Readers’ Column for the week of April 3, 2016

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.

With all that is going on around the world, ISIS running amuck, ever forcing more people from the conflict, Europe wishing they had not left the “Welcome” mat out with literal hordes of people flooding into their countries demanding everything and anything they can get their hands on, and expecting the Europeans to pay for it all, on and on. Obama wants to allow refugees in and the numbers will be huge and dispersed across the country whether we want or not, and we will be expected to pay for it, schools being told to teach “multiculturalism” when in fact the name should be closer to “get ready for your life to be marginalized and Muslims to demand we change our way of life to fit theirs, including Sharia Law.” We must have our heads in the sand or somewhere darker, if we cannot see that unless we demand our government protect us from the hoards, as is its first priority, we are the next Europe. Think the oceans can stop this from happening here? Well, it may help to have all that water around us, but what if our President wants to slowly have the U.S. converted to a Muslim country? I will give Obama credit, he has openly said, we are no longer a Christian nation, that in the end he will stand with the Muslims, a large percentage of his staff is of Muslim faith and were educated in some of the most radical schools in the world. All of this has been made public. A Muslim military employee goes whacko and kills several people yelling that familiar chant we all know but I won’t repeat, and Obama calls it “workplace violence”. The man still won’t speak what we all know is radical Islam when speaking. How much more do we need to watch before we think beyond our own little worlds and think about the coming election and compare who is willing to keep us safe with deeds, not rhetoric? So what if a candidate is a bit bombastic, at least he says what he means and it is not “can’t we all just get along, thumb-sucking crap”. Think you could stop a horde of a thousand people that want your house, your land and your wealth? Better keep stocking up on ammunition.


This is for the person who thinks both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are awesome candidates but has decided to vote for Trump because he is going to fix all of our problems and make America great again. I really don’t know whether to laugh or cry about that kind of thinking. You named a number of things that Trump has promised to do, but have you once heard him say HOW he is going to accomplish such outlandish promises? He just says the same things over and over again but never gives specifics. He has no plans, and he only cares about himself, and if you care at all about this country, Trump should be the last person you consider voting for. He provides great (ridiculous) entertainment, but he would be a complete disaster as a president.


The Tioga Superintendent did not lie. Each district’s cap is based on a formula. It is not a fixed 2 percent. By the way, the baseline cap this year before the formula is 0.12 percent, not 2 percent.


I wonder if those who do not want another trial for Mr. Harris because it costs too much would have a different slant on things if it were their wife, daughter, or sister or just a real close friend? I doubt it! Also it would be nice to remember that a grand jury found sufficient evidence to hold him for trial and TWO different juries found him guilty. Maybe if we look at all the facts the same way those people did, we would want justice to be served.


“It’s become a matter of public health record that death rates for middle-aged white Americans are rising, partially due to alcohol addiction, drug addiction and the economic stresses of underemployment. As these lives crumble, marriages are cracking up (or never happening) and communities are falling apart as the tax base can no longer support basic health and education services. In 2008 and 2009, as unemployment benefits reached their limits for many who lost their jobs since the financial crisis, applications for Social Security Disability Insurance spiked, up 8 percent in 2008 and 10 percent the year after. The rate of increase has since reversed, but in the last five years the government has received 16.2 million disability applications.” — The Republican Civil War Has Begun by Michael Maiello, Rolling Stone


Why won’t Hillary Clinton agree to debate Bernie Sanders in New York State before the April 19 primary? Perhaps it’s because he isn’t willing to pay her customary $200,000 speaking fee.


The way that big business is screaming against the 15 buck an hour minimum wage you would swear it was supposed to happen tomorrow when in fact it is four and six years away in New York and California. I wonder if big business is going to hold their price line until then. I doubt it!


I guess Cal Harris keeps going to court until he gets the answer he wants. Can’t wait for the next show.


Other countries, the U.K. for example, has provisions for there to be a vote of no confidence in a government that is obviously headed in a wrong direction, one the people don’t’ want. Why, oh why don’t we have that same provision here? The failures of the Clinton/Obama “governments” cry out for such a measure.


My deceased husband, Gordon M. Callison, spent his retirement years reproducing old historical buildings and, sometimes, complete villages. His favorite project was old mills no longer operating. He left me with many prints of mills located in Maryland, Virginia and New York State. I am willing to give these collectibles to anyone willing to take them. Please contact me if you are interested. Sandra Callison, Elizabeth Square, Waverly, N.Y. (607) 948-4305.


