‘For the Children’

Dear Editor,

Could it be that the OACSD Board supporters and members have figured out why the Tioga Citizens for Affordable Education & Excellence was assembled? Here are some of the things the OACSD pulled on the taxpayers this budget season:

1. This year’s 3.72 percent increase in the Tax Levy effectively “wiped out” all the progress that was made over the past six years of controlled Tax Levy increases! It also wiped out all the benefits gained from the 2012 “GIVE BACKS” by the Teachers and Employees’ Union members. Not only did it erase all these difficult fiscal gains, it did so without reducing teacher workload or assisting the teaching staff.

2.  While increasing this year’s budget by $1.3 million, they added six-tenths (0.6) of a Music Teacher to the staff. Not a single additional Teacher’s Aide or Teacher’s Assistant, not one more person to work with students. These are the folks who “make a difference” at the student level. Where are all the “it’s for the children” voices now?

3.  Remember OACSD’s claim: they “did not apply the 5.32 percent increase they were allowed” well, an additional 1.5 percent could be coming, but not until next tax season. By the rules of the New York State tax cap levy formula, school districts are allowed to “reserve” up to 1.5 percent of any “allowable increase for the following year [5.32 percent – 3.72 percent = 1.6 percent].” The OACSD shows this as “Add Allowable Carryover” in their documentation. When I “checked” this possibility with the folks who should know, I was assured that this is not the case and it will not happen! So, for now I will continue to mark this as a “wait and see what happens” factor for next budget season.

To sum up this year’s budget, a $1.3 million budget increase to maintain the “status quo.” How much will it take next budget season; $2.0 million, with no additional student services or support for “our already overworked teachers” – those are their words, not mine.

Perhaps 2015-2016 is the year for change at OACSD. It would be refreshing and exciting to have our board put in place real programs and policies that support student development and growth. How about some goals and objectives for our Administrators; which are aimed at increasing ELI/Math scores, SAT’s, and Graduation Rates?

And this is the prefect year to do it because new Union contracts are being negotiated. Put some goals and objectives into the contracts, which reach down to every employee. A new approach would be to provide cash incentives for achieving those goals and objectives. Your chance is now! The only thing at stake here is our future.

After all, it should be: “For the children – All the Children.”


Joe Chartrand

Founder, Tioga Citizens for Affordable Education & Excellence

Owego, N.Y.