Readers’ Column for the week of July 12, 2015

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.

Our annual DEC hunter safety-training course is again being offered at Ringneck Preserve in Candor, N.Y. The course is necessary for first time hunters who wish to receive their hunting license. The course teaches firearm safety, regulations; deer stand safety, tracking and many other topics. Hands on rifle and shotgun shooting are also included. DEC instructors and officers will be present for questions and answers. Last year we had 60 percent ladies attending the training session. The dates are Aug. 1 and 2, and reservations are a must as seating is limited. Lunch is provided both days. Please call (607) 659-3208 for details.


I want to thank the very young girl that turned in my necklace on Tuesday, June 30. The necklace has a lot of sentimental value to me and being from North Carolina I was shocked it got turned in. You are truly an angel. God bless you!


A sliver watch was found at the Broadway Cemetery. If it is yours please call 687-3078 to claim it.


How come none of the broadcast or advertising people didn’t drop their support for the fight that the fellow just got $300 million for winning that physically assaulted and was arrested for beating up seven women? He won the fight and got $300 million and nobody backed out of that!


I’d like to publicly say thank you to our new district attorney and judge for giving stiff penalties to the drug dealers recently. I hope they will tell their trashy friends to stay in the city and not move to Tioga County.


Dr. Russell’s empire needs to be complete. There’s plenty of room for administrative offices in the new elementary school. He claims no higher tax burden to build but there will be years of maintenance to follow; and why is our board of education not looking out for the public?


I think Donald Trump is a great candidate for the President of the United States. He is not afraid to tell it like it is. The other republican candidates are timid, weak and have no backbone. They don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings about immigration, Isis, and other problems of the U.S. This country is screwed up big time and it’s going to take someone like Donald Trump to straighten out the country to what it used to be. We used to be powerful and respected by all countries. Now the U.S. is a laughing stock and it seems to be okay with most people. We need a change for the better.


It’s time we took a new look at tax-free buildings and projects in the area. An example is housing that pays no taxes to anybody. So we subsidize their fire protection, their police protection, their street lights. The poor taxpayers have to pay for people in those places who pay tons of money. I think half a house is $220,000 yet nobody pays any taxes at all because it is run by a religious organization.


I was wondering if anyone has Sutton spoons for sale. It is a lure that is used for fishing, particularly in reservoirs. Call 625-3564. Also, to the gentleman that was looking for a wheelchair, sometimes the fire departments loan them out. I got one from Apalachin one time but that was quite a few years ago. I don’t know if they do it anymore.


We have a big problem here in the Owego Village and I am hoping law enforcement can get on top of it. We went from a heroin and meth problem in the winter to a major heroin problem now in the village. It seems like all the kids are whacked out on it. Owego is in desperate need of help to do something with these kids.


We are looking for someone in the Berkshire area to come help us with our back porch. We need someone to take down some branches and trees. Call 657-2847


For several years now there’s always been at least one police department person in the Village of Owego on “paid administration leave”, yet nobody ever finds out why or what became of it or what happened or what it is. I don’t understand that. Do all police departments have people get paid to not work constantly?


Somebody complained about the cost of repairing the upper dam in Candor. I don’t know the price tag but do agree there’s nothing much wrong with it. More important there’s also nothing wrong with the Mill Street Bridge, which was newly built in 1984. The only slight damage is under the sidewalk area and that can be fixed for a few hundred. But no, stupidity sets in and all the reinforced concrete slabs are to be replaced with steel high beams at the cost of several million dollars. Talk about a taxpayer rip off!


Our current “president” continues to run rampant over the Constitution, which is the law of the land. He took an oath of office to preserve and protect the Constitution. Since then, he’s exhibited absolutely no such intention, nor does he exhibit having any values, principles, or determination to preserve the American values, principles and ideals. Take away – look at the lawlessness this country is experiencing. If there is no leadership, and no values and principles in the White House, what do you expect? Electing Hillary gets more of the same, guaranteed!


Our Tioga County Legislators have their heads immersed in frac sand, supporting propane fracking by farmers who’ve decided to turn their productive farmland into a heavy-industrial factory floor in Barton – home of the remaining climate deniers.


To the person asking about a gas well in Barton. In May, the NYS DEC received a permit application from Tioga Energy Partners for a well located north of Barton, off the end of Walden Road. According to the NYS DEC online database, a permit has not yet been issued.


The single largest source of pollution of the Susquehanna River and the Chesapeake Bay is animal waste and fertilizer. We could all save some money cleaning up our rivers and Bay if we ate a more plant-based diet and ate organic produce.


You idiots. You “feel good, can’t we all get along, no borders, everybody makes mistakes” idiots. I DARE you to defend the murder of that innocent woman in San Francisco by that miserable convicted felon ILLEGAL who literally was released into the “SANCTUARY CITY WORLD” by officials (with full support of this idiotic administration at the White House) to walk among us like he was a free citizen and not a wanted man until this tragedy happened. New York City, San Francisco, D.C., L.A. (home to over 10,000 GANG MEMBERS!), and a lot more places HARBOR these ILLEGALS, pay for their upkeep with YOUR taxes, and continue to drag the U.S. down into the sewer with them. For what? Why? Is it any wonder that sometimes people literally reach the level of frustration, “I’m mad as hell and not going to take it any more” and act out against this, another form of home-grown (idiocy) terrorism? My God, what has happened here? Get off your lazy butts and vote out any liberal politician that supports this lunacy, and continue to support the SECOND AMMENDMENT!


To the reader who wants a President who will get tough on Isis – how is he supposed to do this? Isis is not a country which can be bombed, it is not a government which can be toppled, It is a movement, an idea, which is embraced by a bunch of fanatics around the world and there is simply no military method of defeating it.


I will start off by saying that I like that the Pennysaver can post ideas and opinions. Therefore, regardless of what is in the column, you should not hold the Pennysaver responsible. They simply print what concerned citizens want others to know. With that said, I marched alongside the parade in the Strawberry Festival, and I was appalled by some parents out there during said parade. Why? Okay, here, why would you allow you children to toss those snapdragon popper things AT the parade people? ESPECIALLY the veterans? How disrespectful are you going to let your child be? I’m not saying don’t throw them, all I am saying is don’t throw them AT the PEOPLE marching in the parade; and especially NOT the veterans, NOT the women’s auxiliary, NOT the bands, NOT the gymnasts. It even says on the boxes, DON’T THROW AT PEOPLE! And you parents allow that? Shame on you! The Owego Police should have concerned themselves with THAT issue rather that people enjoying the daiquiris!


Social Security has a $2.8 trillion surplus and can pay out every benefit owed to every eligible person for nearly two decades. After that, even if we do nothing, it will pay out approximately 80 percent of benefits owed for the next 75 years. Social Security has not contributed one penny to the deficit because it is independently funded by the FICA payroll tax. Proposed “tweaks” to Social Security would hurt seniors, disabled veterans and people with disabilities. All we need is for millionaires and billionaires to start paying into Social Security at the same rate as the rest of us and we not only extend the life of the Social Security trust fund, but we can expand benefits to the majority of Americans.


You heard it here first! The Republican ticket will be Mitt Romney and Carly Fiorina and they will win by a small margin.


When is the OFA class of 1968 going to have a reunion? As far as I know there’s not been one in many years, possibly 1998 being the last one.


Minimum wage is $16,000 per year; CEO of Goldman Sachs $16,000 per hour.