Readers’ Column for the week of March 22, 2015

You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to We reserve the right to revise or reject any message.

Thank you to the 210 Newark Valley students and the two directors for the wonderful Prism concert!


I don’t understand that because of St. Patrick’s Day they had to change Election Day. You can’t vote on St. Patrick’s Day or what?


I agree with the reader that wrote in last week about the dog poop on the sidewalks. You cannot walk on the sidewalks hardly anymore in Owego because of the dog poop that is on the sidewalks. I think people should be accountable that have dogs that walk them and get it picked up and get it cleaned up. They know who they are. I don’t own a dog, but if I did I would clean up my dog’s poop, even in the wintertime in the snow.


This is to the person who commented about the programming on public television. If you don’t like the programming that they show for the pledge drives call WSKG and tell them. Don’t call this column.


I’d like to comment on the comment last week about not having two mechanics in the town of Owego. I haven’t been in the town of Owego as long as some of these I’ve heard like the old man on the hill, the genius. I’ve talked to some of them and we always did when we had a few trucks, had two mechanics and we had two foremen, working foremen.


It’s my understanding there have been some county meetings on county employees getting raises. I’d like to know why this is, every time I turn around these people deserve a raise. I mean some of them are hard workers, yes, but I’m not talking about any particular departments, but I’m saying there is one department in which I don’t think those people need to have a raise. I think they should have to work just like the rest of us taxpayers do. When do we ever get a raise? All we ever do is end up paying taxes because of all this.


I’d like to know who took the red bows off the bridge in Newark Valley just past the school on the left hand side. Just to let you know there were two people that lost their lives there and that’s why they were there. I don’t appreciate you taking those bows off there because I’m the one that put them there. Thank you very much for being a concerned person.


I’d like to leave a note to people to stop complaining about Cal Harris. He’s an innocent guy. He’s a very nice guy. He’d give the shirt off his back for people and has done a lot for the community. People need to stop calling him a killer and accusing him of killing his wife because he didn’t do it. He’s a real nice guy. So people should back off and leave Cal alone. He’s a real nice guy.


In the Elmira newspaper on Sunday, it says, “Do it” at the top and at the bottom it says “appreciation’’. It says these activities and attractions help celebrate the country’s rich culture. It’s too bad there’s another segment of society that couldn’t appreciate their culture but they can do anything they can to ruin the culture of their country.


About 50 percent of wage earners pay zero federal taxes. The earned income tax credit gives taxpayer money to those who pay zero federal taxes. It might surprise you to know that this includes, get this, $4.2 billion given to illegal aliens. Is there any intelligent life on this planet?


Can the obamacrats be so stupid that they will support the corrupt Clinton’s after the disastrous last six years under the emperor? Probably. In the meantime former pro-Obama big money from Bill Gates, General Electric, and other corporate cronies is sending millions of dollars to shove Jeb Bush down the throats of the conservatives and patriots who want real change from the Marxist economic empire gaining more control of the U.S. every single day.


Is there anyone in the Apalachin area who does sewing alterations?


I personally want to thank the Owego Pennysaver staff for giving us the privileges offered through this column, in which we are able to state info/opinions, ask questions, and give encouragement to others. Someone in last week’s edition commented that we shouldn’t be asking others through the “Column” for advice and that we should be contacting the source of our unanswered questions instead. It’s not that simple. Sometimes, when I pick up the phone and call an office, agency, etc. for advice, I am greeted with a recording which tells me to “stay on the line and your call will be answered in the order received” or “we are unable to take your call at this time – please try again later.” Unfortunately, those of us who are elderly and those of us with speech / hearing disabilities cannot endure those suggestions. It sure is nice to contact the Owego Pennysaver’s “Press Column” where we can be heard. It is nice that fellow citizens in this county will help out when they are willing to give their own testimonies to help those in need. Again, thanks to the Owego Pennysaver for enabling us to read your “Column” each week!


What a hoot! Al Gore now wants to punish people who don’t buy his hogwash! Yeah, right. If global warming and climate change is honest and such a big deal, why was his movie, “An Inconvenient Truth” photo shopped and “facts” altered to fit the desired outcome? Why has there been instance after instance of altered “facts” from various sources supposedly “proving” global climate change? Why is there no definite proof? When you can’t win an argument by proving facts, then pass a law that everyone HAS to agree, or be punished. Yeah, that’s the American way all right! Ever hear of the 1st Amendment Al?


Recent data has shown that the richest 0.1 percent (115,000 households) have each increased their wealth by an astonishing $10 million per year mostly from Wall Street (the stock market) while 138,000 kids were homeless. And $45 billion per year in federal, state, and other safety net support is paid to workers earning less than $10.10 an hour. Thus the average U.S. household is paying about $400 to employees in low-wage industries such as food service, retail, and personal care. That means you and I are making up for the poor wages paid by fast food, big box stores, except for Costco. Walmart’s profits last year were about $25 billion so they can well afford to pay their employees the same as Costco does ($15 hour minimum).


Republicans in the U.S. will propose major spending cuts to programs such as Medicare, health care subsidies, food stamps and the Medicaid program for the poor and elderly to produce a budget that’s balanced on the backs of the poor and elderly.


With colossal flood loans exceeding our mortgages, high village taxes that offer us very little in return, obscene increases in sewer and other services, flood insurances that have quadrupled, we simply can’t afford the OPD! We have to cut where we can, and protect ourselves, as we can, until the stigma of the flood has passed and we can sell our properties and get out of this poorly run village.


We have a dairy farm and our milk is picked up by a tractor trailer every other day and when he picks it up he usually takes both lanes to pull up beyond the barn, puts on his four way flashers, and then backs into the driveway. On March 14, at about 11 a.m., he arrived and pulled up and a green SUV waited behind him. The milk truck started backing up then the SUV passed him on the RIGHT hand side. Of course the driver blasts his horn but to no avail. This happens all too often. Are people in such a hurry that they can’t wait for a few minutes for the truck to back up? People need to be more patient in this world and have respect for others.


It is spring in the village of Candor and many people still haven’t shoveled their sidewalks. My husband and I like to walk for exercise, and we still have to go out into the road in many places because people let the snow build up on the sidewalk in front of their homes all winter, and now it is ice. In addition to the danger of falling on the sidewalk or getting hit by a car in the road, we now have to dodge the dog poop that people haven’t picked up either. How can people be so rude and inconsiderate?