Restating my issues

Dear Editor,

To the anonymous writer about my article they titled John: To begin with I would like to restate your published issues with my article.

I am an American Christian citizen extremely concerned about the future of our country. After the buildings collapsed on 9/11 I saw all of our American leaders lost as to what to do. That is until the 2000 elected President Bush, in office nine months, said, “We know who did this and we will get them.” Our Government, not the Republicans, agreed to go after the attackers in Afghanistan.

Later our Government agreed Iraq was financially supporting our 9/11 attackers while developing massive weapons. It agreed to attack them and noticed Iraq was storing weapons in Syria, which later were discovered as containers of gas.

Our Government agreed on all these actions, until the Democratic leaders, united with our press, began attacking their President and military about the war they agreed to. The press supported this with the tone in their articles and publishing a weekly list of those killed. These lists were inflated with names from years of the war for greater impact. Our President Bush and military did not respond to these political attacks because they believed it was not proper for their offices to do so. The Democrats used these attacks for political gain resulting in Obama’s election and the loss of another war. By the way, after the election the list of the dead stopped.


John Zechman

Endicott, N.Y.