AARP Driver Safety Classes offered

There are only a few AARP Smart Driver Classes scheduled in Tioga County for the remainder of this year. The benefits of the AARP Smart Driver course include insurance reduction, potential reduction of points from your active record, and most all, safer driving.

Consider taking one of these four courses. Class locations and dates are: Apalachin United Methodist Church, Oct. 1 and 2; Tioga Opportunities, Inc.. Oct. 20 and 21; Newark Valley United Church of Christ, Oct. 27 and 28; and the Waverly Free Library, Nov. 19 and 20.

The time for each class is 9 a.m. to noon. The cost of each of these classes is $20 for AARP members and $25 for non-members. All ages are welcome.

To register for any of these classes call 687-4120.