From left, Al Eaton, president of the Southern Tier Veterans Group (STVSG); Jim Weed, Tioga Downs marketing manager; Ben Margolius, STVSG vice president; Sue Margolius, STVSG secretary; along with other board members, gather at Tioga Downs on Oct. 19 for a check presentation. Jeff Gural and Tioga Downs presented a check to STVSG, which will help veterans in need. (Photo by JoAnn R. Walter)
On Friday, Oct. 19, officials from Tioga Downs presented the Southern Tier Veterans Support Group (STVSG) with a check for $66,500. The sizeable donation was raised at a July concert featuring Wynonna and the Big Noise.
Jeff Gural, Tioga Downs’ owner, and his wife, Paula, matched the funds raised at the concert, which is the eighth concert in support of the STVSG. Tickets to the concert were $15 each. For every ticket sold, Jeff and Paula Gural donated an additional $15 to the cause.
Mr. Gural was unable to attend the check presentation, however offered this comment via a press release, “There is no monetary amount that could ever repay the veterans of our region for their tremendous service and sacrifice,” and added, “It is a great honor to host this benefit concert each year, and give these brave men and women the support and respect that they are due.”
At the check presentation, Al Eaton, STVSG president, commented, “We’ve been involved with Tioga Downs since 2011, and they have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars since then,” and added, “The donations allow us to service hundreds of veterans throughout the nine counties that we serve.”
Eaton explained that the range of services varies, from providing food and gas gift cards, which help veterans, for example, make necessary doctor’s appointments, to much larger projects such as purchasing appliances for 29 Pine St. in Binghamton, which is now home to ten homeless veterans.
The support provided to veterans is often life changing, and is made possible by donations such as those from area businesses like Tioga Downs. All STVSG donations stay within the nine counties served, and more than ninety cents of every dollar goes directly to the veterans.
Eaton further explained that awareness within the community is vital in helping veterans. Eaton shared that veteran suicide remains a top concern, and where 600 veterans commit suicide every month. With community involvement and support resources such as STVSG, veterans can be helped.
Jim Weed, Tioga Downs marketing manager remarked, “On behalf of Jeff and Paula Gural, this has been near and dear to their hearts for a long time, and we’re all happy to help the STVSG.”
To learn more about the Southern Tier Veterans Support Group, visit https://stvsg.org.
To learn more about Tioga Downs, visit www.tiogadowns.com.
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