To ensure we are prepared if granted a full-gaming Casino License, Tioga Downs Casino will be holding an informational Career Fair on Thursday, Sept. 18 from 2 to 6 p.m. at their facility in Nichols, N.Y.
Information on potential job openings will be available and Tioga Downs’ Executive Team will be on hand to discuss career opportunities with prospective job applicants.
Among the various job positions that will be available are Dealers, Casino Operations, Administrative, Management, Hotel Staff, Security, Surveillance, Marketing and Food & Beverage Positions. Interested persons are encouraged to bring a resume.
Expand with us by visiting our informational career fair Sept. 18.
For more Details, visit
Tioga Downs is located along the north side of Route 17 / I-86, two miles west of exit 62 in Nichols, N.Y. You must be 18 years old to play video gaming machines. Please play responsibly.
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