Opinion: Who put the U.S. in charge of protecting the world?

Dear Editor,

Are our elected representatives in Washington, D.C. making decisions that benefit all of the U.S., or just the War Hawks, big business and the 1 percent that will benefit? If they succeed in starting another war, whose family members will be lost? Personally, I think they need intense therapy to resolve their drive to kill innocent people because we don’t like the regime; also our U.N. representative should be included and for good measure have her foul mouth washed out with soap.

I recently read a story on unclassified documents and how from 1947 to 2000, the U.S. has meddled in the domestic affairs of 45 sovereign countries with 80 documents describing things like trying to influence their election (sounds familiar), funding militant/terrorist groups that will support the U.S.’s point of view, and handing out weapons like party favors. All with a very low success rate – look how they have failed to get their way in the past with Cuba, Vietnam, Korea, Iran, Iraq and Syria. 

We have supported with our tax dollars people like Castro, Saddam, Bin Laden and several radical militant groups – remember Oliver North? The U.S. budget has a line item for millions of dollars for spreading our form of democracy/propaganda in countries that haven’t invited us, and don’t want us. Changes have to come from inside the country not from the U.S. trying to force it on them! If they want a regime change they have to do it themselves.

Who put the U.S. in charge of protecting the world? When I was younger I couldn’t understand why other countries hated the U.S., now I do. We ignore laws and break treaties that don’t advance our foreign policy; we demand, threaten, intimidate, coerce, make ultimatums and put sanctions in place that benefit the U.S. big businesses. We create chaos whenever we want a change of regime or to allow U.S. businesses to increase their market share. 

How would we feel if these tactics were used on the citizens and businesses in U.S.? Europe is our friend, not the enemy, and we don’t care that their economy is being impacted in a negative manner because of our sanctions; only the U.S. is of a concern. Is this really what this country is about? 

The U.S. wants Europe to buy gas from the U.S. at 20 to 30 percent more than Russia. Seriously? Even I can see that isn’t a financially sound decision for Europe. Currently, South America / Venezuela elections for president didn’t turn out the way we wanted, so we declare it a fraudulent election. 

If a country wants a U.S. military base to stay in their country they have to pay the full cost, not the U.S. taxpayers. Stop all foreign aid with the exception of humanitarian. A few weeks back the U.S. gave millions to Israel and Poland for missile defense systems; Israel is killing unarmed people, they don’t need more weapons. 

Make the Discretionary fund only for inside the U.S. borders. Cut the military budget by half, we’re spending more than all the rest of the world put together. Russia’s goal is reducing their military budget. Use the savings to increase the Education and Healthcare budget, stop giving foreigners high paying jobs in the U.S. because our citizens are not educated for the job market. 

The Department of State budget has a line item for peacekeeping; it should be deleted and the funds returned to the general budget. Realize that the U.S. isn’t ruler of the world, and learn to work together. Arrogance does not give the U.S. the right to ignore international laws and treaties.

Try getting news from other than national news, they keep peddling that Russia is evil because Washington, D.C. says so, and to justify the military build up.


Phyllis Jennison 

Newark Valley, N.Y.

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