Regionalism was New York State’s first step of socialism

Dear Editor,

The more I read about “what are we to do with the $$$ for Agriculture”, the more warning signs I have coming up as any of us would like to receive the extra monies. My warning to Tioga County Ag constituents is DO NOT SIGN for anything unless you have a lawyer look it over.

If the $$ come without “strings” attached, I would take it. However, more than likely there are strings attached that can change (without your permission) and place a lien on your property. Good Luck if you try to sell your property and it may be turned over to the state. Remember, with sustainable development, New York wants 50 percent of the land in our state.

Regionalism was New York State’s first step of socialism. Non-elected government officials, appointed by the Governor, make decisions on our Region’s eight counties. Look what happened to Tioga Downs’ bid to have a casino in our county. Regional Councils ultimately replace much of our local officials’ authority. Long Range goal is no more locally elected officials. Our state is after a land grab so please be careful.

Did you know that our President is currently writing an Executive Order as a result of the U.N.’s Climate Change directive? Their findings do not have much scientific truth to them, and what climate change is happening is a result of nature (volcanoes, solar flares) and the earth’s cycles. Check out for information on this. Many businesses in Tioga County will be affected by the Executive Order and it’s all because of a U.N. Program and not the truth. We are constantly being “programmed” by this Plan.

Don’t forget your property also includes bank accounts, vehicles, and your kids.  There were 18 specific points in Agenda 21 and the last one was on education.  Enter Common Core, which was originally developed by the government in 1952. When Executive Order 12852 was signed in 1993, money moguls like Bill Gates, etc. went to town on this and started changing text books, ensuring that this was to be the way to “start brainwashing” our kids. Did you know that they are having kids assess our “Bill of Rights” and defining it as negative? Instead they want to rename it “Declaration of Human Rights” (and you wonder why there’s so much unrest in our country).

I have obtained most of my information from Tom DeWeese, president of The American Policy Center ( and John Anthony of Sustainable Freedom Lab. Tom has had 18 years of digging into this and helping people out on the fight for their property rights. We are currently working on having Tom speak here in our Region on May 15. We would like all Legislators and Town Supervisors there along with any one else that wishes to attend. I recommend everyone plan on hearing Tom speak.  I’ll keep you informed of this evening event.


Sandy Gumble


Apalachin, N.Y.