Our constitution is being laughed at

Dear Editor,

I recently heard a reporter state, on a major TV news show, that the rioting in Ferguson was funded by billionaire George Soros. This action resulted in the destruction of a community and is similar to other actions associated with Mr. Soros.

He supported and funded our current President’s Senate election because he subscribed to George‘s international socialism plans. With one sweeping move the President‘s party also signed up for these plans.

Our country is drifting into a place where the politicians feed us scraps from their table and in the process remove our freedom, liberty and independence. Removal of these will kill our great country, thus removing the world’s hope and each individual’s inherent passion for creating a place where they are free to choose their own life direction (from a recent immigrant).

I am writing this because I want you to understand where I see our country is going and why. Our constitution is laughed at and our unique founding ignored and in many cases our youth are taught our faults and our greatness is ignored. Our government and many of our 80 percent Christian citizens ignore many of God’s NT instructions, which accounted for our Democracy‘s success (per Alexis de Tocqueville).

There is a survival battle going on and the enemies of our great experiment are not being challenged. In the process they are also ridiculing and diminishing our past/present patriots and your government


John H Zechman

Endicott, N.Y.