Spring into shape!

Spring is here, and it’s a great time to start thinking about getting in shape. Think walks outside, bike rides, gardening, or whatever other activity gets you outside and moving.

But just as variety is the spice of life, it’s also the key to getting your whole body in shape, and keeping it there. Spending all your time doing just one thing can create imbalances in your body, and can lead to injuries. Using only a few muscle groups, in just one position (like biking or Spinning) leaves the rest of your body neglected. Mix it up, and keep it interesting at the same time! If you like to bike, consider some weight training or aerobics exercises. If you’re a lifter, work in some cardio, maybe jogging or Spinning.

You may have heard about cross training. Basically it’s nothing more than doing a number of different exercises that target different muscle groups, such as a combination of walking/running, weight lifting, and yoga or Pilates.

Don’t forget about warm up and cool down – preparing those muscles for the workout and then helping them relax afterward. Having a massage, doing a self-massage, or using foam rollers can help stretch muscles, improve flexibility and improve circulation.

Don’t know where to start? Need a little push, or a little help figuring out a routine that fits you? Look for a class that’s tailored to the fitness beginner, ideally one that lets you sample a number of different kinds of exercises to see what they can do for you and which ones appeal to you.

No matter where you are on the fitness spectrum, Owego’s Four Seasons Fitness Studio at 32 Lake St. can help you do more, reach farther, get that spring back. Add a cardio class like Spinning to your weight routine. Outside bikers, do some strength cross training with an “Insanity” or “Quick and Dirty” class. Doing solo workouts? Get that extra push from being challenged by instructors and classmates. How about taking a crack at the Spring Pushup Challenge? Wish you had more flexibility? Try a yoga, Pilates or “Yoga-lates” class. Just want to get started and don’t know how? Four Seasons has a “Beginners Only” class starting Tuesday, April 5 at 5 p.m.

Drop by the studio and talk to one of their certified instructors, look for the monthly class schedule in the Pennysaver, or follow them on Facebook. And it’s not too late to sign up for the Spring Pushup Challenge that started April 1. Entrance fees for the Challenge are soap and hygiene products to benefit Tioga County Rural Ministry’s “Soap for Hope” drive.

Get fit! Stay fit! Four Seasons want to help you spring back into shape, and put a spring back in your step.