality where the BOE plays with cell phones, e-tablets or dozes off.

You tell me, are pre-meetings actually allowed, in light of the Public Information Laws? It sure is a sad day for OACSD when a board supporter elects to hide behind the anonymity of the Readers Column (May 23, page 6) and engage in name-calling – kid’s stuff.

Why not engage in debate at the board meetings? A public discussion about anything at an OACSD board meeting, among the board members, would be a first. Sorry if public participation annoys you.

If you believe that anyone wishes to “do away with Special Needs Students” or engages in “insulting teachers,” then, perhaps you should get your head out of your Smartphone and public provided “tablets” and listen to everything that is being said, instead of cherry-picking out of context remarks, you certainly misunderstood.

I would also ask the Board to reconsider and discuss these, previously made, “Superhero” (public citizens) suggestions:

Tie Dr. Russell and his staff’s annual 3 percent salary increase to an improved Graduation Rate or any of the other educational improvements, which would benefit students.

Implement S.M.A.R.T. goals for OACSD. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time bound. An example would be: Improve ELI and MATH scores by 10 percent in the 2015-16 school year.

Change the format of the Budget Development Process so the public would have access to the Proposed Budget Detail prior to the Budget Forums being held, as is done in the Union-Endicott process. Much more public friendly, informative and productive.

Put the 2015-16 Budget Detail on the OACSD website so all taxpayers/voters and the public can view it.

These are only a few of your “Superhero’s” (public citizens/taxpayers) attempts at “doing good” and effecting change, which has gone unheeded and un-discussed by our board members. Try standing up and debating like an adult, instead of hiding behind the Readers’ Column.


Joe Chartrand

Founder, Tioga Citizens for Affordable Education and Excellence

Owego, N.Y.