Spreading kindness

Spreading kindnessA group photo was taken with Officer Delmage and Investigator Schmidt. Provided photo.
Spreading kindness

Justin shows his excitement when seated in the driver’s seat of the patrol car. Provided photo.

ACHIEVE’s Day Habilitation Program, located in Owego, N.Y., learned all about spreading kindness, and thanking those who do so much for others this past week.  

They wanted to personally thank the Tioga County Sheriff’s office for all they do for the community, so they invited them to their program for the morning. 

Officer Delmage and Investigator Timothy Schmidt spoke about what it is like to be a police officer, and even showed them the patrol car.  

The organizers of the event, stated, “We here at Tioga ACHIEVE want to personally thank each and every officer for their service to our community. Your constant dedication is not lost upon us as we are truly grateful for what you do.”

Spreading kindness

Steven talks with Officer Delmage about his badge. Provided photo.

A great time was had by ACHIEVE’s Day Habilitation participants, and it was an exciting learning experience as well.

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