Readers’ Column for the week of October 13, 2019

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message. 

I’m calling concerning the O-A School District. I find it odd that administrator contracts are not listed on the district website. What is this administration hiding? Could it be the fact the taxpayers are paying for their doctorate degrees? 


To the person complaining about Chick-fil-A not coming to Vestal, and has been waiting for two years for it, why would you complain in a Tioga County newspaper about a Chick-fil-A in Broome County? Like anyone in Owego would have any clue about that. 


People are complaining about problems in Apalachin. I’d just like to add my thoughts. Why are the roads good in Broome County and when you hit Tioga County they are a mess? Just because Broome County is bigger is no reason why we shouldn’t have decent roads too. 


With all the new forensic science and DNA tests, why can’t the mystery of Michelle Harris’s disappearance be solved? TV shows appeal to the public that help solve crimes – Court TV, Unsolved Mysteries, 48 Hours, Real Life Stories, Dr. Phil, FBI Files, Missing Persons Files. It’s been 18 years; somebody must know something.


Will the Newark Valley Laundromat be opening up anytime soon? 


I missed the Old Coot’s column. I am glad he is back.


Thank you to who is responsible for moving the parked cars on Front Street back from Lake Street. Now it is much safer to see other cars coming. Also, the new lines on Main Street by the Baptist Church are not so close to the corner of Church Street.


I’m wondering when the Richford Post Office will open. It has been finished for quite some time and looks like it is quite done.


Free, giving away an older American oriental rug, 10 x 14, no damage. Beautiful with some wear spots. Leave a phone contact in this column. 


This is to the lady or the gentleman who wanted to know who paid for the football field at the Owego Free Academy. I have talked to two members of the school board, one told me FEMA paid for it. I talked to another person and was told it was being paid for somewhat by FEMA, a portion of it; but there wasn’t enough money to cover it so that’s why it took so long to be completed and they had to put that into two different school budgets. So, that being said, I really hope someone can come up with a clear answer. 


I just wanted to say, I love the orange lights in front of the police station for Halloween. I think they look just great! Keep up the good work. Do it again at Christmas time with the appropriate colors.


I have been to many little lovely shopping districts all up and down the east coast from Maine to Florida. Owego is blessed with a lovely shopping district with a wide variety of shops and restaurants. However, something we are lacking is a shoe shop. We need a shoe shop. What would be a bonus is to have a cobbler who could also do repairs. Right now there is a golden opportunity with several storefronts available. 


I was always taught the American flag has to fly higher than any flag around it. Now, in Draper Park, there is the American flag next to some blue flag and they’re equal. There is nothing equal to our United States. That flag should be raised above the blue one.


East Main Street is an accident to happen, not only teenagers but also adults walk four and more across the road on the wrong side and refuse to move for vehicles. As a taxpayer, I believe roads were built for cars. If you are a walker, be courteous and watch out for the cars. 


Something needs to be done about the Syracuse sorting of mail. First, my daughter gets her mail in Idaho faster than we get it one hour away. Second, we get other people’s mail constantly. We get either neighbors or another road that has the same box number; we get each other’s mail. This is in Apalachin. Something should be done. 


This is for the folks who live on Catlin Hill; could you please stop burning garbage and plastic during the daytime and during the nighttime. It’s disgusting, and it smells really bad. It would be really nice to be in my house with my windows open, smelling the fresh air. Please be considerate of your neighbors.


Last week two people wrote in about how bad Apalachin looks with all the overgrowth and everything. I live in Apalachin also, but not downtown, how about a service organization or a great project for boy scouts to see if they can go downtown to clean up the sidewalks, clean up the brush and pick up the litter. That would be a great thing to do because I, too, would not want to live there with all the garbage. 


Wouldn’t the overpass structure on North Avenue be property of the railroad?


I can’t believe people think FEMA paid for the whole stadium. FEMA paid for the field only, all the rest is out of taxpayer pockets; just start saving now for next year’s tax raise.


The stadium is part of the flood recovery money from FEMA. This has been answered multiple times. Please cut this out and attach it to your home note-posting place for future reference.


The OACSD Newsletter shows such a remarkable improvement in the graduation rates. The BOE policy was and is to annually increase teacher compensation beyond all reason yet seems to have missed the graduation rate and learning. Was it the Flood of 2011, an intellectually inferior student body, insufficient property taxes, the District, sleeping at the wheel, or all of these? Think about all those students who didn’t graduate but could have. Improvement under the new Superintendent is great. However, note that this is the low hanging fruit. This needs to continue. Some day local realtors will tell families to move to OACSD or Vestal, rather than always send them to Vestal if they want the best schools.

National Political Viewpoints

A couple weeks ago I posted, “Want clean air? Don’t plant a tree. Plant a Republican.” This was answered by “Want clean air? Democrats should keep their mouths shut.” The First Amendment is alive and well in the Reader’s Column of the Pennysaver. Keep ’em comin’ folks! The pen is mightier than the sword.


