Take a step towards better health and fitness this weekend

Take a step towards better health and fitness this weekend, and take part in a free Community Fitness and Wellness Event on Saturday, April 9 and Sunday, April 10 at Positive LifeForce. They will also be raising money for the American Cancer Society all weekend with many great raffles.

Saturday they are offering free classes from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. geared towards kids, new moms, baby boomers, and everyone in between. These are short “try me” classes that include Yoga, Kids Lightsabers class, BodyShred, Tai Chi and PiYO, Spin and Reiki.

Sunday bring the family back for our Wellness Fair from noon to 2 p.m. Activities will include demos, massages, nutritional samples, and a child seat safety check and Digital Identification Card, complete with a photograph and fingerprints, to help keep kids safe.

Positive LifeForce Fitness & Wellness Studio is a full-service center devoted to your overall health. With several highly skilled and certified personal trainers on staff, they work with you to create a fitness plan that’s tailored specifically to your needs. Each of their personal trainers has a unique focus so you can get exactly the help you need to feel great.

Their trainers offer one-on-one sessions, shared sessions (bring a friend!), small fitness classes, and special events and activities. When you join PLF, you get the opportunity to participate in their many events, fitness challenges, and charitable activities (including 5k runs for causes).

In addition to exercise services, they also have other wellness offerings onsite, including yoga, massage, karate and more.

For more information about Positive LifeForce, email to kelsey@positivelifeforce.com.