Writer’s Workshop on Character Development to take place in Candor

The Southern Tier Authors of Romance is hosting an Enneagram Workshop on Saturday, Sept. 26 at the Candor Masonic Lodge, Route 96B in Candor, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Registration fee is $30.00, and includes morning coffee and a luncheon.

The workshop, given by Linda Johansen, will help writers develop their characters by understanding the nine basic types of human nature, or personality types, and ways of being in the world. The Workshop will be an introduction to the Nine Personality Types including values, ideals, motivations, the highest manifestations of its nature, as well as the maladaptive expressions.

Johansen stated, “Each of the nine types has its own values and ideals that motivate and guide its choices. Some are attracted to goodness, others to love, still others to action, beauty, wisdom, loyalty, joy, strength and peace.”

Discussion will also delve into each of the nine vulnerabilities arising from the disconnection to true nature.

“We become very sensitive and protective when our values are discounted or threatened,” Johansen states. “Some are sensitive to criticism, others to rejection, still others to failure, abandonment, ridicule, betrayal, limitations, weakness and conflict.”

Linda Johansen was a licensed social worker in Fargo, North Dakota for 30 years before retiring in 2015. She studied the Enneagram with Don Riso and Russ Hudson at the Enneagram Institute in Stone Ridge, New York.

Johansen is a long-time traveler on the path to human development, having begun her own personal journey with a 12-step program in 1976. She has also participated in the Diamond Approach to spiritual development. It is her passion to create environments for people to come together and learn about the essential nature of life.

The deadline to register is Sept. 15; there will be no registration at the door. Participants can register via PayPal, at STARPAY@gmail.com or by sending a check to: STAR, c/o Carol Henry, 90 Dry Brook Rd., Willseyville, N.Y. 13864. For more information about registering, contact Carol Henry, STAR educational program coordinator at carolhenry@frontiernet.net or by calling (607) 659-7661.