The opinions expressed in this column overwhelm me sometimes. Why is everyone so angry and so sure they are right and unwilling to agree to disagree? I continue to read it though, because it teaches me that there will always be people who think they know everything and know what is best for this country but have never read a book, have never researched anything, have never received higher education. We went to school and learned about how the world works and our beliefs are based on informed decisions, not some recycled garbage from some pundit we saw while drinking a 6-pack in front of the tube. And to be honest, it doesn’t take an education to see that the man in charge now is an abomination and a punch line to every other country in the world as a leader and as a human being. We are one of the least-educated and most violent industrialized countries, and most of the opinions I read in here every week confirm this to be true.  


If you like what the Marxist democrats propose, support them. If you support the greatest president of all times, contribute to Trump’s reelection. I have not contributed to a presidential candidate in decades, but I will happily contribute to Trump as opposed to any of the traitorous democratic candidates. 


Now who would listen to Susan Rice? Another democrat that is fearful of what will be uncovered the more the swamp is drained. All these crooked lying has-beens need to realize nobody cares about their thoughts. They need to retire already.


U.S. employment is now at a 50 year high. Democratic presidential candidates are celebrating the 1949 communist takeover in China while many in Hong Kong are flying the U.S. flag to protest the Chinese bullying of Hong Kong. Talk about irony. The democrats want to impose their Marxist ideas and destroy the greatest economy in U.S. history. They are traitors bent on overturning traditional values, which made us the greatest country in world history. Go Trump!


In response to last week’s caller complaining about the liar in the White House, I hate to inform you, maybe you didn’t hear the message or even read about it, but Obama and Clinton are no longer in the White House.


Did you ever try to reason with someone who is drunk? Well, it’s a lot like trying to have a conversation with liberal democrats. They are all crazy! They just repeat the same old crap they hear on CNN, NBC or ABC. Trump lied 9,000 times, blah, blah, blah. Just tell me one lie he told. You can’t! Get a life.


Where does this crap about republicans wanting to cut social security come from? Do some thinking for yourself. If the communist democrats give the illegals free healthcare, free food, free housing and income, what do you think that will do to your social security and your taxes? Do some thinking on your own for a change. It’s not rocket science.


This whole business of the democrats trying to impeach Trump is nothing but an underhanded scheme so they can win next year. Watch this whole situation blow up in their face and Trump winning a second term. I can hardly wait!


The reader that said it is not illegal to have a private server is correct, but being a secretary of state with a private server that contains classified and top secret documents on it is illegal. It has also been proven it has been hacked by several foreign governments. So you better get your facts straight.


I am glad that Liberty University’s President, Jerry Falwell Jr., is finally being questioned on his business interests. No wonder Trump likes this Evangelical, it’s because he’s crooked like him. I always thought that of Falwell, big business and big money. 


Listen up all you fools. The only ones that are losing are the people. The democrats are wasting time and our money by getting nothing accomplished other than picking on the president, which is unfair and inhumane. I wish somebody would really come to their senses and vote all the democrats out. Let’s go republican people!


By all means, elect a republican governor who is friendly to the wealthy and big business. We need hydraulic fracturing with drilling noise, gas compressors and water trucks pounding the already poor highway to pieces 24/7. You people don’t appreciate Governor Cuomo who has done his best to keep our state a beautiful place to live. God help us if we get the likes of Donald Trump for governor.


If there is nothing in the Mueller report that incriminates President Trump, then why isn’t the public allowed to read it? What ever happened to freedom of information? And don’t tell me all those redactions are for national security. They are to cover republican wrongdoing, period!


I will never understand how anybody can support Donald Trump. He is a pathological, narcissistic liar. He is destroying the United States and countries around the world. Pay attention before it’s too late.


When Adam Schiff dies he should be cremated because he is so crooked the mortician will have a difficult time screwing him into a coffin. 


Well, I’m still waiting for one of those 200,000 jobs that Hillary was promising, or am I dreaming? 


Since when does a president of the United States get to send his personal attorney, with expenses paid by the taxpayer, to represent the U.S. in matters of state? Obviously he can’t get an honest diplomat to do his dirty work.


Adam Schiffty Schiff and your democrat neighbor are trying to erase your vote from the 2020 election. It’s time to impeach Adam Schiffty Schiff and Nancy Pelosi.


Whistleblower number one did not work out so now there is a whistleblower number two. Does the boy that cried wolf ring a bell? The story is as old as time. Fun to watch though, isn’t it?


I wish you people would stop printing pro Donald Trump stuff. There are a lot of people in Tioga County who can’t stand that clown. I think that it’s only fair that you let people know there are a lot of democrats that would love to see him impeached. All I hear in your column is go Trump, go Trump. Yeah, go to jail.


