Newark Valley Scouts earn rank of Eagle Scout

Newark Valley Scouts earn rank of Eagle Scout

Pictured, from left, are Thomas Durand, Tyler Maule and Alex Umiker.

Three scouts from Newark Valley Troop 30, Thomas Durand, Tyler Maule and Alex Umiker, have earned the rank of Eagle Scout.

Thomas Durand’s Eagle Scout Project was completed at Alexander Pond in Newark Valley. His project included the replacement and construction of all the foot bridges encompassing the pond and the clearing of all the trails. The trails are used by students of the Newark Valley Central School and the community. He organized the work crews, scheduled work times, secured supplies and supervised the completion of the project. Thomas is a junior at Newark Valley Central High School. He is the son of Reed and Julie Durand of Owego.

Tyler Maule’s Eagle Scout Project was completed at the training grounds of the Newark Valley Fire Station. His project was the construction of a 20’ x 30’ pavilion situated by their training center. The pavilion will be mainly used as a classroom but is also used by medics if a firefighter is injured. He made drawings, obtained the proper permits, secured supplies, organized work crews, scheduled work times and supervised the completion of the pavilion. Tyler is a junior at Newark Valley Central High School. He is the son of Jon and Denise Maule of Newark Valley.

Alex Umiker’s Eagle Scout Project was the mapping of a section of the Berkshire Evergreen Cemetery. His project consisted of identifying each plot to find out if it is owned and/or occupied. The process consisted of cross checking deed and burial books as well as visual observations at the cemetery. Once an accurate compilation was done, an Excel spreadsheet of the data was provided to the cemetery along with a hard copy map for reference. He organized the work crews, scheduled work times and supervised the completion of the project. Alex is an 8th grade student at Newark Valley Central High School. He is the son of Scott and Karen Umiker of Newark Valley.

Congratulations to all three boys for their outstanding achievement in Boy Scouts!