You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or email comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.
FOUND: a backpack outside the St. Pauly Textile shed at St. Margaret Mary Church in Apalachin. Owner please call 625-3124 and identify.
I would like to make a comment about the people not being able to pay their rent. I make it my priority to pay the rent first. Some of us can’t and some of us can, but that has to be paid first then the rest of the bills and food come next because there’s always food banks to go to if you don’t have enough food. I grew up with nothing and I learned how to budget and I’ve learned how to take care of myself. I learned how to can from my mother. I go to the food market where I get fresh vegetables and freeze them for the winter. It can be done if you watch what you are doing and watch your budget.
The news headline is Andrew Cuomo should be apologizing to every resident of New York State for his terrible handling of the coronavirus issue. But no, Cuomo is doing it his way and pointing the finger at everybody else, blaming everyone else, holding himself unaccountable. The man will be defeated at the ballot box. He is no leader, never was and he belongs with Hillary Clinton, sitting on the back porch relaxing with a cup of coffee talking about all their failures.
That was pretty interesting the other day on the news, a business was pleading to open their business so that they could endure and survive the COVID-19 crisis. I have no problem with that but the people coming in need to be prepared, and there you show people sitting at a table, their masks down underneath their mouth and their nose, and they are not eating food. So, if you can’t obey the rules just while you’re having a meeting to get permission to open, I’m not at all in favor of that because people aren’t even following the basic rules and safety.
I would like to know if the state is going to mow next to the roads. They are overgrown and they really need to be done badly.
New York’s dual monarchs, Bosses Cuomo and Blasio, want your guns. Cuomo’s lackey, Attorney General Letitia James, has weaponized New York’s legal system to harass and persecute the National Rifle Association. FOR WHAT END? Against whom did the NRA use gun violence? Have our buffoons nothing better to do? It’s better to protect the public rather than unleash violent criminals on them just to buy votes? These court clowns should be protecting life, liberty and property rather than facilitating riot and destruction? New York’s financial disaster deserves their attention. They should be taxing the rich even more? Let’s defund their security entourages. Persecuting the NRA and creating the circumstance where taxpayers have emptied store shelves of guns is insanity. You can’t fix stupid squared.
For everyone who walks their dogs please realize, if you cannot stand on the sidewalk or blacktop without it burning your feet, then it’s also too hot for your dogs. Their dog pads burn as well. Please walk them in the grass. If it burns you, it burns them. Love to all dogs everywhere.
Regarding the wearing of face shields without cloth masks, could last week’s caller cite a regulation, mandate, requirement or guidance that stipulates that cloth masks must be worn in addition to face shields? I am seeking an enforceable ruling, not a “best practices” or advisory statement. Please reply to this column.
I was told that the Town and Village of Spencer quit enforcing the trash and junk vehicle laws. The Town looks terrible with junk cars and trash everywhere you look. What is the matter with the Town and Village Board? I saw several junk cars cut in half along the road. What do we pay taxes for?
The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales. These droplets are too heavy to hang in the air, and quickly fall on floors or surfaces.
The Richford Historical Society wishes to thank everyone that donated, volunteered and shopped at our rummage sale. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Americans are lonely, miserable and depressed – this is the legacy of our society that has rejected family, faith and patriotism. Belief in God is good for you and not just for the long run. There’s a powerful link between religious devotion and happiness, mental health and participation in your community.
Insanity – Cuomo, to the rich, “Please come back,” because we need you to pay our exorbitant income taxes. de Blasio, good riddance and we will tax them more. Texas and Florida, “We have no income taxes,” welcome, but don’t be a Democrat. Amazon, glad you’re here so we can shake you down. Amazon, “Pound salt New York.” Cuomo’s weaponized lackey Attorney General, Letitia James, is making a career by persecuting the National Rifle Association, while George Soros and the like enjoy immunity. Doesn’t Cuomo [and de Blasio] have better things to do, like shake down President Trump for another state’s taxpayer money so he can pay tribute to the teacher’s union and other New York State public employee union pensions and healthcare? You, we, are going to pick up the tab for replacing the Holland Tunnel, which Cuomo and de Blasio have let fall into ruin. Do you hear that sucking sound from the South? Upstate is red and you will pay for it, just like in this year’s OFA school budget. Cuomo won’t apologize for causing the unnecessary death of so many seniors. This is not a good measure of a man.
If you are refusing to wear a mask due to concerns your brain won’t get enough oxygen, I think that ship has already sailed.
58,318 were killed in Vietnam in 10 years; 5,832 per year and 164,997 COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. in six months; 330,000 per year. So you’re right – it’s wrong to compare them.
The founding fathers explicitly separated religion and government. It is reflected in the no religious test clause in the main body and the first amendment prohibition of an official religion. They recognized through their personal experience that different religions existed and that everyone should be able to practice their own. The English had, and still have an official state religion, and the founders did not want to have that same limitation in their new country.
Congratulations to Senator Akshar. He has successfully misrepresented the bail reform law. By the way, check into how much money the jails are losing due the loss of boarding fees charged to other counties, and how much the bail bondsmen are losing. Do you suppose there’s a connection?
