Owego Little League (OLL) needs to update its history from 2000 on. Interested in researching and writing a year-by-year chronology or history? It’ll develop into a challenging and interesting task as you go down memory lane.
Scoutmasters may consider this history writing for an Eagle or Gold Star badge. Others with a passion for local sports will find this an excellent opportunity to share history with today’s youth.
Tee Ball, Girls Softball and Teener League require full histories. Baseball already has a 50-year history but needs updating to 65 years. You’ll be expected to develop a way that stores your data, can be updated and searched and published.
OLL Public Relations Director Jim Raftis at jraftis2@stny.rr.com awaits your email reply expressing “I’ll Do It For the Kids.”
Final Call for In Person registration is Thursday, Feb. 25, from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Tioga County Boys and Girls Club. Online signups continue on the OLL website, www.eteamz.com/owego. Get help from Eric Hawkins by email to ehawkins1@stny.rr.com.
A reminder to Owego and Apalachin Youth Baseball League players – sign up is happening now for the Saturday, Feb. 27, Owego-Apalachin Baseball Winter Clinic. Players who are age eight to 13 must be in the OFA gym by 11:15 for the 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. instructions. Trainers are the OFA Baseball Staff and Varsity Baseball Players. Dress in baseball attire. Bring gloves and bats.
VP Softball Dave York says softball girls have open OAMS gym practice Sundays with the OFA Varsity Softball Coach. The times are 9 to 10 a.m. for pitchers and catchers, 10 to 11 a.m. for grades five through eight, and 11 to noon for grades nine through twelve.
Regarding the 2nd annual winter baseball clinic, OFA Baseball Coach Phil Schofield states that they have 55 players attending the clinic on Feb. 27, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Participants should be signing in at 11:15 a.m. Participants will receive a clinic t-shirt.
Participants will be broken up into two groups – eight, nine and ten year olds, and 11, 12 and 13 year olds. One group will be in the high school gym doing hitting instruction, and then they will be broken up into smaller groups to work at various hitting stations.
There will be Tee drills (straight tee, inside pitch, outside pitch), and participants will also work on a long tee drill.
The other group will be in the middle school gym working on defensive fundamentals. They will all work on proper throwing techniques for various positions and will then be broken up into smaller groups to work on various defensive stations.
The groups will get a little over an hour to work on both defense and hitting. Once they finish in one gym they will switch and go to the other gym. Parents and little league coaches are encouraged to walk around, watch their children participate, and also learn what they are teaching to the kids.
From Little League-Williamsport and Owego Little League, here in brief are the Roles of the Board of Directors and Officers and a few of their responsibilities:
Board of Directors: Responsible for the day-to-day operation of the league within the rules, regulations and policies of Little League.
President: Sound leadership, couched in knowledge, experience, and common sense is the greatest requirement and most exemplary qualification.
Vice Presidents: Oversee the divisions of the league for Baseball, Tee Ball, Girls Softball and Teener League.
Secretary: Records minutes and maintains record of league’s activities.
Treasurer: Signs checks, dispenses league funds as approved by the Board of Directors, keeps books and records, prepares budgets and is responsible for all league finances. Also secures local sponsorships to support league operations.
Player Agent: Involved in signups, tryouts, player selection, checks birth records and player eligibility.
Safety Officer: coordinates all safety activities. Supervises a Safety Awareness Program.
Webmaster: Manages the league’s homepage, manages the online registration process and ensures that the league rosters are maintained.
Concession Manager: Maintains the operation of the concession facilities.
Equipment Manager and Uniform Manager – Responsible for all equipment and uniforms used by players and teams.
Rules Interpreter: Rules interpretation for baseball and softball and to answer questions and concerns.
Raffle Manager: Responsible for major fund raising event.
Picture Day Chairman: Organize Photo Day for Team and Player Pictures with a Professional Photographer.
Parade Marshall: Organize annual Opening Day Parade and Park Ceremonies.
General OLL information and updates from Webmaster Eric Hawkins can be found on the OLL website, www.eteamz.com/owego. Also, visit Little League-Williamsport at www.littleleague.org. Read Becoming a Little League Volunteer and Volunteer Opportunities.