Will our tax dollars benefit the students?

Dear Editor,

At the last OACSD board meeting (April 9) your board approved and passed the proposed budget for the 2015-16 school year of $43,705,160 (3.1 percent increase). This is an additional $1,313,225 over last years’ budget. They did this “unanimously” without a single question as to how the additional $1,623,854 (8.6 percent increase) from State Aid and an additional $589,134 (3.72 percent Tax Levy increase), from your pocket will be spent.

Not a single question! Not one! NADA! I find this to be most unusual from our “Elected Officials”, the same officials we elect to look after our tax dollars, assure the monies are wisely spent and assure the education of our students. Perhaps you, the parents and you, the taxpayer can come up with a question or two of your own.  Bring these questions to the “BUDGET PUBLIC HEARINGS” to be held on Monday, May 4 at 7:30 p.m. at AES or on Wednesday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m. at OFA. Unable to make the meeting? Send your questions to Dr. Russell at russellw@oacsd.org or should you prefer to remain anonymous, send your questions to me at golferjoe1650@aol.com I will ask your questions, record Dr. Russell’s answers and respond directly to you with the answer.

Need some questions to ask? Try these: 1. How many new Teachers Aids and Assistants will be hired?  2. Will our Student/Teacher Ratio improve under this budget? What is it currently? What will it become? 3. How many new courses/programs will be available to our students? Considering the increase in spending of $1.313M dollars (over prior year), how much will our graduation rate improve? Ten students? Twenty students? Five percent, 10 percent? Are there any new sports teams in the budget? How about new equipment, uniforms or musical instruments? Are any of these new dollars going there?

Don’t be surprised if the answer is “Trust us, it’s for the children” or some other non-committal answer. If this is the case, if this is the best that your Administrators and elected Board members want to provide, then you can change their minds and attitudes! HOW? Simply, show up on May 19, the day that’s set aside for you to vote on this year’s proposed budget and VOTE NO! Then VOTE NO again, until you are told specifically how an additional $1,313,225 dollars will benefit our students. Insist on answers or VOTE NO on TUESDAY, MAY 19.


Joe Chartrand

Tioga Citizens for Affordable Education and Excellence

Owego, N.Y.