I hate to rain on anyone’s parade, but according to the latest findings of the F.B.I., the leading cause of death in the U.S. is NOT firearms. More people are beaten to death using hands, blunt instruments, etc., than firearms. AK-47’s and AR-15’s are way, way down the list, after handguns, hammers, fists, etc.!


FUN FACT: Trump announced America’s surrender in Syria on Putin’s birthday.

The current Democratic House has been one of the most productive in history. It has passed over 400 pieces of legislation, including gun control, increasing the minimum wage, lowering prescription drug costs, and taking on climate change. Mitch McConnell has blocked every single one of them. Do not say Democrats have done nothing.


Well, the democrats are living up to what they said they would do from day one when President Trump announced he was running for the Presidency. They all thought it was a joke and when they realized it wasn’t, they already started talking about impeaching him. They drummed up the Russian hoax (which is backfiring on them because they are the colluders). The Stormy Daniels story and Brett Cavanaugh hoax; and now the Ukraine story (which is with the Biden’s) has come around and will bite them in the behind. Adam Schiff is way out there. He got caught with his pants down so many times and one lie after another, and making up his own version as to what the phone conversation was between President Trump and the Ukraine President and how it went. Schiff didn’t know what to do because President Trump released the Transcript of the phone conversation. Come on people, let’s try and keep the peace and work with one another. The U.S.A. is a great place to live in and we can keep it that way by working with each other. If you don’t like living in the great U.S.A., then move to one of the other socialist countries and see how that is working out for them. Just remember our Men and Women who have served and died and who are still serving to protect us to help keep us safe and give us our freedom to make our own choices. We can’t all agree on everything, but we can adjust to life and make the best of it. Peace and love to all!


It is absurd to believe that President Trump was “joking” when, in the White House driveway, he solicited China’s help to find “dirt” on Joe Biden. (Although you could be excused for giggling when he later referred to, “…my great and unmatched wisdom.”) Trump has no sense of humor. He is not a comedian. Donald Trump is a malevolent clown.


Remember Barack Obama telling us, with a straight face, that healthcare costs would be going down? What an absolute lie that was, and he knew it at the time. Now we have the Looney Left telling us Medicare for all will only cost the super rich extra taxes. Want to bet? Want to bet they don’t have their eyes on extra taxes on us in order to make their nonsense work? You bet they do! Watch them stumble and try to avoid an answer when asked that question. Fun to watch.


I want people to stop and reflect on what this POTUS and his Administration is costing you. How many friends and family members do you HATE that you loved before? How many co-workers do you not get along with any longer? Do you dare to wear your MAGA hat in public? Are you winning yet or are you losing? Do you believe the lies that pour out of his mouth on a daily basis? Is China paying for the tariffs or are you and I? Is Mexico paying for the wall or are you and I? Is this Administration corrupt? All Administrations have corruption, but not as bad as this one. He either needs to be impeached or have Article 25 used (because he is not mentally stable), or voted out.


Call me old fashioned, but I believe we should have a president who believes in the United States Constitution.


The stable genius has once again called for the impeachment of a member of Congress. Is the man really that clueless or is he just doing that because he knows his followers don’t know it isn’t an option?


The White House released a transcript of Trump’s call with the president of Ukraine. It says what the whistleblower said it would say. Even Tucker Carlson has said you can’t deny it. Yet the Trump acolytes still claim it’s a lie. Unreal. Wake up folks!


This goes out to the people who think the Democratic House has done nothing. They have passed 290 bills that “Moscow Mitch” refuses to even look at, much less pass. A list copied from The Hill follows: The list of stalled bills includes both major and minor legislation: healthcare reform; climate change; food safety; financial aid for the U.S. Postal Service; a job security act for wounded veterans; a Civil War battlefield preservation act; vision care for children; the naming of a federal courthouse in Iowa after former Rep. Jim Leach (R-Iowa); a National Historic Park named for President Jimmy Carter; a bill to improve absentee ballot voting; a bill to improve cyber security; and the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Keep saying Congress does nothing. What has the GOP Senate done? NOTHING!


EVOLUTION OF A TREASON DEFENSE: The whistleblower lied. The whistleblower is a spy. The whistleblower is a Democrat. We did it, sure, but to fight corruption. We do this with ALL hostile foreign powers. Mike Pence was more involved than I was. Rick Perry made me do it.


How long did Bernie Sanders wait to get treated for his heart ailment? He didn’t because we don’t have socialized medicine. Wishing him better health and a quick recovery.


Kleptocracy definition is – government by those who seek chiefly status and personal gain at the expense of the governed. Family net worth derived by political power and inside information 1. Pelosi $250M, Biden – much more than $15M, Clinton $240M – not counting the Clinton Foundation, Adam Schiff $2M, Pocahontas $12M, Anti-capitalist B. Sanders $2.5M, Obama $40M, etc. The political ill-gotten gains of Trump are ZERO! Is it any wonder the Swamp Mobsters want to liquidate Trump? 

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