I’d try to explain what defunding the police really means but something tells me it is beyond the comprehension capability of too many people.
The LEFT is the group showing disrespect for opposing views? Really folks? It isn’t the left that screams “America – love it or leave it.” That phrase is the epitome of disrespecting opposing views.
Pennsylvania COVID-19 cases are not skyrocketing, which is why they aren’t on the travel quarantine list.
Since I’ve been furloughed from my job due to COVID-19, I have had the opportunity to walk around the Village of Owego. The word for 75% of it is squalid. I had heard code enforcement was supposed to inspect apartments. These places, at least from the outside, are not fit for human habitation. In fact, I personally know several chickens that are living better. A lot could be remedied with a little work and some paint, picking up trash and mowing to discourage rats and other vermin; using a few nails to repair steps and railings, then painting to help keep wood from splintering. What seems to be the issue with these landlords? Are they afraid if their place looks halfway decent the taxes will go up more than they already are? COVID is not an excuse; in fact, I would think, if landlords don’t have the time themselves, someone that is out of work should be willing to slap some paint on these buildings. If they look this bad outside, what are they like inside? Disgraceful! Shameful! Embarrassing!
Consciousness: People these days have complaints for everything. I personally believe that as a society we lack appreciation for other people. Everyone has an innate desire to be validated in his or her thoughts and opinions. What people don’t understand is that if you are going to seek validation, at least be open to other people’s views and opinions. Whether right or wrong, people need to know that they are being heard. I feel as though, if as a society, we were better listeners and more receptive to others thoughts and feelings, we wouldn’t have half the problems we do. We need to have more conversations about solutions, not pointing out the obvious problems. We need to have a more conscious society, we need people to be proactive with compassion for their fellow man, not react with disdain and judgment.
National Political Viewpoints
Have you figured it out yet? Trump not only wanted to be the man in the White House, he wanted to be top notch in Hollywood. You know you’re not seeing any new movies, you are seeing reruns of everything that was ever made way back when. Stop and think about it. That greedy guy, I can’t wait to see the day he gets his due, and he will know. We all do.
“This is your daily reminder that we shut down America, impoverish millions, force businesses to fail and homeowners to foreclose over a virus that has a 99.96% SURVIVAL RATE and the democrats are demanding that we continue lock down for everyone but the protestors. Candace Owens spoke the absolute truth.
Aren’t you getting tired of Trump and his shenanigans? The wannabe dictator who only gives money to Florida and Texas to try to buy their votes, and nothing to the states he knows he’s going to get shellacked in – California and the New England states. What is wrong with this country? Isn’t it supposed to be a country of one? This is nothing but a country of division anymore.
Question, what would happen if you or me ignored a subpoena? We would go to jail and be arrested. So why is it legal for Trump and his cronies who work below him to ignore every subpoena that comes along and say they don’t have to. He’s breaking the law right there! We don’t have a dictatorship in this country, yet.
Joe Biden is a big joke! He is definitely not articulate or all there. Biden’s Marxist socialist constituents are dumb. The probability of Biden going to the debates or even actively running for president is exceedingly low. I think he will bow out of both in some incredibly phony manner and retire to introspective obscurity, as he should. Go Trump!
To all of you out there who are referring to the Democratic Party as Marxists and socialists, you seem to be ignorant to what either one is. On the other side of the coin, Donald Trump is a horrible excuse for a human being and if you support him, so are you.
Trump not taking interest in COVID-19 months ago when it first started is the most colossal blunder in the United States history.
What’s the difference between a wanna be dictator and Donald Trump? You know what the difference is? The word and.
Are you tired of the laughable Anthony Brindisi commercials? He’s been nothing but silent throughout his term and now he’s up for reelection and a typical democrat, he’s trying to get your vote. Well, I’m smarter than that.
I can’t believe it! Portland said they will drop all charges against the looters and that the looters were only expressing their First Amendment Rights. Are you kidding me! That’s a scary thought, but that’s a democrat run city for you. Vote Trump; go republican always.
Joe Biden’s selection of Kamala Harris as his running mate is the most blatant example of discrimination I have seen. Prior to his selection, he determined his candidate would be a black female. Therefore, any male, Asian, Hispanic, Indian, or any other race other than Black, was not qualified to be the Vice President. So to employers, in your next help wanted posting, please include your preferred gender and race. Can you imagine the outrage that would cause?
In case you haven’t heard, Russia, China and Iran are trying to influence our general election. They ARE trying to get Sleepy Joe elected, rather than President Trump. What does that tell you? That ought to stick in your mind when you cast your vote.
Don’t worry Mr. President; your legacy is secure. You will be the first American President to die in prison.