Don’t you all wonder how much it would cost to pay off the Castro brothers to keep Nobama in Cuba? He should fit right in with the other Marxists and Communists there. Maybe he could even learn to throw a baseball! Let’s start a contribution campaign right now.


Is your life insurance paid up? Although I don’t know who would benefit from it after President Trump pushes the nuclear buttons. Did you hear him today threaten to nuke ‘em? That’s the answer the Republicans always have. What the heck, one more war.


Okay you guys, watch the paper good for elections when they come up. They really can put water raises, sewer raises and tax raises, nice big articles on the 4th page of the paper. Oh yes you are going to pay. But when it comes to these elections like school elections and general elections, even budget elections, you’ll find them on an inner page somewhere. Check it good. For the Town of Waverly, put it on the front page in nice letters.


The Owego Methodist Church’s presentation “Lord, Is It I” on Thursday was wonderfully presented and very well attended.


I’m proud to live in the Town of Nichols and am glad to see it growing. That green house that’s going up by the telephone tower on Rogers Road, it’s nice to see people building.


I too, was wondering if that Zap Tile Restorer does a good job on vinyl tiles or not. If anybody’s had any experience with this please enlighten me by responding in this column. I’ll be looking forward to it.


Hillary is a prime example of crony capitalism. The Clinton Foundation controls over $300 million and uses it to pay off relatives and supporters. Hillary has accepted $25 million from the King of Saudi Arabia. Bernie Sanders is a fiscal moron who would bankrupt this country but at least he is an honest moron. Ralph Nader tells the truth when he calls Hillary the queen of hypocrites. She leaves a fundraiser hosting millionaires and billionaires and then goes on the Jimmy Kimmel show and rants about the evils of capitalism. Hillary promises Obamacare for illegal immigrants. Way to go Hillary, bribe future voters. Such perfidy would be funny if it were not ludicrous. Deductibles have gone up 81 percent since idiot politicians forced Nobamacare on us. Wake up America!


Would the person who is addicted to fast food and may have a drinking problem stop throwing your trash on upper West Beecher Hill. Your family loves you just the way you are and probably already knows that you have problems.


If Mr. Harris can’t get a fair trial with an impartial jury, why are his lawyers trying it on national TV?


There you go folks, the article on CTRAN receiving a mini grant for bus service, page 34 in last week’s Pennysaver. Makes me wonder, where’s the forces in Tioga County. Why didn’t someone bid on it in this county? Simple truth is, we have no one in legislation or the Tioga County Office building that cares. The people for this county sit comfortably in their office which they have held for obviously too long and don’t want to be bothered to do their job. Why does someone in Albany think that it is critical for bus services when there is no one in Tioga County that cares? No one in the legislature knew we had a bus service and the fat cats of the county could care less as long as you, the public, pay them for their nice fat paychecks. Speak up Tioga County, we want our own bus services back and want someone in the office and in legislation who cares enough to bring it back.


The do nothing Republican Congress people who love to feed at the public trough are real hypocrites. They complain about government in action yet they have failed to recognize almost 200 appointments that the president has wanted to make for agencies that would lead to some progress for those of us in the middle class. Think twice before you vote Republican, the party of no except for their one percent buddies, the non-taxpaying millionaires and billionaires.


Andrew Cuomo is just keeping us down by not allowing us to drill for gas here. He’s just keeping us down for political reasons; he has his own aspirations. It doesn’t make sense; I don’t know why people are so against it. We have to transfer all of our gas from Ohio and Pennsylvania, that’s a lot of resources just involved in transportation. Everybody burns the gas in his or her homes for one reason or another, pretty much everybody. I don’t understand why people are so against drilling here, everything’s fine in Ohio and Pennsylvania. I hope this guy doesn’t keep getting re-elected.


In the past Donald Trump has referred to women as fat ugly pigs yet he says he loves women. When recently asked a question regarding abortion on air he said women should be punished for getting one. A few hours later he changes his opinion. He still has shown vindictiveness against Meagan Kelly now Heidi Cruz is in his sights. Donald has a problem upstairs regarding women and sometimes his honesty comes out. Perhaps his upstairs train has come off the tracks. A president who has not thought issues through, speaks wrongly off the cuff, we do not need.