Readers’ Column for the week of April 19, 2015

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.

This is to the person “who doesn’t even live in Owego” and thinks Mr. Chartrand’s letter is ridiculous. If you don’t live here – then, what’s your beef? It appears you have completely missed the point. Joe’s point was that Dr. Russell only told his side of the story and not the whole story. Dr Russell also said that they eliminated all field trips, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. The public deserves to hear the whole story. Joe has said in several BOE meetings that he supports field trips, and he supports the hiring of teachers and teacher aids. I would ask you how many school board meetings have you attended in the last 6 years? If you are going to comment on the school information, maybe you should attend the BOE meetings and discover what is really going on before commenting.


For the current budget year, 2014-15, OACSD was allowed a .0001 percent property tax levy increase per the Tax Cap Formula. This amounted to roughly $2,000. The BOE deemed this necessary for continued operations and passed this tax increase. This year, $626,447 or a 3.95% increase in the property tax levy is required. This year’s argument is that too much has been cut from prior year budgets. Nothing has been cut or even moderated. Rampant growth of the highest pensions, salaries, and fringe benefits continues unabated. The NYS Education Department shows OACSD had 161 teachers in 2012, 163 in 2013, and 166 in 2014. What was alright in 2012 is no longer alright. Amongst other things the Superintendent argues is that classes like Marine Biology and Astronomy need to be reinstated. The proposed budget will accomplish nothing to this effect. It will sustain the most expensive employees in the Southern Tier. At least taxpayers should not have to pick up the cost of collecting Teachers Union dues and monies for their Political Action Committees. Shouldn’t the union pay the taxpayers to act as their collection agency?


Every time I see one of the green Serv-Pro trucks on the road, I think of their motto, “Like it never even happened.” That leads me to immediately connect to the current occupant of the White House. I can’t wait until an actual adult with common sense, experience, knowledge, and ability adopts that motto and puts it to good use in the Oval Office.


News on TV this morning said the mayor of New York City (NYC) is pushing for illegals to be able to vote. What? Think about that for a minute. In the context of who DeBlasio is politically, what he has done so far for NYC (no more stop and frisk = a direct correlation to the use of illegal handguns), ticking off the whole NYC police department when without due process he makes biased and inflammatory public statements. Why in hell would we, intelligent citizens of New York and the U.S.A., allow people who HAVE NOT gone through the legal immigration track to become American citizens, the right to vote? On anything? They are ILLEGALS, get it? As in NOT HERE LEGALLY. If there were ever any reason for another civil war, the mayor is fanning the flames of discontent of every legal, tax burdened enough already, and “mad as hell and not going to take it any longer” citizen here. We are upstate New York. We are proud people, proud of who we are, what we have worked hard for, proud to look forward to the future of new job growth without giving away the store, and proud to welcome new people if they want to work hard and EARN a place here based on their own achievements, not on government handouts and welfare. These policies of giving away free stuff to groom new Democrats come right from the top, and are as obvious as the day is long. I am considering a move. Out of country. Somewhere. Before it is too late. I’ll come back once the war starts.


The Tioga County New York Health Department deserves a big THANK YOU for the well-organized rabies clinic held in Waverly last week. The department employees were so friendly and helpful. It was such a pleasant experience. We also appreciate the service provided by the doctors.


On one of the morning shows, a Democrat strategist made the statement, “Hillary is eminently qualified to be the first woman President.” To which I ask, how? By living in the People’s House (The White House) for eight years? The butler did too. By being Secretary of State (and accomplishing nothing) and traveling the world at taxpayer expense? The pilot did too. Sorry, other than a LOT of negative baggage, I see absolutely nothing Hillary brings to the table that makes her anything other than what she is, an unaccomplished dinosaur with a LOT of questionable and even illegal activities in her background. Carly Fiorina, now, that’s another story! Now, THERE’S a first woman President who is worthwhile voting for.


People are getting killed in nearby states from vicious tornadoes all the time. It is time for the Village of Owego to have a warning system besides the T.V. and radio. Many people do not watch or listen 24/7. It is time for us to wake up FERDINAND (fix it) and have it just for real bad weather or flood warnings when determined by the Chief of Police of Owego. It would be very sad if we get hit and most residents were not aware of a catastrophe.


I’ve read column the week of April 5, 2015 where a person had reported animals tied to trees in Nichols, N.Y., which led the death of at least one of these animals. I understand that this information comes from unnamed individuals and the story lacks any detail, which could lead to any immediate follow up. I would like your assistance in locating the individual who has reported this incident so that I might speak with them concerning what they have witnessed and any officials who they may have spoken to. My phone number is (607) 744-2033 and my email address is


Perhaps the reason prosecutors are so anxious to squelch any evidence favorable to Cal Harris is that they now realize that they are prosecuting the wrong man.


In regards to the article about the dogs in Nichols, I would like to express my thoughts and opinion on this subject. To the people who tied their dogs to the coop and left them in the freezing cold winter and hot summer without protection and food and water – I would love to share the same treatment with them and see how they would like it. Second, we need better animal control and enforcement.


Tioga Central School wants to burden the taxpayers with a 30 percent tax increase this year. The blame is put on retirement and healthcare costs. They fail to mention the 3 percent raise that all employees will get, including administration. They fail to mention the $150,000 spent on coach salaries for sports each year. They fail to mention that Tioga Central got the least amount of state aid in the county from the State; this was based on performance and need. What is wrong here? What ever happened to a raise freeze? The raise was approved by the superintendent last year in the contract, has he no insight? There are some administrators getting close to retirement age, are we trying to boost up their salaries for that? Taxpayers need to get involved.