I have to voice my opinion on the presidential election because I think there are a lot of people who believe that someone who doesn’t have a professional bone in his body and is the epitome of a narcissist should be re-elected. He shouldn’t and likely won’t be re-elected. Even his staff is trying to tell Donald Trump that he shouldn’t do and say the things he is doing and saying. He has told literally tens of thousands of lies, calls people names when he doesn’t like what they say, and actually has the nerve to think that he is doing a great job. He has not done anything to assist with the COVID-19 situation, yet he claims that he has and that it is going to disappear. He has not supported the doctors and scientists who know much more than he does. It is his fault that Georgia and Florida are in the terrible state they are because the governors of those states are afraid of him and won’t require masks to be worn. Never has the United States had a president who is so self-absorbed. He even had the audacity to say he wants to be added to Mount Rushmore. He has got to be kidding! He is not even close to being in the same league as the presidents on Mount Rushmore. He will go down in history all right, but it will be because he was the worst president in the history of the United States.
How is it that Hunter Biden told the court he could not afford child support payments because he was unemployed, but his $470,000 overdue income tax burden “disappeared” as if by magic, basically overnight? THIS is what we want in the White House, people involved with this kind of fraud, or related to those perps? I don’t think so.
Senator Schumer, who doesn’t know where upstate is and only cares about New York City, was in Owego Thursday to reiterate the need for federal funds to help schools get through the pandemic.
Knowing this will make it nowhere I’m doing it anyway.
COVfefe was that mystery twit. I wonder this, COVfefe=covid IRON 2 . Here’s why. Fe is ferrum on the table of elements which is IRON. USSR was called the IRON CURTAIN.We know trump told Kushner not to help BLUE Voting communities, BLAME the governor’s. It’s fact that covid45 hit only BLUE COMMUNITIES at first. NYC Houston and Seattle. They blamed the governors.
We also know trump’s allies are Russia China Turkey Saudi Arabia N.Korea Brazil Philippines all dictatorships.Most are adversaries of America.Some are our enemy.
A major in the Guard was deployed to stop violent protests. He testified under oath that trump ordered the gassing beating and shooting of rubber bullets at PEACEFUL protesters and a reverend on church grounds.He testified tear gas was used. In boot camp I had to walk around a room filled with tear gas after removing my gas mask. It was common training. I doubt I’ll forget that experience.Some barely made it out and all were in distress.I believe a major that testified under oath. He thought he’d have to protect protesters from trump’s nazi gestapo tactics. He said it WAS A PEACEFUL protest until the nazi gestapo tactics.
Trump still hasn’t said it was a RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST AND SUPREMACISTS that murdered all the cops in the protests.He doesn’t say it’s anarchists infiltrating peaceful protest or that anarchists are not affiliated with any party.Anarchy is their intent not fixing injustices..
Why does trump call liberals RADICAL yet not mention the RADICAL Islamic terrorist that said Allah ackbar as he cut the first cops throat? He took his gun and shot other cops before they killed him back.
I do realize some of my neighbors hate me. It’s on their greedy denial that the real shame is.
Here’s 2 ways to see that fox is purposely lying and causing division.
Read gowdy’s report on Benghazi. It’s the most expensive investigation in history yet most republican voters have no clue . gowdy said he thought he’d be recalled after his constituents found out it was him and republicans in the House that were responsible because they voted against proper embassy security funding. He didn’t run for office after that either .THERE WAS NO MILITARY UNIT CLOSE ENOUGH TO PREVENT BENGHAZI. It was not 13 hours. It began at 9:42pm CIA rescue team arrived10:10pm they left shortly after11:00 pm all on the same night. It was another bad 11 Sept for America.
The second is easy to find too. Watch the open house impeachment hearing. Then compare what those witnesses said to what fox reported. Paying close attention to Fiona Hill and Sondland . Fox said Sondland said there was no quid pro quo. He actually said anyone that can add 2+2 knew there was a quid pro quo for at least the meeting in the OVAL office.
We now know jr, Kushner ,Bannon and at least 2 others had criminal referrals from the Republican led Senate Intel committee. The prosecutor was fired midstream.Not the first person investigating a trump team member or the last.
I’ll never be anti cop . I’ll always be ANTIFA. 3rd generation. My grandfather’s fought fascism in both the Pacific and European theaters. If your grandparents fought in anyway during WWII, you are ANTIFA until you choose not to be. Anti ANTIFA is pro nazi.
Important Timeline .Our Intel said they were going to label supremacists as terrorist organizations. The next day trump said he wanted ANTIFA labeled a terrorist organization. No reason. Nothing else had happened.
How can any police officers support any of the facts I’ve laid out? It’s not right. It’s why they’re reputation is being dismantled. My last comments were not to insult cops for the bulk of them. It was only to try to stop some of the division trump is causing to save himself. There’s a ton of real charges. He really believed he was smarter than the generals and Intel community. He thought he was smarter than everyone about everything. He’s a dunce
This also disturbs me. 2A why is it that we now have all these 2A voters running around threatening a civilian population day in day out? In my life, the real tough guys that liked to play with M16s joined the military and fought people that were equally armed. Not a civilian population ever. Moms showed up 2A voters. Them and some dads with leaf blowers with veterans, retired and disabled vets at their side. They were attacked and gassed by the ones 2A people said they needed their M16s to defend Americans from? I like the ones that go to fight like ARMED armies.