Candor Historical Society announces first meeting for 2016

The Candor Historical Society will hold its first meeting for 2016 on Jan. 27, at 7 p.m. at the Candor Town Hall.

The program for the evening will be a talk by a notable local personality with an incredible life story. Annie Jenkins went through horrible experiences as a Jewish girl leading up to and during WWII. Annie told her story at the Historical Society meeting in April of 2006 and a videotape of her talk was made. Unfortunately, Annie lost her life in a tragic auto accident in May 2007.

Because of the importance of her story, and the rarity of hearing a firsthand account, the video of her talk will be shown at the meeting. Come and learn not only of her experiences as a young girl, but also how she ended up in Candor.

Historical Society meetings are free, and the public is welcome to attend. Refreshments are served.