I never thought I would call in about Cal Harris but I keep hearing about it every week. I don’t know the man at all and usually don’t accuse someone of being guilty without being found they are guilty. But let’s face it. With the money he has he can keep going with these trials over and over until he’s found not guilty. The show was on TV about his life and the whole story, and I think the police and prosecutor have all their facts correct. It’s a shame but I really feel sorry for her parents and her relatives being dragged through this over and over again. Let’s feel sorry for the right people, not for someone that’s probably guilty to begin with.


I don’t think Calvin Harris killed his wife. I think he paid somebody to grab her. That’s why you’ll never find her body. She is nowhere in the area and he knows it.


The Boston bomber should not be put to death. Where is the punishment in that? He should spend the rest of his miserable life thinking about the terrible thing he helped to do. Even that won’t come anywhere near justice. There can be no justice for such a crime!


I think the long time friends and family network running the Tioga Central School District needs to be evaluated. The proposed 30 percent tax hike is outrageous. A top to bottom financial audit back over time is in order with full disclosure. For starters, a pool with a $70,000 a year pool manager does not make sense to me. Also, compare salaries top to bottom versus other larger schools. This is a very poor economically depressed area. Where are the high paying jobs to support such a thing? I say vote no.


I agree 100 percent with the parents or person who wrote last week concerning the Tioga Central School District. There are lots of ways to help the school budget out. For starters, I would like to say I am tired of hearing every time a school is in trouble it is our kids that have to take the hit. What about the staff? If staff is so concerned about our children losing out why don’t they all get together and start thinking of ways they can take cuts so our kids don’t have to. Many businesses no longer have pensions and only get raises every now and then. That is a huge cost saver. Look into a different lower cost insurance plan, and let the high-end income staff take a pay cut. Those have all happened to keep other businesses running efficiently. The only way that I would vote yes to such an increase is if my children were getting new gym equipment. I don’t know how many times my kids have come home to tell me the junk they have to play with in gym class. Make it so our kids have really nice sports fields to play on like all the other schools do. Bring art back for our elementary children; art lets our kids use their imagination, the pool does nothing. We can’t even have a swim team because the pool is not regulation size. I can go on and on about how not to take things from our kids and look into other directions to help costs for our school. Our kids go without enough compared to other schools. Let the staff take cuts in other areas. Don’t take from our children. I will be voting no to the increase. When you ask for an increase it should be to better our school, not to keep it afloat and have the teachers not sacrifice anything. It’s always our children that go without when the school needs money and cuts need to happen. I am sick of it!


I have a whole bunch of National Enquirers if anybody is interested in them. Also there is a swing set you can have for free, it has to be taken down. Call 625-3564.


I have many egg cartons to get rid of. If there is anyone that would like them please leave your number in this column.


Why are we smelling raw sewage from the back part of the new group home on the corner of Holiday Hill and Route 17C? There appears to be a new sewage pumping station that’s reeking of raw sewage. I’m sure that can’t be healthy.


This message is for all my neighbors in Tioga County. Please, now that spring is here, consider walking the road directly in front of your driveway and the length of your property at minimum and pick up every ounce of garbage that you see. This county could be beautiful. Last Sunday in the nice weather, my husband and two daughters spent over an hour walking a mile of our road in the town of Tioga. We had multiple neighbors stop and thank my daughters. If not just for the neighbors who would love to see the garbage cleaned up in Tioga County, do it for the future and my children’s future because the last thing that we can afford these days is litter when it’s known what it does to the earth. Take a little bit of time and clean the gutters in front of your home. Thanks neighbors!


The name of the place for domestic abuse is A New Hope Center. It’s located on Church Street in Owego.


When you talk negative, negative is what you’re going to get. On the other hand, if you speak positive, then positive is what you will get. It works both ways.


No place better to take your mother for Mother’s Day than the Candor Emergency Squad Annual Chicken BBQ which will be held on Mother’s Day, May 10 at the Candor Emergency Squad garage. $10 a dinner, you get a perfectly barbequed half a chicken, macaroni salad, baked beans, roll and a cookie, all for $10. Call 659-5529 to reserve your tickets because it sells out every year!


To the parents having their children opt out of the state testing because it’s too stressful for them. Your job as a parent is to have your children ready to face life. Life is stressful, how are you going to pull them out for the rest of their life for anything that may be stressful in their life? How to you prepare them to face it? As for it being against the teachers, the teachers are the only people I know who don’t get evaluated on their results apparently, and don’t want to.


So called republicans leaders in congress seem bound and determined to bring us into yet another war, this time a possible nuclear catastrophe involving Iran. Can these republican buffoons do anything right? Why do they keep forgetting that the American people have given congress an approval rating of less than 10 percent? Good heavens, it’s time for people to wake up!


Remember when Obama, our brave Commander in Chief, decided to cancel the anti missile system approved for Poland and parts of Eastern Europe to defend against Muslim terrorist attacks? Well guess what. Putin will now deliver a missile system to Iran. But don’t worry. Putin says it is a defensive system, which poses no threat to anyone. The United States is once more being played for a fool by our dear leader.


Is our White House resident going to get his information from a TV announcement in order to know that Isis has an establishment across the river in El Paso?