Postcard mailing was inaccurate and misleading

Dear Editor,

If the recent post card mailing containing inaccurate and misleading information about the OPD was a legitimate survey from the Village Public Safety Committee; as Ann Lockwood states in her recent WBNG TV camera interview; why did I and other registered voters not receive a survey?

Why are they only interested in the opinion of a select few?

Why was the survey response return address that of a private business of one of the current Village Trustees from the A Positive Change Party?

Why was the Village Board not aware of the survey or privy to the decision to send it out to select village voters?

It is obvious this was not a legitimate attempt at gathering a true read from all the village voters; but rather a purposeful attempt to sway the March 18 election vote under the misdirected and illegal activity of three A Positive Change village trustees currently on the committee: Lockwood, Phelps and May.

If this was a legitimate survey the opinion of many registered voters has been disregarded and there has been an infringement of equal opportunity in the decision making process for many village residents.

The recent activity of Village Public Safety Committee members from the A Positive Change Party is a disgrace to our community. They have misused their elected authority for the purposes of self-promotion and reelection. Their actions are intolerable and weakening the democratic process within our village.

Please take back your Village! Vote Row B March 18 for Rebuild Owego Party candidates – Millar, Morris and Ceccherelli.


Jacque Millar

Village Trustee Candidate